maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024

Another option: the world is of spirit

 My books 

29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

torstai 28. kesäkuuta 2018

Virtual world: pictures of the world governing

I moved this from my blog to a new blog, since the list is so long.

If future computers will have a human like thinking ability or almost, and social eye, how will they interact with a group of people like the society or it's parts? Most likely is a conversation like way to lead the computer and it's influence on people. In that the idea is that people's pictures of the world, as far as they are correct, should lead the computer and the society, wisely is the point in this.

1. Already young children may have personal wisdom that exceeds their school like learned things. The computer should take into account the views of all but only as far as they are correct. Children have little experience of life and rely on knowledge from others, in which they often make a rigid rule like thought structure because those things are too wide and too much outside their own experience of life. So of such thought structures it matters for the computer and for older persons to make extra markings about their areas of validity, about how exact they are at each place, how wide sphere of attention makes such observations, how much understanding and what is the subject like in terms of more experience and understanding, how do these two views connect.
There is a similar correction to be made to the views of the stupid: how much do they notice, which types of things, how essential those are in each kind of thing, how exact are the thoughts at each place, how widely valid, what is the subject like with more understanding eyes, which part of that the stupid one notices. Where someone errs, should not be counted to his&/her picture of the world but should be dropped away and only as a part of a description of that person as an observer mentioned.

2. Often when eople are schooled but not with much experience of life and social eye, they tend to make observations on a general language about a wide group even though the observations may be correct only about a small group or about themselves. So then just check the areas of validity: for example if the claim is not correct somewhere, smallen the area of validity to the group of people like the person himself/herself.
Also when people with differet levels of skills communicate, the more stupid one often marks mistakenly the areas of validity or the level of skill, position, rights etc to be the same as those of others, and stuppornly keeps to that claim. Then just go through the claim and it's context in the familiar language and familiar social environment of that person so as to get sizes right. Like, the stupid may make a wide remark with lots of force when he/she just means to discuss the subject with some aquiantage in the light what they have read, so in fact he/she means to make no claim at all but just spend time discussing some books and some old knowledge. So just mark the claims with right areas of validity, right trustworthiness, right position etc. Support the position of more skilled moral ones by explaining how experienced and skilled they are, that they are just making ordinary observations of skilled work. In explaining this use roughly the ordinary perspective of his/her social life, not emphasizing the importance of the skills and deeds of others in that context, merely leaving them further away and continuing his/her normal life in normal ways, without lies about position and skill or rights. Misunderstandings of this type are common also between cultures and between groups of different types of people, for which the same approach in explaining helps at least somewhat.

3. When children come from scholl or people from work and are mostly alone at home thinking of what to eat etc, they think of all kinds of subjects but not like as if conversating with someone or being social. Instead they think of them like their own thoughts and feelings, kind of on a more personal level. Those thoughts are on a different kind of language that seeks for comfort and rest. They are not tuned to meet the needs of others. Instead they seek integrity to their own life.

4. In good quality objective thinking all kinds of observations are taken objectively into account, for example, feelings, atmospheres, sensations and social impressions. This means that also tones of voice, context, environment, other things done, life situation and reactions, character, skill level in different things, way of being social with each person, mood etc carry information that makes the message more exact and makes it easier for skilled to discern the trustworthiness and area of vality of each claim. This is not a separate level of information but an integral part of the picture of the situation which primarily should include information about what was the subject, in which context, in which ways of thinking, with how much skill, what are the other skills used, who are the persons and what are they like, who said what, what are the main ideas discussed, what kind of new input was made, what old repeated, what grounds used, how sure the claims were, what is the area of validity of them, what is the picture of the thing as a whole, what does it matter in a larger context, what is the larger context like. A this kind of picture is like a video of the persons discussing plus a clear representation of the subject and (with social colours) who said what, which perspectives they referred to. To interprete feelings, social impressions etc right one needs the concretical video like picture of the situation, not just vague clouds of feelings or sensations connected to the subject. Feelings emphasize the importance of things to life in the world. They are not the same as the whole picture of the thing in question. You can you count all kinds of observations as a part of an atmosphere, for exapmple a seen landscape like view together with the feelings, social impressions, wisdom of life, associations etc that it aroses, forming so a good view of the whole subject with it's connections to other subjects in the wider picture of the world.

5. In making estimates of what different persons are like, it is important to know that the differencies from one person to another and from one cultural domain to another are huge in what kinds of things people see as necessary and what skills and values they cultivate. Responsible individuals typically see responsibilyt as necessary while unresponsible people typically don't think that they need to be responsible in practise at all. Typically things that get checked well get cultivated well and are correct, while skills and merits that are not properly checked do not get cultivated at all, so having a very moral aquiantage can cause a total lack of moral because some people assume mistakenly that the other one too would be at least somewhat moral.
People typically choose things and values and valuable points in things and not the style of things (except those who want to act that they have the merit of the thing with such style) or the exact form of things in each occasion. For example valuing good understanding and skill is different from wanting to look school like.

6. Often people mark new and distant aquiantages important if they think that they have somethuing valuable to learn from them. On the other hand they often mark close persons like parents and siblings merely as parts of the everyday environment, as parts of daily life and not as central figures to themselves because they do not think that they should associate more closely to learn from these persons their wisdom of life and skills. So in thinking there is the usual environment like a background and then there are spots of light where one wishes for extra emphazis for those things compared to the daily life in the past few years, and dark spots where one dearly wishes for much more distance to those persons, whether they are parts of the dauily life or not. At the same time one's aquiantages who wish to learn your skills or the skills of your parents etc, may mark your close relationships very important to them, much more important than you mark them to yourself. Often people search for things that they admire and when they spot some skill of that kind they may consider it very important to themselves even though it is just a glimpse from faraway.

7. Often people do not see the skills of others. High skill looks complex and without certain form, sensitive too. So high skill easily gets bypassed without noticing the person having such skills. On the other hand, stupid ones do things clumsily and with force, so they get easily noticed. So in estimating other people's skills one should not believe the clumsiest having average or even high skill. Instead the ordinary have average skill and the vague yet honestly superbly well working have highest skills.
What takes a large part of a person's capacity and is a major interest for the person, is usually clearly in sight in his/her looks. But what takes just a small part of a person's capacity to do well and is not a major interest for the person at that moment is not so much seen in his/her looks. Instead her/his life's major matters are seen in her/his looks.
Seen characteristics that do not look symphatic are often characteristics of some skill and not feelings, social ways or the like.

8. Often people search for position, but in fact it is either a big crime that destroys the living conditions or an obligation toward the society's common good without anything personally gained. What they in fact search is power to influence their own life, personal freedom and safety with good living possibilities. That is best given by the Finnish rule "Live and let others live!" which means that you are allowed to live completely freely as far as you do not unfairly disturb others from living completely freely without unfairly disturbing others.
Position is for certain deed only, separate for each deed and demands the support of moral, social ways and truth, since much of the influence is in people copying or in the effects, side effects and further consequencies of the things done and of who did what and how. So position isn't for actors but typically demands professional skill, diligence, moral and social ways suited for that subject in that high position. Some people notice who is an actor and refuse to give position, others notice lack of skill or quality or of suitable character and moral and lessen the psoition of an actor, and the socially not so skilled or not so experienced do not notice anything unusual and give normal position.

9. All people have social eye and treat different people differently, according to what they estimate the situation and the other person and their relationship to be like. So different people get a different kind of picture of what other people are like, since they see different sides of those people. So even if someone makes correct observations about humans, one cannot generalize them to pictures of those persons in all their social contact, since they all behave differently according to each situation and each person that they need, often copying something from the other one but different things from different persons and in different amounts. Instead one must picture each person separately with one's social contacts, if one needs such a picture. Often the characteristics of a person explain a quite large part of how he/she gets treaten and a picture of the society and of lives in general in different life situations for different types of characters explain another large part.

10. Often children and young men who do not have much social eye and not much experience of different ways of living and doing, think that all should have the same qualities, succeed as much as others and feel the same in doing something like the others. But that is not so because people are different. The character differencies are largely differencies in ways of doing, values, social tactics and situations of life, which largely determine how well they succeed in each thing, and these differencies are reflected in how they feel upon doing something. So the same for all is not objectively done. Instead one must allow room for noticing the differencies, because otherwise one cannot learn new skills from others.

11. In skills the basic level of skill is always needed. For some with a poor capacity happens that when they try advanced things they drop the basic level away and produce so fine sounding nonsense instead of skilled work. That is typical in demanding skills for liars and for those elder people who lack excercise in basic things. Such errors of course do not deserve the position of an expert worker or good quality work or the like but should be judged according to the basic level of skill used, especially the values respected and ones not respåected. Often high skill looks different from basic skill and that is no reason to think that it is nonsense. Instead one should ask for ground for the basci things and see how they are taken into account in the whole, and so with the higher skill levels too.

12. Often those who are fond of school or university are not very good at thinking but have memorized lots of book knowledge. They tend to consider that important and if one would copy from them, they would suggest "Just this, just these. " and "Just like this." which is an error because they are not good at making observations and so they do not know well where the edges of concepts are and how sure each thing is at each point of it's area of validity, how big it is at each point, how important it is at each point and how much emphazis it should be given at each point. So one should not copy from them exactly and not the form of things but only the knowledge of major points in some form or in another. Instead one should copy the exact form from much more skilled thinkers with practical common sense and insight and lots of experience.

13. When different people at different occasions discuss about social matters and about what is right and what is allowed, each of those conversations has a context and cannot be understood without it. It is also so that if someone gives advices about what is allowed and what is not, often the receiver does not understand or fully respect the reasons for the rules. Some people care about large scale matters and take care that large matters get well, while some others do not carry responsibility at all. There is a common European moral that should be always followed and other notices are kind of just additional remarks to it, not altering anything in it. Also common sense with a picture of the whole and good will should be respected, be a helping aid to the moral.
Often people are estimated among other things according to how wide area they should be allowed to affect. That area means the area they carry responsibility over. If it is just one person, it isn't anybody else but they themselves. If it is a large group, it means that in other things they may affect less widely.

14. Those who think most of some subject are usually not skilled in it. Either they are slow witted or not talented in it or they have some need unmet and that is why they spend time thinking of the subject, like the hungry tend to think of food and those who eat unhealthily may be obsessed with food thoughts, and like people when they run to some problem, spend time thinking about a solution to it. Instead those who think the subject through but do it very quickly among other things and do not spend time in the subject, typically know it well, especially if their understanding and ways of living tend to be good in such respects.

15. Via video phones and the like it is possible to be close to people whom one has not even met. So it is possible to learn from them in these encounters. But learning is connected to the social situation and too close contact obstructs one's understanding, at least the understanding of many. And so a more distant connection that is mostly seeing and hearing what the other one talks, does not have these obstructing social sensations and so teaches much better.

16. People are different and have in practise different needs. Those who are happy doing something or in living in a certain way, are happy because their needs are met and they do not long for much else, and that is a question of them being less demanding in that situation. So the happy ones cannot be a guide in how to arrange things for others too to be happy, quite oppisite. For making people happy one needs something like a bureaucrats' view: what needs do people have and how to meet those needs in their situations of life. So meeting needs is a much more complex thing than giving power to the most satisfied to the present conditions, which is kind of synonymous to not meeting the needs of others, to making them unhappy.

17. Human relationships are complex. People have different strenghts, likings and habits, so they offer different things. So the admirer of someone isn't typically an admirer of someone more skilled than that person or of some aquiantage in a higher position because of job, moral, charm or skill. Also skill, if it is much higher, produces a different style, and so those who admire some basic level of skill typically don't admire high skill in the same, at least do not like the looks of the much more skilled or their ways of doing and diligence.

18. Typically people do not fit ideally well together but instead find a comfortable distance in associating with each other. So if someone needs extra support, it has to be found in new aquiantages and not in investing extra in the old ones. Like-minded, likewise inclined and favourite groups and cultures are typically best for this. But even looking at the wide world, at least one's own country, is often better than investing in someone who was comfortable with the old situation or even then too close. Age, gender, etc are noobstruction to finding people who have time for you and will to assist in somewhat in something you need, be it conversation, help from more skilled or whatever.

19. Different women are often widely different. What is said about women in general, typically applies only to some quite small group of women with certain values or whatever. Also relatives are different, even though they may look similar and talk of similar subjects because they have associated a lot with each other for many years.

20. What fits one, does not fit others. So you cannot take something that you like a lot or that helps you in your life a lot (your safety arrangement or your favourite things) and put it to others since propably they cannot live with it, at least not well and not in the long run. Each thing has to be fitted to each individual, like you can see from clothes and from the good arrangement that people can with money buy anything they like or need.

21. The arrangements of the Finnish society,like the rule "Live and let others live" apply to all relationships, also to the closest reöationships, to relationships to people you do not care about and to relationships to foreigners and groups. These is no other rule for your mom, spouce or your enemy, instead all must follow the same rules. There is no special allowance because you mom/dad/spouce promised you something, instead the society's rules apply also to those relationships and to theirinfluence to the others via your behaviour.

22. All arrangements should be made according to sure thoughts, sure observations and feelings of persons concerned about the thing in question and not according to words, misunderstandings, unsure observations, wrong classifications, sabotaged communication, feelings about wrong things, feelings of outsiders, or the like.

23. Ainimals and even more unusual "persons" have their own rights which are determined the same way as human's rights: according to justice, skills and moral. A human does not overrule automatically animals, instead an animal with high skills and good moral can be in a deciding position, and an animal deciding about it's own life. One cannot replace another person, not even an animal, for example gaining his/her position, rights or social relationships. Instead each person has one's own skills, own position, own social relationships etc, and if she/he/it cannot do something that is her/his/it's task, someone with enough skills, knowledge and moral does it without gaining any rights etc of the original person supposed to do it.
Having a job or an education may cause that some task is given to that person, but that does not remove the need for good enough moral and high enough skills, knowledge etc for that task before one has the right to do that task. Otherwise the task needs to be given to others or left undone if there is no-one enough moral and enough skilled for that task.

24. Things ending poorly in some area typically means that those in a deciding position, or at least some of them, did not have enough skills or moral for that high position at all. Everybody at their right level of skill and moral in the hierargies brings a much much better result. Sometimes some, for example because they lack experience and should so stick to a more theoretical role, are in a too low position in some hierargy and so their skills do not enough respect in how things are done and so the whole suffers from the lack of emphazis on those skills.

25. Each human has a certain amount of understanding and a certain amount of good will and tolerance toward others. These naturally determine how much the individual notices of others. Trying to tell them more, without increasing their understanding and good will as much, typically produces the end result that the individual does not bear so much difficult(?) information about so different others and so becomes aggressive toward them on that part. So increasing knowledge or social eye artificially is not a good option and should be avoided.  Also decreasing artificially the amount an individual understands and notices with good will, removes that amount of support from the workings of the society and is not a good option.

26. Often a picture of the people in some group or area is needed, but people are complex, so what to pay attention to. Each person has a certain skill level in a variety of tasks and a sphere of life nowadays and these together determine which routes are good for the individual and which not, so they determine his/her values, a large part of his/her picture of the world and his/her attitudes. Since the skills of people are not perfect, they often rely on others and so their opinions and skill levels may vary from company to other. It matters to classify opinions of each person according to each company, how wide question it is in this company, what types of grounds he/she uses (social position, looks, practical thinking, cunning of certain type (whose), educated thoughts of certain professions or books or magazines, social bonding, not knowing, sensitivity etc), which ideals and goals are especially respected or well respected (like whom), how long do the opinions endure and in which types of company, are the others thinking large scale or small scale, which cultures they are relying on and what are the intentions of the cultures, etc. Then just add the rule "Live and let others live" and take social distance from opinions not according to the rule and prevent them from harming others, so you get the society work well together with the help of objective common sense with a picture of the whole.

27. Climate differencies affect life a lot. In heat one needs to be more relaxed and with a slow sloppy rythm while in cool one needs to be sporty and quick and look a lot and use the sense of atmospheres. These kinds of differencies affect thinking capacity, working capacity and the type of social friendliness: is it lazying, offering a meal or a bicycle trip for fun or whatever. These climate differencies are encoded in cultures and so a person coming from a widely different climate typically does not have the basic building elements of ordinary life, much less even children's skill level (for example always being more rational than lower classes in school demand from kids, so such level too should be always checked and not presupposed) in the main things done in a widely different climate. This would suggest a division of jobs between climate zones instead of a global culture. One can learn things from other cultures but in a different climate they have a different place in the daily life and in the workings of the society, for example because social relationships and work diligence are widely different in type. All things do not fit equally well to be learned in other cultures.

28. Some people, typically those in preferred groups considered more intelligent in the art of living, if they are allowed to decide about others, don't decide according to their greatest wisdom about what is wise in life and in the world.Instead they make caricatures of what the others are like. And like is typical for people not liking some style they emphasize where the others go wrong, kind of commanding them to be more like that picture, instead of finding a better alternative. Like practical people about academical people, like women about men, like arts oriented about those whose mothers liked engineering for them. That is of course against the point in giving extra rights to the wisest ones. All rights should be used fairly and morally. So if you are in a position as a wise person, you should pick wisest options and not just anything you happen to choose.

29. If people from different backgrounds associate with each other or if people use their personal not-at-all-educated views in estimating others, it is typical that extreme things are not believed in but dropped away as if they were severe errors. So in communicating to a wide group or to the social eye if someone you know, it is best to start with commonly agreed everyday picture of the world and such picture of people too. So if you are the best in something, communicate that you belong to one fifth or one tenth of your group in being most interested in such skills and most skilled in them too. Then within such group you can with the same tactic communicate more detailedly. Likewise the group should be such that the other person understands it, like Europeans, European women, roughly my age.

30. Each deed demands that one understands enough, knows enough, has enough skills and is responsible enough for that deed to affect so widely. So it is also in communication and media. The message transforms to something with a different picture of the world, different context, different values and different social ways and different level of skills as someone tells it to a new group. Such communication isn't always free of errors and so it's feedback should be aimed at the jurnalist, social person, actor or whoever delivers the message and not to the original source, unless those features are surely the original source's and not just something added by the person delivering the message.

31. A separate re,ark: A computer with a picture of the world does not turn upside-down, to opposite of it's original picture of the world without sabotaging it so point by point. Computer's picture of the world ought to be structured. It is not just a list of nonsense words and numerical values associated to them. Instead it is structures which consist of many parts, so that turning the parts to opposites breaks the whole to pieces instead of building it's opposite from them.

32. People do not learn from all who are more skilled than they are. Instead they learn from those whom they find interesting and who are better than they are but so near their own skill level that they notice the things of worth and manage to copy them quite easily. In addition one can learn from skilled teachers when they teach but not by copying their ways when they don't teach. So typically there isn't much that one could learn from the idol of one's idol even if one can learn much from one's idol. Besides, the dreams of one's forefigures are a different thing from their present job, present area of expertise. Dreams are connected to needs and a beginner needs different things than a guru, and in addition individuals have different needs and different skills, so even two equally skilled persons do not need the same things.

33. For a computer, for an outsider, for the too bored, for those who got only a glimpse, for the too stupid and for those of a too much different age it may be difficult to understand how things really are, what was a lie, what was a misunderstanding, what is the truth, what is likely and what is far away from how things should be. Then it isn't at all ok to guess. Instead one should refer to what is considered ok, and that is a wide group of things,a dn allow that. And on the other hand not allow anything that goes too much ashtray, however unusual it sounds. For that civilized ways, common sense like good quality objective thinking with a picture of the whole, civilized values and good moral are a good choise.

34. Some people prefer a man like style that they consider soldier like or objective even if it is just stiffness and knowledge learned in school. That is different from objectivity and is not a characteristic of objectivity. So it should not have any commanding power or any position as a rule to be obeyed. Instead objectivity itself, truth and moral - without demanding a certain style - should have the positions that they fairly deserve.

35. If things are run with the help of artificial arrangements like a computer network via thoughts, it isn't ok to react likewise if someone pours a pile of shit upon you. Instead you should behave civilizedly. Like with internet discussion groups, there are easily misunderstandings and very different kinds of people discussing without it being in sight. So even completely ok well motivated comments can look unsuitable and so the right reaction to unsuitable things isn't doing wrong oneself. Instead one should repeat in a wide context what is usually ok and why and what on the other hand is not allowed, so as to answer both possibilities without causing any extra harm. So one also should not make very detailed rules about how to do things but allow variation and arrange things on a general level according to the rule "Live and let others live" together with common sense.

36. Typically when it is a question of what is valued and what not and what is allowed and what not and which rights do groups have, people refer to wide groups like engineers or psychologists meaning all whose work or education is connected to those areas of knowledge and skill. They do not mean people with work titles including the word "engineer" or "psychologist" as such, instead they refer to wide group that includes all such professions from sociologists to mental health professionals and psychological consultants or from practical maintenance engineers to high tech engineering research. But those who temselves are of those professions may be inclined to take sides and claim that faults are only on a narrow group but that praise and high rights belong to the wide group, which of course is an intentional wrong interpretation of language and should not be allowed.

37. People who make borders to disicplines like straight lines are often burdened over their capacity and want to smallen so much the area that they need to pay attention to and carry responsibility over. They agree to let civilized ways and others to decide other things in the world and in their lives. So they are not commanding others to stay inside those borders, or they command but have not thought straight about the subject and their real intention is to smallen the amount of things to take into account for themselves.
For some peole it happens that they attack senselessly just about everything in some subject and that typically too means that they want to smallen radically their own sphere of action so that such demanding or too strange things or too different kind of people stay away from their life's circles. Such is often the case of getting tired to a foreign culture or too different sphere of interests that demands attentiuon and skills. They too often claim that they want position, but smaller sphere of influence containing only things of certain kind is called a lower position, not higher. If someone has position and everything goes ashtray under their influence, a much lower position, a much smaller sphere of influence for such person would solve the problem away.

38. If one wants to estimate how much of each thing would be best for each individual, the differencies are enermous. Different people are interested in different things and use mainly different areas of life. If one has a hobby that one likes but the neighbouring is not interested in such, not fond of such, then the one with a nice hobby practises it maybe three hours a week and thinks of it often, say five times a day or even more, and the neighbouring one not at all such things. That is a difference of 5 times 365 days a year which is about 1750 times a year compared to not voluntarily at all. And if one would have a dream job, maybe one would think of it a hundred times a day and the other one not at all. So the differencies are more than thousandfold in ordinary everyday life's usual subjects, like with a nice job that the other one is not interested in, the first one needs it 100 000 times more to be happy.

39. Human relationships are not symmetrical. What someone else is to oneself, is not necessarily at all the same as one oneself is to that person. This is clear when thinking of the elderly for kids or musicians for engineers, but applies to other relationships too, since all people are different and have different situations of life. So when someone considers someone elkse close to oneself, it is not necessarily at all so that one  would be close to that someone else, like one can understand from the relationships of moral people with evil people: the moral one is easy to accept near, while an evil person near is often impossible to bear.

40. People often suppose that one person or group cannot be better in something than all the rest together. But if one thinks for exampkle of a group in which only one has a certain enthusiastic hobby, it is quite clear that that one alone can achieve much more in that hobby than the rest together. But often it is so that the brightest ones of the group together with the one with the hobby could achieve even more. And if one thinks of cultures, they are similarly specialized to doffierent things, Finns can know more about sauna than the rest together.

41. Often people fond of some area of life, some values, culture or climate or group think that that group is the wisest, has chosen the best strategy and is so the most skilled and with most wisdom of life in questions that matter. They also often know the feelings and situations of life of the people in that group but not those of people in other groups. So they often make mistaken estimates that all should choose the same as they do in order to do better in life. But if you meet one kind of person, you trun that kind of side of yourself toward them, and for another kind of person another type of side, so typically the phenomena that people know well aren't as widely spread major questions of life as it seems. So for example people who come to Finland from warm climates often think that the best way to do well in Finland is to eat enermously much, while those who can live in Finland's climate feel better without eating unusually much. Also in other matters a lack of skill in living often is shown by valuing food as a source of good life, while those with much more skills in living value other things more, other things bring them better life. So relying on the experience of one group only in what is needed often does not give the right picture of who is skilled and who not.

42. If things go ashtray with people doing senseless completely unobjective things, one should check and mark clearly the basic things and the basic things in communication, like nationality, skill level, intentions, and in communication way of talking (objective fact language, exaggeration, detailed, negligient, lying, central things, additions, etc) that each participant supposes to be in use, likewise contexts, what things are conpared to, how sure things are, how wide areas of validity, etc.

43. In communication the message is different from style. You cannot notice from the style who listened to your message. Copying style relates to admiring greatly and to sexual interest and to wishes to be best friends. So style influence goes always to same persons even if you communicate to others. Someone not copying your style does not mean that they would not have catched the thoughts you communicated.
Great skill is a question of one's way of doing which is seen in style but acting style does not bring skill. Besides most people are not so skilled that stheir style would be well chosen fro the sake of skill. Instead it is better to do things in one's own ways and to cultivate things that are usually good for doing things healthily and well.
Being social with people doing different things often brings tuning to their tasks at hand and to their perspective which is a feature of communication skills and not of admiring, since one does better if one does things in one's own ways and just in communication and social situation uses somewhat the perspective of the other.
Fact communication is what is good if one is not an admirer, and good for admirers too I guess. But enemies should be kept away from getting much or personal information since they do not behave morally if they get too much assistance. But one does not need to be personal with others either when one does not want to. Civilized ways are most often followed by those with whom one gets along.

44. People turn toward others the side that is kind of at the same areas of life as the other person is fond of. They often also comment on things somewhat from the same perspective, somewhat same level of intelligence and skill and somewhat same view on human relationships as the other one, here like a pal or a younger person. So people if they copy from others behaviour and what is ok to say etc, often produce views about others or about life that are copied from others but that are more like the views of others about themselves than correct about anybody else than themselves. So people tend to say that others should have just the same amount of freedom and rights as they themselves have the right to, and they tend to think that others too need the same kind of life as they themselves do, and they tend to think that others are roughly as trustworthy as they themselves are on some side. But that is also partly a consequence of them talking mostly to people who like the areas of life that they temselves are specialized to, like when you on the street need to ask the road from someone there, you tend to pick someone who turns toward you and is easily reached socially, and so from a few persons seemingly randomly selected you pick maybe 20% that most like your way of life - and all of them are there because they like the things the district offers: high quality, low cost, certain professions, certain ways of life, certain values, certain ages, etc.

45. Usually problems do not get solved and people do not learn anything if you put them artificially to a too close contact. Instead they learn from a comfortable distance when they can keep their own ways all the time and see what is what and what they have use for and what they do not want to copy to their life. Often social observations from a too short distance are a mess, especially for the younger ones, for the more stiff ones and for those with less capacity, less experience of life and less liking for the other person's ways of living. A short piece in the news from a formal distance is often ok while getting to know very different supposed forefigures is nasty. Things on a very general level one can learn from but not things adapted to very different likings and needs.

46. Many people, especially men and academical people, often suppose that others do not speak objective language all the time, like is suited for the subject, occasion, persons discussing etc, like people typically choose way of talking and ways of thinking used in those occasions. So they make the erroneous judgement that they themselves can talk total nonsense, imagination, lies, evil things etc, as if all the rules of the society and all the rules of human relationships, moral and objectivity had been removed. So they cause lots of harm. They should be made to understand that malicious things and lies may affect things, may cause large effects and so they are not allowed. When there are such communication gaps, it often happens that nonsense and lies get taken as the real opinions of the persons, and as what they use their real position and profession to.

47. Some men or evil women think that women treat them peculiarly and would like to turn the situation around: "What would you think if I would treat you like that?". But those are typically situtations born out of the personal characteristics of the individuals and not some male-female opposite. The things left ununderstood in them are almost always questions of moral: all do not get as much rights, instead rights are determined according to justice. In order to gain a right to affect certain things you need to carry responsibility about them, otherwise you won't get the right.

48. Some people suppose that parents would be close relationships also for adults, but usually that is not so. Parents are no longer forefigures for an adult and not for teen either. Instead parents are forefigures for their younger colleagues and for those who admire their work. Those people consider your parents as a part of their identity, as something to grow toward. But already teens have other forefigures than their parents, they have other deams about adult life and grow to those directions.

49. Generally rights, obligations and areas of influence of each deed vary from one situation to another and from one person to another according to what is fair and follows common sense with a wide enough picture of the whole. But company, cunning, being tired, influences lately, drugs, pressure, customs in the society etc affect how well the individual does each thing at each occasion. So rights etc should not be given to a person but for each deed only. The deed demands enough skill and enough moral and good enough picture of the world. So basic skills that school seeks to teach are almost always demanded and should be checked. Likewise is there the need for moral without further cunning palns or intentions for future wrongdoings. On the other hand when these requirements are met, it is often fair to give rights to also persons who do not usually have such rights, like beginners taking part in some activity in a group witha teachwer. So rights etc should be given for each deed separately for each individual separately at each occasion and checked again and again and again that the person and the deed meet the requirements and not just faked some document or acted the person with the job or acted skilled or acted moral or acted honest.

50. All adults have not gone to school. All adults who travel to Europe have not gone to school either but may speak languages and be able to read and write. Likewise Europeans who try to solve some technical mess or social tangel may be without common sense and moral: "let us first throw these all away", "let us see if there is some way we can build the solution from these" and "if you did that to me, I will do something of the kind to you!". By passing things of signifigance ruins arrangements. Building some technical solution mindlessly from things meant for some other maybe unclear purpose just creates an enermous mess or tangle. Forgetting moral in a fight ruins the safety of arrangements. So the solution is that one should demand objective thinking of the level that is idea in school in Finland, or better, from all always for their arrangements to be valid, and demand also the level of moral that is the goal in school in Finland, or better, from all always in every arrangement.

51. Usually people have some kind of former idea of each kind of thing, some kind of picture of the world of each type of question. But typically such pictures are born from life in the living or from the media: of actually being in contact with people or their messages. Having computers with discussion boards etc makes widely different people meet, like one can hear about the social relationships of one's aquiantages. So what was a wide distance of the kind "I did not want to have anything to do with the subject and went home." turns to some  message about what is your opinion. People do not discuss a wide range of matters with everybody. Instead they pay attention to social cooperation, bonding, types of persons, grounps, values, social ways etc. Without the social information people do not fit together, at least not as well. So electronic discussion boards etc would need more integrated views on location, how wide the information, what is the way it is talked about, what role that sphere of life has in the individual's life: is it distant or close to the heart.

52. Typically people in Europe follow all the time some quite good level of understanding and often ways fitted to living in a society too. But when they are ill, tired, cold or for some other reason have a shortage of energy, they tend to be shortsighted and commanding others to help them in their immediate needs of the moment. Curing an energy shortage is often a question of getting well warm, taking care of meals and vitamins and getting energy from all the things in healthy natural ways of living that make one livelier, from sunshine, nature and sports to meeting friends, free time and religion. Also moral is important in this: your relationship to the society matters to your endurance.
Also too far fetched resemlance to someone leaves one without the shelter of familiar ways and common sense in making comparisons. Doupting others of high skill but different looks from oneself, leaves one without the support of high skill and to the company of the not skilled. Such feels like an energy shortage. Being agitated breaks the harmony in one's environment and in one's way of living the daily life and so brings an energy shortage. Associating with enemies leaves no room for one's ordinary life and the workings of the society, and brings so an energy shortage. Being malicious destroys the prequisites for living in a society and so destroys the ground for daily life in the society, and so brings an anergy shortage. Good moral cures these, for example following the rule "Live and let others live!".

53. When there is computers or unknown people or people from distant cultures taking care of things, one should not play with questions that are important major matters in the world or for some person or group, since misunderstandings are too common and their consequences may be huge and disastrous. So one should take all important matters always seriously and not play with them, instead one should say and write with common sense and objectivity what is generally a good course in such important matters, and play only with minor matters that cannot be confused with major matters.

54. When people with different level of understanding, different values and maybe different cultural backgrounds share the same environment, it is important to allow discussion about the grounds for different views and choises that people make. Since all do not share the same level of understanding, discussion of the quality of school would be a good option for a common language and learning, for example a discussion group in the internet or many of them.

55. Often people associate with different types of persons that others in the environment they were raised in. So claasifications do not go right if they are not made again and again with a large enough group of qualities. For the same reason individual level of skill in each kind of skill and values, diligence, moral, type os social relationships etc should be made clear. For example men are often talked about what women in general are like, but that means only women of their own nation, but they typically apply it to all women of the world and so it goes completely ashtray. Similarly men often take single words as goals and so the thoughts associated with them get completely wrong, and so things get wrong places, hugely wrong emphazis, wrong content, wrong values etc.

56. Typically if people are asked, whom they identify with, they do not answer the people with the same characteristics as them, but answer their idols and the people who have useful skills that they want to copy. So one cannot group people straightforwardly like this but merely classify a single individuals as a student of certain others.

57. When people are explained about what other people are like and what their skills are like, they are typically explained via how they could themselves learn such skills and where to find such experiences and such human encounters in their own life - instead of telling where the others find them. So to a man women would be explained via free time and men via work, not because the others would necessarily have more free time or work but because their ways to think resemble those found in free time or work. To a hungry person positive feelings would be explained by referring to ameal with conversation and to a not hungry person via freedom and concretical phenomena.

58. If someone does wrong but has some claim backing it up, one should allow room for discussion about it. It is generally good to mention why things are done in common sense like moral ways but if the others neglect moral and commonsense, they still may have some view with grounds and some group that they identify with in that, and so one should allow room for discussion however far from the ordinary ciuvilized point of view the other persons are. Just let them state their view with it's grounds and the ordinary European discussion skills help to raise the level of the thoughts and deeds.

59. Usually if people have some not so good sides, they maybe are talked to about the need to cultivate better qualities, so they may say that they too have decided to try to learn better habits etc, but in reality they have bad sides because they like such features, such sides to life and such level of skill, so most likely they will not follow in practise the intentions to cure such away.

60. Animals are often social and so their level of understanding and wisdom of life depends on whom they associate with just then. Especially this is seen as a big difference in the level of rationality of animal contacts in different cultures. In Finland wild animals, but also somewhat some pets, are very wise. So giving animals rights isn't giving them for nonsense but demands at least the same level of understanding and responsibility from those animals as from humans, typically the minimum taught in school for Finns.

61. If one isn't skilled at looking at things at a general level and being completely moral all the time in everything, all kinds of practical things seem to apply only to one individual and to each of the others it is different things that matter, different rules and often a different "game". Like if one is skilled or not, do one's values suit the thing in question, does one pay enough attention to it, does one depend on certain others to get such things done, how much, does one mix them with social matters or certain other areas of life, and so on. So one may be social, someone else interested in the thing in question, someone coming along just because one has to, etc, and so all of them have "different rules of the game" of course! For the more intelligent and moral it is still anyway that common sense with a picture of the whole and good moral determine the rights and obligations of each, the rules of the game for each and their position compared to others and to the things in question.

62. Being honest does not mean being open-minded about one's life. On the contrary: liars often feel that they can freely tell about their life since they can add some lies to it. Neither does being honest mean being stuck to what is agreed about. Those who are most stuck to habits or rules are those whose capacity isn't enough for such task, so they rely on advices and habits and do not have the energy or skill to figure out anything better. Honesty is often connected to having some rights or priviledges: saying honestly aloud things that are benefical for oneself. For that reason understanding brings honesty and moral: one sees how certain things are benefical and wants to support them even if it brings some smaller nuisance or whatever.

63. In reading classifications of people and things, that are made by others, if one does not agree with them, or thinks that there is some error in them about who is like what, one should not mess with the calssifications made by others. Instead one can neglect them and make one's own estimates on one's own words as far as one knows things for sure oneself, and mark up common sense like true grounds for them. Different people typically make estimates from different perspectives. For example someone estimates that boys are boys and girls are girls, while another estimates against some goal of being a human with characteristics from both sexes, and so estimates boys "not so far from a girl" and girls "not so far from a boy". So they make estimates of different things and presupose different amounts of ordinary information. If one would rearrange the observations of another, one would create only errors and typically cause serious wrongdoings by claiming to represents the views of all who estimated. Also the temptation to steal so position and rights from others would be too big for many.

64. Each culture has different skills, so the average of the human kind in most skills is about zero, which is much lower than what nations typically are, since they after all have their own strenghts with which to do well in the world.

65. When one skilled person thinks that some qualities would make his/her work better, and someone from another culture or with a background in different professions puts it into practise, for example by finding the right kind of person for that task, it is essential to make well sure that all the ordinary quality requirements of the first person's profession(s) and of his/her skill level are met. Since typically people with high skill could themselves benefit from other qualities without dropping away their ordinary skill level, but fetching persons with the additional qualities typically leaves the ordinary quality requirements totally away. Like for example the skilled searching for skilled and relaxed would bring a person who is relaxed and without any skills, relaxed by neglecting badly all work needed and all moral needed.

66. Often people think that others have deep depths that they do not tell about, and so if they are told something of others or about their human relationships, they claim that they should know more and that these things are more central, more intensive, more deciding and more clishee like love tales tahn what they were told. So if they have influence, they place peole unnaturally close to each other and add all kinds of more intensive relationships between aquiantages. That is of course not ok, not to be allowed, since one should not mess so with the lives of others. Often things go best ata civilized polite distance and not artificially near others. So people who add extra things by forcing to the relationships of others, should not be told anythings about such relationships, or at least not anything about the relationships of those persons.

67. If some rights are given for long periods of time, for example a job to do, and if one does not follow the quality guidelines and moral of the work rights, but does something else instead, then the work rights should be cancelled, at least cancelled for that deed, and if that is not possible right away, then it anyway must be done later on cancelling also past deeds.

68. If you do not have the skill or moral for some deed, you should leave it undone.

69. Life isn't necessarily tougher on the more sensitive ones. The sensitive ones are agile and can easily step around a puddle on the road or some difficulty in life, and so have it easier than others.

70. Usually people who honestly take part in some activity or social contact, make lots of common sense like observations and small deeds. But if someone else, for example a small kid taking part in order to get practise, if they are given the right to do the same things as others, things go ashtray, since things suited for one aren't usually suited for all and social relationships don't need extra persons messing with the relationships' details. Kids too can have rights on the same grounds as adults: skill, knowledge, good will, moral and taking all sides of things into account.

71. Also on social estimates one must always demand at least the level of objective rationality that is the idea in school, but here applied to also social things. So one must not mix people, not use obscure language or leave context unmentioned. One must not recognize people by single features as if one were reading a novel. Instead one must describe the situation, the context and estimate people in several different things objectively by their scales, like it makes sense in real world situations where it is impossible tochange the features of people from one to another just by mixing names orwho was wisest or the like.

72. The need of a good school education has been emphasized for several decades or even uch longer, and when one's parents are well educated, it is easier for their kids to learn such skills from them. So it seems in my eyes that the younger generations today are much more intelligent on the average than their grandparents used to be, even so that the most short-sighted criminally inclined in today's world are roughly as civilized as those of their grandparents' generation were who were with a good moral - which maybe was to get a profession and to try to behave civilizedly. And the brighter younger generation members are something like with a proper picture of the world and understanding to carry responsibiity about the major things in the world. So one cannot tune things to grandparents but must tune individually to each generation, and it may turn out that much of the deciding positions ought to go to the younger ones because of their better basic understanding, even though age brings via practise and experience of life more skills, but even so the youngergenerationsmight relateto  grandparents'generation as oldandnottothe history.

73. People's skill level should not be estimated on looks or by social sensations but by estimating the thoughts that the persons express: what is their quality, skill level and moral and can they clarify their points with good clarity. Usually there are three skill levels: ones not trying or not skilled at all who try to lie or just appear somehow convincing, for example by having just eaten a meal. Then there are those who try in school like ways and succeed in thoughts in a quite good quality but not much individual skill above what they have read from books.  Then there are those, for example some elderly people, some artists and some religious people who know the school like level well and have reached much above it on their own and who typically are very quick in their thoughts, very philosophical on some side and with wisdom of life and lots of common sense, feeling too. These last should be left room to live in, in their own style and in their own ways, since skillis a question of ways of doing and wisdom brings it's own emphazies, but on the other hand one should ask for clarifications according to schooled thinking before accepting someone so skilled, so as to avoid liars ruining things.

74. If something that someone claims does not sound true in your ears, that is no reason to think that the opposite is true, or orughly the opposite, like "not at all" turning to "massively". People are very different from each other and ground their lives on different things, so many things vary greatly from one group of people to another, so that if you don't understand the reasons why people make their choises, and that is typically a complex model, then you cannot estimate all to be alike or roughly alike or of some certain group. To "not at all" the nearest guess is "only a little", but even better would be for you to mark that you don't believe (and why you don't) and that your own estimate based on observations of that same things is such and such or that you don't have experience of that particular case and cannot make an estimate, unless you understand the thing for sure on a general level.

75. Genreally each person's understanding is only of certain things, how ever wide that area may be, and not of things outside that area. For some academical people and propably for some others too, things outside somethings that they have themselves read or heard from their pals or outside what they themselves are capable of they believe impossible also for others, even if the others had a different style telling that they abilities, characters etc are different. So they tend to shout over those other the louder the less they themselves understand, propably thinking that others cannot understand such either, but that aren't a proven thing and one should not interfere with things that one does not understand. The loudest command should be based on best understanding and not on worst. Neither should one restrict the rights of others because one oneself does not cultivate those areas of life.

76. Araranging things computer aidedly creates the danger that some people will add computer run figures among the real people. Generally areas that deeds affect should be determined by how wide area one carries responsibility over and what is one's level of skill in that. So doing things via computer figures would not affect that rule. On the other hand computer figures may be forbidden. One should not allow calling real people computer figures and taking their rights away because of that. People should be estimated by what they do and how they live, what is their moral and level of skill, and character too, and not by some arbitrary claims of some being computer figures. A computer figure in a situation like this isn't like a game, just a picture, instead  it is a criminal act aimed at robbing people their basic rights, and so the rules concerning computer figures should be made while keeping on eye on the possibility of outrageous lies about real people and groups of real people.

77. In getting a large group or a group of many nationalities work out well, one should classify views, influencies, people's countires of origin etc, first widely to right continent, then to right country, to right town, district, area and group in it, so that it is easy to follow which belongs where, what kinds of things they are tuned to, what they take into account and what not, etc.

78. Spying people from other countries via internet or the like, isn't as likely as it sounds, since people in other climates and with other ways of life and other cultures are often impossibly difficult to understand. For example all Asians may loo the same, however widely different countries they are from and however widely different types of persons. It is also most likely a lie that Africans would have superb social skills and spy Europeans successfully, since in Europe it is cool or cold and so all European ways produce lots of heat which is impossible to bear in Africa and even in air conditioned rooms very far from the natural ways of living which they are in Europe. So most likely spies are from one's own climate, but then too cultural differencies and differencies in real interests produce very different pictures of the world and different ways of living suited to taking care of different areas of life, and so it is difficult to understand other groups if one oneself isn't fond of their interests. Also if an African would come to Europe and spy Europeans, he or she would suffer from the cool and cold and most propably be constantly ina flu and stupid because of that and without shared way of life which would tell what is what. People of the same group as you and people with same interests as you, maybe with such background as you are are the ones who understand you most correct.

79. Some people claim other people's rights to themselves because of some social misperception. They seem to think like "Think, if I could be a person like him, do things like that this way like him. Would it be fine for me to be like that? I could then..., and I could ... Would I suit to be such?" They mistake the area of life to be determining in how one can behave and forget the level of skills, consideration toward others, values followed, character, type of relationship to others and what the relationship is like. Generally one can copy from the skilled good ways of doing things: which areas of life to emphasize in action, but not to copy very detailedly like acting. Each area of life tends to have it's own ways but in addition many other things affect, for example the above mentioned things.

80. People do not do the same things each one on one's personal style with personal looks. Instead if they look different, they are doing a different thing or the same thing in a different way for example with different values respected, and so they should be treated different ly like what is fair toward each and responsible too. So one should not allow tricks like lying always to look normal while lying, since if one appears a liar, propably one then is a liar, it isn't impossible for people to lie always.
There are different ways of paying attention to things. All are not just paying attention and equal but personal styles of some. Instead they mean that the person is doing a different thing and should be treated differently from the others. For example there is paying attention in an interfering way and messing with the lives of others, like criminally inclined tend to do in social matters with those with a softer style, and such messing with the lives of others should not be allowed. Then there is just using the senses, being aware, having a picture of the world, using the memory, thinking, listening to others talking, making social observations, refpecting in the light of one's experience of life, having an idea of the situation taht one is in, etc. and these ought to be allowed if they do not do a crime associated with tdoing them.

81. Things at ahnd, areas of life, ways of doing things, subjects of discussion etc should not be recognized in vague ways like the sense of atmosphere is for many. Instead they should be primarily recognized via ordinary objective observations and objective thoughts with common sense, for example via the sense of sight mainly. So for example water colour painting isn't the same as coffee and cookies, happiness isnt the same as sleep or being fat, insightful conversation based on experience and superb skill isn't the same as talking nonsense or being fussy or associating nonsense, and so on. Observed via the sense of sight clearly and with the context clear too, water colour painting looks very different from drinking coffee and eating a cookie at a cafeteria. Likewise being happy and smiling in the middle of life looks clearly different from sleeping or being fat. And so on. As people with different strenghts associate with each other, some are born to lies, so one should do things based on clear observations and objective thoughts and not just believe claims without grounds.

82. Sometimes children think about what it would be like to be treated like an adult,  or foreigners think what it would be like to be like a Finn, or people witout the skills of some profession think what social life would be like if one were supposed to have such skills. But that is not right to claim to have such skills, to be a that type of person, since those truly are questions of skills and moral, not of some social likings.

83. In a travel roiented tiwn with emphazis on practical professions, art and nature, people do skilled handicrafts with wisdom of life as extra good side and some solutions for the usual problems in the tourists' hometown, slightly different looks on handicrafts for different types of persons' needs. Likewise ordinary people have wisdom of life of their own that gives something extra when associating with them. But written and schooled communication often lacks such badly, and so ruins people's lives. If one could for example via videos and more common sense like social communivation and getting to know each other a little buit or sometimes more, would maybe give such to communication and make lives much better, also remove conflicts and misunderstandings.

84. One can learn thinking skills by reading the thinking course at . More about learning intelligence at in Finnish.

85. People may have satisfaction with life and fracturelessness  for different reasons, for example because of taking dutifully care of things with high skill and moral or because of having eaten a warm meal but with a lack of taking care of things and a great lack of skills. So fracturelessness or satisfaction with life isn't a measure of how well things have been taken care of. If the one who did not take care of things  feels a shortage of energy or has some trouble because things have not been cared for, respecting hierargies that are according to justice bring the arrangements made by the skilled and responsible into use on a wider area.

86. People who some evening stay awake long but are not used to it, think differently in the very early morning than usual. Their work like thinking gets stuck in the evening and gets more and more unsuccessfull. Then it either drops way and leaves on the emotionally oriented who wish for a break in work just goals gone through, like is somehow good for life but not thinking itself, or in the engineering oriented very stuck irrational thoughts that just make one notice that one should not think as so tired. Being awake in the middle of sleep is different: either tired wanting for rest, or restless or enjoying quiet life life and fracturelessness like one who has woken up early but is used to it.

87. When there is a very wide group like lots of people from all over the world discussing and taking part, in such a nonuniform group the average level in most subjects may be very low, much below what is considered acceptable minimum entry level in the country with such strenghts, with such things as parts of it's culture. So most of the problems propably are a consequence of people not meeting the minimum requirements taking part as if they would be totally ok, and answering yes yes or whatever was said to be the right answer to every question, even if such is not at all true.  So the minimu requirements should be checked all the time from everyone and not supposed that all automatically meet them but have some personal style, style of some profession, other ways of talking or the like preventing them from clearly answering basic questions - no, such is a failure in reaching the entry level and no excuses should be allowed or everything in that subject area goes ashtray.

88. So all people should be estimated about what is their skill level in each thing, how responsible they are and what are their values and sphere of attention. Their opinions should be connected to such true information. No group should have power over opinions because of profession or the like, instead all could have moral opinions with skill etc enough, according tyo their ability, so that the system is repairable from every place. To affect something the person must be responsible enough and understand the things well enough.

89. When a Finn considers someone "small", it does not mean in a poor position, like a foreigner typically thinks, neither does it usuaööy mean lack of skill, lack of possibilities to influence things or lack of room for their life, but instead it means that the person carries responsibility only over a very small area compared to how largely and how strongly they influence things. So it describes how big position they fairly deserve in influencing things in the world or in the social environment, but typically it does not mean that their room to live in should be shrunk . Likewise "big" person does not mean influentiual or free but a person who fairly thinking would deserve a very high position in the society and in the world.

90. The company of a much more skilled one makes one oneself more skilled than usual for oneself, but only if one is social or sexual with the more skilled one. So for a while one's needs are met better at some part and so one feels somewhat like with a full stomach but on other areas of life and only somewhat less with an energy shortage.
If one goes to an art exhibition or meets some other thing demanding high capacity and concentration, it is often good to drink a cup of tea with biscuit or the like, sonce one needs extra energy. Also if there is some side not with good enough quality in it, one needs extra energy to overcome it with one's own skills. If there is something badly lacking, one often needs a meal but usually that is not enough to cure the situation fully but makes it better anyway.

91. Often foreigners think that close social and many sexual relationships ought to get extra rights to influence their relationship, maybe even the living environment, the work and moral rights of their relationship. But that is wrong. Civilized behaviour is what makes things all right both for the individuals and for the society at large. Close relationships are no exception. What gives rights is being responsible enough, understanding things and their consequences etc well enough and knowing enough for example because of being in friendly terms. But lying and pretending to be civilized does not give any rights.
Close relationships give no extra rights, but they bring a need for responsibility and bring also a tendency to take sides, either for or against the relationsips. Close relationships also often influence the wishes of an individual: does one want that company more or less than this far, does one wish to give their views extra influence over what is fair, or keep more distance because of too much influence from them already.

92. Carrying responsibility isn't the same as being social with the persons in question. Generally responsible persons are a little bit social with a wide group of people, since that opens their eyes and creates compassion and helps to think of things as a landscape, and not overly much with anyone, since that would just create a short-sighted mess and make one take sides. Carrying responsibility does not mean drowning in the problems of the others, instead one solves things on ageneral level from a distance, so that one does not fall low because of handling things thoroughly, quite opposite: high ideals help to solve problems efficiently, si problems get solved via moral and a long distance, which often means that there isn't much gratitude involved but somefriendship like goodwill like being pals born in the hearts of the helped.

93. Being destructie or malicious in large scale things is different from caring only about small scale things. If one for example wants to be classified primarily as sporty, that does not allow ruining larger scale things. Instead if one wants to care for only small scale things, one should leave the larger scales to others who carry responsibility over them and have enough skill and knowledge, for them to care for those scales like professionals each for their work, and others just follow their advices in those matters, without messing things! Messing large scale things means that one is evil in large scale, and that is often one's biggest influence on things. If one wants to be for example just sporty, one should follow the culture in order to handle also other things, just in the sense of carrying responsibility and following common sense.

94. Air conditioning is a quite new thing and many in the warm climates in airconditioned indoors believe that such would correspond to life in the cool or cold climates, and so seek too much and too closely the company of people in those other climates. But indoors is different from outdoors, since ourdoors you move a lot, there is space to go to places, unknown people and lots of greenery to learn heat regulation from. Also cool indoors while there s warm outdoors is different from cool indoors when it isn't so warm outdoors, so you can best learn air temperature related skills from people in your own climate. Some do have such skills, for example people in certain professions, and usually there is some magazine, newspaper, radio station or the like that you can learn those skills from. It is usually a way of being interested in things and active so that you get the right things done well and live nicely.

95. Sometimes men and also some mainly foreign women do not recognize the difference between masturbating and dating, and so they take extra rights to affect others, rights that are reserved for spouces and do not belong to them at all. Being in the company of someone while thinking sexual thoughts too is very different from dating and does not give any rights to affect the other one or her/his life and her/his choises.  Likewise thinking of someone while wondering if one should start to date that person, is no obligation to the person thought about, does not give any rights, even if some much older or much younger persons would mistakenly guess that you would not think so without a good reason.

96. One should not describe situations first and let some people then choose who they are, since most likely they lie or choose wrong. Like "See this video/decription, which of her/his feelings are toward you? - Oh I am her/his pussy, she/he lets me decide everything freely. - But that is not a feeling toward a person, it is the sunny weather." or "This is my profession, so I have the highest skill in this and so the highest rights too of us. - Oh so you are the pope. And the birds. And her/his idol."

97. Often when someone is stupid, much younger or of a very different style, some people try to enforce their commands and views, thinking that doesn't the younger etc one believe what is said, should one use force. But such forcing is against the rights of individuals and should not be allowed. Each individual needs personal space, freedom to do things in one's own style and in one's own ways, believing some things and ngelectig some that one does not consider so wise or so suitable for ooneself. All the society's arrangements rely on individuals not being squeezed to a too narrow space, likewise all social contacts suppose individual freedom, all suppose that things do not bother one overly much and not messing with the lives of others is a prequisite for that. Once a persons is an adult, one's parents have no rights to command, much less to force commands to apply. Similarly kids are supposed to have individual choise in what to follow and what not, even though, like for all, there are consequences coming for the choises.

98. Generally people are concerned mainly about their own life and their own areas of interest, and so people do not suppose that they would get more distant things right, since often they do not get them right and do not bother about them so much and do not understand why those things are so different. So it often happens that parents do not understand all things about their kids or about their adult children. Parents do not have any right to demand that their kids should be exactly like what their parents suppose them to be like, neither should others have the right to demand such. So cunning plans like "I told her/his mother that..., and so she now thinks that I am important to her/him and so I get to decide about her/his life." do not have it right from where the rights to affect her/his life come from. It is the person herself/himself that should be listened to and not the erroneuos beliefs of someone who is not interested in so widely different types of things.

99. It is my impression that usually when people associate with each other, problems do not come from those two who associate with each other, even if their relationships would be problematic and out of balance, but problems come instead from third parties either adding or removing something, like adding emphazis or closeness or removing rights and freedom. So the situation would be quite all right without the third parties adding explanations, rules etc, but of course civilized ways and the society are needed.
Adding something may be a consequence of a third party coming socially along, but isntead of using one's own ordinary understanding, being too social and using a style that one does not understand fully, so one talks nonsense when one says "yes, agood idea, go and do it", like a woman using man's style but getting the emphazis of an individual with one's ordinary good understanding and not of someone with a way of thinking that one does not know how to think with. Such are either not close relationships and do not affect much things done or are intense and remove the emphazis from things done to the sexual affair.
Removing something may be a consequnece of someone doing same things as others but getting feedback that one is not of the type of person interested in such, why is one doing such, it aren't allowed, and so one mistakenly or malicously removes the right from the others too. So it is a question of some people not recognizing differencies in areas of interest, values, types of skill, relationships, etc.

100. People with much less understanding and/or with much less moral than others in the group can break arrangements if their lack of skill and/or lack of moral is not recognized and mentioned aloud. Often also aquiantages and colleagues with much less understanding and/or with much kess moral than the person himself/herself can break arrangements by their small but disastrous influence. Like an engineer with common sense and experience of life has a much better understanding than an engineer without common sense and without experience of life, whose attempts at trying something by oneself too can be technical and disastrous like attacks and so they should not be given room as done by someone roughly equal in skills and moral. All rights are conditional: require a good enough understanding and a good enough moral. Often problematic people are with less skill of life and so suffer from a lack of climate skills, or of not living in healthy natural ways, or have their work as a burden and do not know how to get refreshed during freetime.

101. People in the company of a skilled person tend to catch the tune of those skills and so in her/his company they are more skilled than usual in those skills. Likewise viewpoints to life and ways of living tend to get copied momentarily while one spends time in the company of a person that one is social with. But if one dislikes the style of the person that one associates with, one typically wants to get rid of those characteristics unusually much when one is in such company, so one tends to lose that person's skills unusually much while in her/his company. Also thinking of that person as a social contact may affect likewise. So for example the level of moral and of social eye may vary.

102. Different nationalities may have the same skills in different amounts, like the German may be skilled in choosing from one option in civilized life to another one, while the Chinese might choose with as much easy and understanding between types of meals and their effects: does one need heavier food today or more vegetables or a dessert etc , but likewise the German understand via their feelings and experience of life what different choises bring.
All nationalities do not have Finnish discussions skills or rationality guiding successfully one's life and life in the society, so discussing world wide may be a big problem, but one could discuss with some and get along with Finnsih type of choises with how to arrange the society and the world. People with different skills nbeed different arrangements, like relying on experts in some questions and basing some things in life on skills that all do not have or on areas of life that all don't like but the individuals is comfortable with such and general guidelines make them all right for the rest.

103. One should not make chains of estimates taken from different contexts, like certain professions demanding skills, and those highest in such skills being best for deciding certain things, leading to people in such professions decidong over others, which is an erroneous conclusion: people in such professions do not typically have the highest skills in such and mostly people with highest talent do not have the enthusiasm and other required qualities to fit such profession at all,much less to be the best experts in it.

104. If foreigners look less wise than Finns, are they also less happy? If they lie and act much more than Finns, do they conceal problems, which are partly a consequence of being depressed and less wise? If they emphasize things like food, sex, company, work, school, drugs, religion, are those things that life collapses toward when one does not have the strenght to get things well again? Do some people do such things as if they were doing a suicide, kind of drowning their sorrows to best guess of how to be happy? Like Finnish winter is nice because of the snow but time before that depressing, so how hard is the autumn and winter in the central and southern Europe where there is almost no snow at all?
Some of the basics of happy satisfied life

105. If there is some argument about who is like what and what characteristics come socially from others and what are each person's own, the social sides come from an idea of the environment that one is in, from one's idea of the situation, so they often are near one's body like here I am, a feeling in one's body. On the other hand what a person is like means typically what she/he from moment to moment does and that is typically from 10cm to 1 meter in front of the body, around hands and near the head or in the head, the eyes are important in this and thoughts & things done. So one can for example make a difference between being theoretically approaching things or living with the senses open sensing vividly.

106. Sometimes poeple estimate people by how many other people they at most would be aloowed to affect, estimated by one's level of moral and skills. Such measures mean people WITH their own areas of influence, at least areas of influence in the questions one might them affect, and not without. So if one could at most be a boss of a group of ten, that does not aloow bosiing people with wider areas of influence, for example not the president. So in such estimates people are often seen as forming a hierargy that does not allow bossing anyoen higher in it than oneself. Culture and civilized ways would so be quite high in the hierargy too.

107. The way of being social is different in different climates. When Finns say that they are social or social with foreigners, foreigners often take it to mean that they keep company to others all the time as if it were ahot summer day or they were on a dinner together or sitting talking and keeping company or having a sexual affair with each other, remembering the other one that way also when far away. But Finns aren't usually social that way. Instead Finns are social with more distant relationship including looking, thinking and civilized ways, like wiht a penpal maybe one might be.

108. To a Finn a conversation means exchanging civilized views and explaining grounds for one's choises. It does not mean messing with the lives of others or with affais of the world without the guidance moral and true rationality in everything. Soo freedom does not mean a lack of moral but still demands good moral

109. As the time passes things change, often with changing circumstancies like different people taking part. So if there is some difference in how things go, what happens and how are things done, one should not artificially "stabilize" it away, but instead build a more complex picture of how things are objectiely and see from that picture what are the reasons for the major changes. Like I with my Finnish skills wrote about living wisely the autumn and sent the texts to the medias, also to some foreign medias with similar seasons in their climate, and so the autumn this year goes softer, milder than the last year: kind of the social burden is lighter, things go more pleasantly. (Living with the seasons

110. With many different kinds of people from different backgrounds associating with each other, some do not follow even school level rationality and behave civilizedly. With them propably Kinderkarten type of caring for others' behaviour is needed: "No, that is not your's (/your place), go there, there is your own (place). No, that is not either your's (your place), see here, here is your's (your place), go there!"

111. Media can cause that people learn new things which make them in tune with new groups, like Finns wanting to teach Swedes rationality, common sense and healthy spirit, moral too, may end up with lots of Swedish people messing in Finland as if they had enough skills, even though the difference in cultural background causes that they still are not slike, do not have all needed common sense, healthy spirit and moral and may be don't understand that Sweden isn't the highest in everything.

112. When different kinds of people associate with each other on an internet discussion group or otherwise virtually, it is not enough to solve one's own problems and find a good way of living for oneself, since if others in the group or in the wide world who were recommended your group, if they have some tangles in their lives, some problems too difficult for their skills to solve, then the group too is likely to go ashtray and you cannot handle even ordinary matters there easily efficiently in common sense like ways like one ought to be able to do. So one should choose one's way of life and one's courses in life and one's communication's skill level so that they solve also the problems of others in a way that they are able to follow along. This is why people fond of food have some things easier for them in life, some possibilities more open: some argumentative people were in fact people in a too difficult situtaion for them and so they got cured by recommending something simple which bring contentment with life, like having a dinner. Likewise in Finland many lack climate skills at least partly, so they need to be reminded of the need to stay warm and to cure heat losses by staying in warm, eating, moving and most of all wearing warm enough clothes for example woolen clothes.
Often people fond of something, for example fond of some way of living and doing, have a good way to be with such things comfortable in a way that brings useful things from it. But often that way of being with those things is different from the ways of others liking the same things or who are skilled in those things to be with those things. So you cannot copy from someone such things while taking as a helping aid someone else, maybe more familiar but anyway too different from the one you are copying from, since all are fond of their own characteristical choises and cannot stand the choises of others, so you cannot put them so close to each other without ending in a fight.

113. People from other climates may have too hot for thinking, so they may lack habits of objective rationality and of following adices and rules and instead lie and act a lot, if such was easier in their climate and culture. So all do not have the habit of taking things objectively into account, not even major things of school level understanding of almost all Finns. Instead they may lie, act and manipulate and commit crimes to reach a position that requires both school level objectivity and professional skills. So also school level rationality should always be checked and not just some professional knowledge, much less just profession's style only. Since some liking warmth and food or cold and stiff or drugs and tyranny just do not have any of the moral that common sense brings to Finns.

114. As far as I know, often people feel that they did not get a full chance to those areas of life that they are especially interested in. They just got some information somewhere, noticed some points in it and mentioned it to some aquiantage or relative, who in turn secretly copied a lot from there/them, and maybe their aquiantage or relative in turn was even sexual with the idol. So if you are a guru in something for those who are not interested in it, it may turn out that your idols are very little idols for you but very much for your pals, enemies, relatives etc.

115. Often people are comfortable with their own culture and climate but when they get influence from other cultures and climates, they lose their skills and so they feel more desperate about life, less able to carry the burdens of living in a society and so less moral and more unwise too. If they would in such situations take distance from influences from other cultures and climates, they would feel better and have much more skills and endurancy since their own skills are suited to living in this culture and climate.
Likewise some women copy from men who appear satisfied with life, but the men base their lives on different things and do women's basic things only absent-mindedly and theoretically with half-mind, so their influence does not bring happiness to women. Instead sticking more to one's own group, to women like oneself, one would find comfortable ways to do things and needed skills, which too much copying destroys. Then one can do also things with men: as long as the basic ways of doing women's things are in women's ways, one can feel happy and free.

116. It is a clishee that people, especially young women, get things with good looks and sex. But how often is that so? If there is a nice looking woman who is not interested in sexual affair and does not support values that you respect, isn't she likely to be treated much like just one group member and not an affair? And if she some time look especially sexy, isn't it often an obligation for her to accept some man, instead of she gaining influence? Doesn't strong social influence usually come from strong social bonds: from dating and from talking about wanting to have a baby? On elderly women there is in addition social skills  of influencing all kind of things due to experience. A beautiful woman gaining mysteriously much influence often isn't a question of sex but of her being skilled in some area of life and supporting some values with skill which the other one admires like favourite hobby or favourite music, so it is a question of skill and of sharing values and likings, and maybe being an interesting person because of that.

117. Often people long for the rights of others, but unless they get similar rights on a general language that they can adapt to themselves, they usually do not gain almost at all, maybe often even lose if they manage to get the priviledges of others, since the others long for different things and they also have use for different things and different things feel like obligations to them. Similarly you cannot reward a kid or whoever by giving the quite much the same priviledges as someone else has been satisfied with, since thy of course are very different from him/her - unless one can already in the beginning given those priviledges on a general language suited to most or specifially according to the kid's liking chosen with whom he/she can get similar priviledges. Instead they just get angry with each other and ruin each other's lives while straving for room for themselves, for their unique personality and likings.

118. People also differ in what they see the basic building material, the essence of the world to be like and that leads to how short-sighted or far-reaching and good for life their arrangements are. Those who think that math is important or sufficient or who rely on technical arramgements, make the most short-sighted arrangements which do not endure and do not leave the society good enough for life. Wise objective ones are much better but too narrow-minded and too little with wisdom of life. Practical sensing ones with wisdom too are more open to the multitude of possibilities in daily life and so make better working arrangements if they just are wise enough in large scale questions. Those who think of the basic building material of the world to be godly, are open to the complexity and wisdom of natural life and to the needs of the arrangements of the world, at least if they have lots of wisdom too, and so they make the most long lasting and flourishing practical arrangements.

119. When an adult spends time alone at home for example, she/he has a certain atmosphere that depends on the things she/he has done that day and lately. It is in fact a picture of how well or lousily she/he cares for different areas of life: for some livelily, lifting them to a good state, and for some lousily or not at all, neglecting them badly, maybe not valuing them, which is seen as grey, lifeless, maybe tingling atmosphere which produces bad luck and failures, conflicts and a poor level of skill, maybe not noticing such things at all. At work or school there is similarly the atmosphere of the things done, of the level of understanding used by the group and of it's fruitfulness or it's lack of it. Or some happening brings it's sphere of life, level of successes etc. Some people for example buy all things ready, so they do not need to cultivate the skills of producing such, but others make many things themselves and so they need to culticvate good approach and good environmental conditions for doing such things, both for themselves, their nearest and the district or professions that they are parts of. Which makes one think that maybe one should avoid associating closely or discussing much with people whose atmosphere, (and skills and values) does not cultivate the same areas of life as you do.

120. People's skill levels affect how many things they can well do at the same time and how quickly they get those things done and how well they succeed in them. The slow witted typically do something else at the same time, so they need lots of concentration and many attempts to succeed in even ordinary tasks, for example they think of food in the stomach or keep their body very rigidly.
For one to learn skills, one needs to pay attention to what was the idea in that skills, what it consists of and which ways of doing are best suited for it. The most slow learning try to copy via sexuality or acting or by keepin g company, very détailedly the social atmosphere of the more skilled one, but that just disturbs skills. Instead one should keep a longer distance and watck detailedly what the skilled one does, and do those things oneself, without being overly close. About problems that the wise do not usually fall into, teh less skilled have no right to demand the skilled to be models of how to fall into them and then rise again, but instead the less skilled should heed advices about the subject, usually ordinary basic advices about the subject and about those kind of things in the world and about life generally, since biggest problems have to be avoided in advance, always.
Typically people do only a few thinsg at a time. For example if someone sing, they think of the song's atmosphere, of music, of not disturbing neighbours, of music hobbies and of wisdom of songs. So they are kind of concentrated to music subject. So if one is interested in who should have power over what, one can via the rule "Live and let others live", i.e. It is ok to be selfish in ways positive for happy life but not to disturb the lives of others, one can with the help of this rule say that the person singing usually, almost always, ought to be allowed to sing. But on the other hand not to interfere in affairs that he/she is not just now taking care of. Similarly with other subjects. It is ok to care for them, in ways piositive for happy life in the society and in the world, but not to disturb such possibilities, which must be estimated wisely. For example someone may build possibilities for music hobbies, that is often a job or a hobby in music. Likewise in other subjects: the skilled one who value it take care of it. On the other hand the stupid usually should be allowed to do things by themselves to learn about life and skill but not to mess with the lives of others or the affairs of the society. So it often seems that there is no question of power unless there is someone with too little skill or not valuing the things in question enough, messing along. So the question of power seems to connect to family emebers influencing things because they are close to a person who values such things in life. Otherwise, and maybe even in family relations, things are quite clear with the rule "Live and let others live".

121. Quite often things go ashtray when people searching for advices turn to participants or spouces. For example children or foreigners from very different cultures and climates, or people with different professions as favourites. They are not searching for participating but for extra skills, but they find such skilled individuals in their own circles, for example internet discussion groups about some subject. Often the advice for such is that they should tyr to be sexual, but I guess that they should do something like running a short distance very relaxedly like "Holiday, here I come" and think something like "Oh, I love life like this. It is good to get wiser in these ways as one ages." so think it only if one really dreams of such things in one's life, then I guess it would be relaxed and emotional and adopting new skills from the forefigures likeone should with one's dreams when one meets forefigures wise in a good way in those subjects.

122. Even though the internet discussions and writing to the internet offer quite little information about things not clearly said aloud, it matters a lot that whenever there appears to be some problem or when you try to arrange something for some group or individual, to listen to your social sensations, atmosphere and the like to figure out what is the type of the possible problems and how to cure them. For example if someone is too short-sighted and does not pay enough attention, is it because energy shortage and is that because it is a foreigner in Finland suffering from an enermous heat loss and how to cure it in the situation, or is it someone cunning and why and how they cunn, are they from such a culture, is it connected to heat regulation in some climate or to military tactics in some geagraphical situation, or do they have a different idea of what the people are like, what they a
themselves are conpared to others, or are they just used to keeping company and not following everything, or are they from somewhere where they don't do Finnish level good quality work even in watching, do they mix warm weather with friendliness and food, or a lack of weather skills with copying climate's "character" it's guessed malicousness, or are they ypoung and too schooled or what?

123. One does not always know why problems arise, what is the real cause for them. One just notices that certain things in focus in life or in arrangements in the group bring certain ways of doing, certain values, company etc, a certain amount of well working action and good healthy life. People grow like that: they have interests, they become hobbies, areas of skill and expertise, later a part of their wisdom of life as older persons. Likewise some things get dropped away or we grow away from them. That ought to work for systems and types of arragements too: some just work well, feel good, bring promising future while others drag along unwanted problems, from which one can get rid of by paying attention to what direction you are growing into, which are the arrangements that you hang to in daily life, whose company is benefical, how wise persons you associate with in each area of life, etc.

124.  Different people are mature in different amounts and need to rely on social contacts differeny amounts because of their lack of skill or lack of moral. So their ideas of what human relationships are like are differeny likewise. Similarly people have differenyt relationship to culture, book knowledge, differeny areas of life, things to do etc. So when they estimate others, especially when they are not so alike, they tend to guess others to be quite much like themselves and create emphazies to things similar to their own lives even if for an older more skilled person such would be rare disasters instead of the core of daily life. So they misestimate and misguide things in the lives of others.

125. Communicating with people from abroad, without always knowing where they are from and why they take contact, may result in they having much less capacity to adopt new things than what their looks and style suggest. They may be people unusually awake in early morning hours, kind of dreaming about possibilities in the world. Or a kid ill at home, momentarily taking part in life and searching for cultural influencies that someone guessed to be benefical. Or someone in too hot weather and not quite handling as large pieces of information as usually. Or a teenager taking first steps in one's own way of life. So even reading one page of text may be too much but just one single nice picture would work as communication. They may be important people to your country because they are taking first steps in gerting to know your cultural wisdom.

126. If things do not work out or there is some problem, one ought to have a good detailed picture in a video phonecall so that one can use one's social eye to see what the other person is like and how she/he does things. A blurred picture isn't ok, neither is merely social situation without things done and conversated about.

127. Finland is so near the arctic area, it's climate almost arctic, that it classifies in the eyes of foreigners, in ordinary language, as an arctic area, the whole Finland that is.

128. If you use video calls, the curtains in your room, their style and the symbolic meaning of their colours and figures, determines amazingly lot of your life, since curtains are what one who sees somebody's room for the first time pays lots of attention to, kind of trying to guess what type of person the other one is, what to expect, which values and ways he/she follows ordinarily and what he/she wants to learn about life and the world.

129. Do Finns ect lack social eye because people in USA lack social eye much more but have the reputation of being good models in learning social skills?

130. When there are people who are from some distant place, they may lack school. When people have lacks in school like thinking or seem to bypass it in questions, the right answer isn't to guide them to school or school books but to be superwised by a teacher of school for the mentally retarded and very stupid. Otherwise some basic things may be bypassed without enough attention, like whether one is allowed to eat Finns and how many Finns one is allowed to eat this week? Or that if one person was desribed some way, for exampleas a teacher or as a skilled one, is it ok to claim that the other persons was such and that person not but was instead like the other one was described, and sogive the rights to opposite persons, for example changing individual action to being controlled by the ones who try to exchange the roles of persons? One should get common sense along.

131. If the world were of spirit, things would go quite much the same way as when you associate with people socially and are no longer in a group of all similarly educated. There comes a social influence and it has it's point of view, skill level, picture of the world, ways of being social, values and likings, it's well working ways of living. It continues for a while and soon comes some new encounter and via that new influence. If you are interested in the old one, kind of still social with it, the old influence continues but kind of more from a distance, not so well remembered, kind of slight mixture of the old and new influences. But if the new encounters are more interesting, you forget the old and drown in the new ones. So things you hang into matter a lot: what kind of idea do you have of "realistical" or "objective" or of "ok", who is your forefigure, whose style would it be in the eyes of others, what are the things you get most influence´ies from, those create your continuing subjects, your life's threads.

132. I was raised by telling that children all over the world need to go to school that there is no avoiding school, but it seems that that is not true but just how they wanted to raise children up there. Very many people tend to get enormous social position in some profession because they were raised in it or the culture abroad they were raised in emphasized those skills and those areas of life really much,but that is none of their own doing, tat is not theor own values, that is not what those professions are from the Fiunnish point of view where they work in such position. So they are at the same time completely fed up with people wanting such things, highly skilled compared to the people wanting such and with no regard of the values and environment that place weight for such skills. So they may murder their admirers, even eat them out of disregard for such values and out of not being adapted to the climate and to the local moral. S o if some conversation or some culture seems to be full of very low skill level errors and lack the fine possibilities in life that peiple work for, it may be that the foreigners did not go to school at all but got lots of position because they did not diligently fiullfill all criteria, especially not the criteria of respecting the local skill level culture and values, not even the basic right to exist of those local people. And if they murder lots of innocent locals while being highly respected, there may be lots of foreigners as an end result and very few raised up in the culture.

133. One does not need to be as good as the other one or better if one wants to help the other person. For example if the other one lacks 10 cents from a bus ticket of a few euros, one does not need yo have more money than that person to offer the 10 cents. Likewise, we together buikd the society, we need the cooperation of our fellow citizens and of the foreigners in the country for things to run well, but all do not need to be as skilled or the like.

134. When I was a kid in Helsinki, school taught that all over the world all kids need to go to school, and that cultural richness if´s just an addition to the things taught in school all over the world. But as I have more social eye toward foreigners, it seems quite clear that in many countries children do not go to school at all, and at most they learn to read and write, but do not learn rationality and responsible behaviour. So if one estimates by looks, often the looks are caused by eating a lot, or hot weather or copying like acting, completely bypassing rules and common sense etc.  Wisdom of life of the Finnish type can be found in the same climate zone, while education especially in the same climate and in North America and Asia, and other mostlöy rely on hot weather, eating, murder, even cannibalism toward other nations, and lies and skilled acting.

135. Each town has it's own famous happenings, favored professions, location's characyeristics etc that bring just certain type of travellers and inhabitants to just that town, unlike to other towns and villages, and similarly of countries. Likewise in internet discussions certain groups attract peole interested in certain things, and even the approach of the discussion group may matter a lot and where it is situated mainly. And others are likely to be absent.

136. Each person and group also has it's own reputation, which often has mostly to do with what others find interesting in him /her/it and with the point of view of others. Like Finns at the capital district maybe had the reputation that "they go and do that" which I guess is some warmer climate's version of being active and producing heat, while the finnish version would be to have fun, do things that one likes, move sportily to stay warm but not without thought goals but just leisurely, for fun.

137. An internet discussion group is by it's workings a social situation and continues somewhat like the spirit of the day: what was discussed sets the theme of the day and not so much what exactly was said about it, kind of like an elderly bladdring through the affairs of younger ones. So it is not a rigid framework where the idea was so and so even if it was not so used, not emphasized that way in practise. Instead it is something that changes shape develops, one thing associates to another, people get interested in different things, much like the winds or scent and not like factual computer programming.

138. Estimating the size of some group or area wrong can cause problems. If the number of people is estimated larger than it ought to be, larger than there are people interested in that subject or living in that area or the like, then to the too big number come along also negligient and enemy like persons, maybe even majority of them. If the size of the group on the other hand is estimated much smaller than how many people admire such things, the group may get much support but there can be a fioerce fight over who can participate. Right size of group is peaceful and well working.

139. Some people think that as any person meets some subject or person that they know themselves, they must experience it very much the same way, for example that a same kind of social distance might work for others too best. Of course that is not so. Some people get along while with others not so well, which partly creates what the encounters are like to each person. Likewise people are interested in different things and have differemt level of skills. So someone supposing that your life is like tat of him/her, may cause lots of errors in their estimates on hwat would be suited for others.

140. Different people have different skill level, different interests and different sphere of life, different amount of civilized ways. So in a way they do not all live in the same world, but instead have each a "world" of their own that handles and associates with only near-by things. So Finns are not for all among the best in thinking skills, but instead for thise interested in objective rationality very good at objective thinking.

141. Foreigners are often interested in many countries and not just one. So they tend to ask questions like is Finland like Sweden, which is problematic since Finns know just Finnish culture and Swedish culture is on the surface somewhat alike but lacks the understanding and personal motivation plus freedom that Finns especially value. Finns tend to follow Finnish culture and not copy anything from Sweden - while Swedish speaking Finn identify with Sweden but are not honest and not responsible enough fr Finns, which causes lots of damage to Finland and makes one wonder if those typically Swedish looking caracter trais mean that life in Sweden is much worse than in Finland, kind of the Swedish culture supporting just looks and not caring things to a good state, especially if there are probblems.

142. Since thing seem to get to a mess, depended on technical details and very much on the opinions of others, when we talk about the virtual worldand it's affairs, maybe then that isn't the right, handiest way to see things. Instead we should propably think that things consist of spirit: of us getting social influencies, admiring ideals, getting cultural influencies, associating with different things etc, so that in a way we just are in the flow of things and in a way we still can choose and affect our fates. Like for example if you want to succeed in something that you do, your way of doing affects the end result and how log lasting the result is, is it supported by others, kind of do you manage to give room to the thing in question and do you use your greatest wisdom in doing it.

143. Sometimes people who do not value the same things or persons as you, may behave as if you should be trated as if you were the persons etc you value, for example if you value animals, insects, plants, kids etc, they think that they have the right to treat you like as if you were a kid or even a room plant. Sometimes such goes to the extreme that they think that if something that you value could be "nicknamed" as certain kind, for example as a vegetable, you could be treated that way, for exampleas a piece of vegetable on a dish.

144. Some people who look like as if they were in some nursing profession, may not have gone to school, so their basic rationality may be totally lacking unless school level rationality is clearly checked aloud. The same may happen if a person is ill or old or stuck to habits.

145. It is suprising how wrong our views of how we are inclined nowadays are. We think typically that we continue along the same lines as before, paying especially attention to the basics and to our own culture. But what we come to socially support and suggest, is what our areas of interest are nowadays: which values we would like to respect more, which things we would like to learn more about, which culture we are interested in, whom we are friendlily social with and who comes to our mind as sexually interesting just now. In addtion things like what we spent our day doing, what kind of people we associated with a lot, etc affect a lot just today.

146. Sometimes someone who is not so very intelligent compared to you, introduce you to some people or group she or he knows quite well and he/she explains the group to you and you to the members of the group too detailedly compared to how distantly you associate with them, and it so happens that the dynamics are like in his/her life while he/she mistakenly supposes that all demand the same things from all social contacts of their and that all excell in just the same areas of life as he/she, which she/he typically supposes to be her/his own goodf side compared to others, not understanding that others too get likewise tuned to and so they get duifferent demands from others and a different level of understanding, activity in different areas f life, etc. If you do not notice that there was someone else introducing you to them, you will think that others behave very unmorally or irrationally much in a certain way and treat you in mistaken ways.

147. All do not understand what high position, rights or being a boss mean. Rights are always rights to something, which often is a group of things but never to whatever comes to one's mind. A boss or a person in a high position is taking care of arranging some thing in a good quality way for a large area or groups of people. Such demands high skill, dedication and is not well paid. It is like needing a Santa Claus for some type of work: arranging something that is impossible for most to do, and doing it well and at almost no costs. It is often said that such positions are influential but that is not true, since such positions are for arranging some type of things with very good quality, so a Santa Claus might be on tv telling that children almsot all wait for Christams, which is very basic knowledge for Santa Claus's work and not something so very influential otherwise. If you would yourself take such position without having all those skills,dedication and good possibilitiers for such work, things would just go ashtray and you would get masses of negative feedback, nothing to rejoice about.

148. Somepeople do well in life only because they fit into where they are living. So if they then take part in some job or hobby, they tend to claim that by doing like me things will go well for you, but mostly that is not true, especially it is not true if you yourself are more capable and so you would rely more on your own choices, and consequently on this choise too, except that it is copied from someone who said it is ok but who was not able to estimate it for others than himself or herself, so that your life goes ashtray and into trouble when copying that way well working solutions from the slightly or much more less capable than yourself. So you ought to take a more individual course in those things to, rely on your own skills in living.

149. When one tries to build well working arrangements, one ought to build then for an almost impossibly large group, like to the whole human kind as you have learned from the media and from your own experience what it is like and what it asks. But in fact that is not the whole human kind but only the masses of people who are even remotely momentarily interested in your hometown's culture's viewpoint, for example interested in the ability to make adjustemnt demanded by the weather, thinking that it might help them to get less fat. In other towns the view of the world is different, since the local culture sheds light to different things, and so the group all the world is a different very large group of people and animals, frompuppies to mosquitoes wise birds etc, from Finnish to human eating tropical animal and migratory birds - compared to foreign workers, neighbours originally from abroad etc.

150. Some supose that different cultures around the world have gotten to know different sides, different phenomena of social and spiritual life. In a way that is so, but often those phenomena are typical tyo just one culture only and not something that would exist elsewhere and bring advantage to those foreigners who know it. Those phenomena are typical to one's viewpoint to life, to one's approach in social situations, one's values, the social distance customary in that culture, people liking social contact or sexual or wanting to keep distance, the way people are rational, which areas of life the lives are centered upon etc. So as one is social or discusses with other persons, that typically leaves some social influence like t´he other person's ways and it lasts even if one would go home or the like, unless one meets other people, drowns in other things that one does. It is quite easy to understand that if one would talk with a Chinese at lenght and then coninue with somewhat Chinese like factual approach in talking with others, one would some create kind of Chinese like factual social environment to oneself, such environment in the society, while there is momentarily more distance to one's ordinary spheres like when one is ill. Likewise other major endeavours and approaches connected to them of others influence one toward them and give one such talent, motivation and such environment in the society, if one spends time emphatizing with such other people's endeavours. The spiritual life is likewise connected to how people in certain country live, asd society, as what values are like, what the major themes of life, what the practical questions one's life is centered around and by which tactic those are handled, etc.

151. Often young people, quite beginners and not so wise people suppose that when they have learned that things work out in a certain way, things must always work out that way or there has been misconduct which should be corrected away. But generally things do not work out the same way everywhere and in every subject, so that supposing they will do so is just erraneous, which typically causes problems if they travel far or take part in international groups of people. To learn that things are very different depending on the place and context, they should before travelling abroad, travel maybe 100km, 200km and 300km distance from where they first learned their idea of how things ought to work out, to very different kind of quite typical places to see how things work there - and that is in their ownb country, often very different there but easier to estimate since they are familiar with the culture and climate.

152. Sometimes things go ashtray in a group of different kinds of people of different skill levels, because all want to participate but do not understand right what the other people of the group have skills and moral for, and so they do not understand words and terms in their real meanings but suppose that there is some mistake in the choise of words or that they are chosen in a very wide context while they themselves are doing things that do not affect much - while in reality they do affect since others are more skilled in those things and really taking care of them in the society right then. So one should always make sure that one does not do anything that gets classified by words that refer to crimes certainly not allowed in the world if they are taken as civilized language in a context which demands civlized behaviour and often high skill.

153. Sometimes young men or someone else behaves all wrong, criminally and does not listen to demands of following normal rules of behaviour in the society. Then it is often a question of them not understanding the need for such values, and so they mistakenly think that such demands are nonsense, while they still think that everybody needs to follow school level objectiuve thinking as a minimum level, and so they think that others have not followed it, since it is possible to attack them without school type of rationality being explicitly mentioned and demanded from all. So they should be made recheck their thoughts and deeds in the situation about whether they follow school level objecrtive thinking or in some places in the thoughts not.

154. Some mistakenly suppose that one who uses a very wide perspective is vulnerable to attacks and social malice. That may be so if the person is nt skilled, intelligent, does not understand how a society works morally together in practise, and especially if the person leans on others a lot. But usually in my experience when I was a young adult in the capital district, people who have a good objective understanding of the world use a wide thinking perspective that often is landscape like, and so using a wide perspective is often a mark of being very capable and so of not leaning on others, and so the effect of others is milder on them than to those who are not skilled and so lean on others who they guess to be more skilled. In the case of an objectively intelligent persong using a landscape like view in thinking they often also use a landscape wide glance which trains their pictórial thinking ability well, in other words they just are interested in looking around, just looking, seeing life around, the town environment's life or where they happen tolive pr visit. So they are not socially taking contact on a leaning way. They also do not claim too much, which would make faults, unsure points and lack of skill their position.

155. If life brings too many problems which may be caused by some maybe distant or near social relationship neglecting basic things badly or not caring at all about things that ought to be well morally and according to common sense taken care of in a society, then it may be that they are too different, they do not have the endurancy or motivation to take care of your things, and so they neglect even basic things badly. In any case it is often easy in life if you have work that you are used to, or something to habitually do in a work like way, or some habits to followor some habitual things to do - maybe you are then easier for others who are lot like you. Likewise eating can soothe social problems and problems which similarly have some neglicient or partly negliguient person at least partly handling them. In that it is important to listen to the needs of the situation: what kind of food, hiow much, which amount soothes the situation? Often that means eating when others are hungry and eating according to the feeling of what kind of food would be good for you right then, and sometimes just tiny piece of right kind of food is enough: maybe you needed just that energy for social endurancy. So sometimes that may mean eating sugary things a lot, so as to some others (foreigner?) thinking that you are otherwiuse a too tense character for them to bother to fit to a society.

156. It is not ok to base rights on generalizations that do not apply to all cases, like "Old people are wisest." and "Birds are the most intelligent ones.", since all old people are not wiser than all young people, animals are sometimes wiser than just about all people, but since they live in animals' ways that are different from humans and keep company to people they meet, their level of intelligence varies, likewise old people may be negligient like very bored fed up ones and on the other hand in some points have high skill, while wild animals often have highest skill level but usually do not understand human life so well. So one should pay attention to each occasion: was the elderly person or wild bird or your person or whoever it happens to be how wise, how skilled, how responsible in thsi deed, occasion, moment, and base her/his/it's rights this moment in that and not in some prejudise or in some separate moment's level of skill and responsibility, even though such too needs to be taken into account in estimating people, animals and other creatures.

157. The idea that pictures of the world ought to govern, refers to pictures of the world of real world things and does not mean the right to make virtual arrangements if such were possible some time earler or if someone claims to have such picture of the world of how virtual arrangements ought to be made,. Instead virtual arragements should be made according to good moral, high respnsibiltiyt, objective thinking with pictures of the whole and in healthy ways. Neither does it mean any right of far away place to guide things in Finland by claiming that they believe things to be so in Finland, or whatever the place happens to be. Unreliable information is worse in guiding thinsg, ought to be apposed, while reliable knowledge and experience of those things in the world is what must be valued much above it in deciding about things.

158. Some suppose that skill ought to be estimated in looks with social eye, but that is not so. Instead skill should be estimated by people who understand such skills, are skilled in them, by following the thoughts used, their grounds explained, the deeds done, cheching them against what is civilized behaviour in the world and according to high skills in those things, and responsibility too is important.

159. On the virtual side problems often arise because people are not recognized, they are too much out of sight by their personal characteristics, nationality, sex, age, reasons for participating, skill level, levelof honesty, etc. So often even a picture in a profile is not enough if it isn't from the same context and not some especially fine photo with make-up etc.

160. It may be that often people who cause lots of trouble, do not like any of the options usually offered to them, and so their just turn everything upside-down, in their opinion it is maybe messing slightly but for others living in those ways it is an earthquake. So they should be taught to choose from a wider variety of different options, understanding that a good option in some sense that interests them often lacks position in the things of interest to others that they are not themselves interested in. It also usually means them moving to live in a town specialized to completely different types of things.

161. Often when some person behaves in a way that you cannot understand, is social in ways that you cannot understand and looks like something which you cannot understand what on earth it is, then you are not his/her social relationship but instead she/he is in the road somewhere and just accidentally stops where you are, and so to him/her you are not s person she/he meet but like an artifact, like saying "I put this here. And now I go." while you are somewhere like home or favourite hobby or the like, taking personally everything, everything close to yourself, while the other one considers it a public place of no interest to anyone and so kind of neglects taking care of  persons, values, ordinary rules of behaviour, etc there. She/he is maybe on the road to some place interesting to him/her but it is a different place than what the locals are interested in, and so she/he considers locals odd, wrongly behaving, cultivating unwise choices, etc, and maybe tries by beig formal and dominant cure the situation back to distant noncaring, just passer-bys.

162. One cannot estimate from the solemnity or fracturelessness of one's picture how well one is doing in life and how much position one ought to have with one's skills, since different situations and different goals cause different looks and one cannot estimate all people on the same scale since their goals, likings and areas of life in which they feel well and prosper are widely different. For example wisdom of life brings some kind of solemnity, likewise a good position, eating, warm weather that one likes, etc, which are of course very different kinds of things and not all fitted to the same position. Also many men aim at a man like more rough or army like style which does not reeflect how well they feel, they just think that it is a good choise for them. Likewise many pick characteristics and things that are easy fro them but which others find hárd to bear, thinking that making such choices is advantageous to them, and so somehow poor, not so easy looks can reflect a very strong position and doing very well in life. On the other hand peoplepick easy choices when their forces are exhausted, and so being fat or lazy can be a mark of not being able to handle things in life. On the other hand very many people on the warm or hot climates have such choices as their favourites and then it can be a mark of doing well in life, being very free to choose. Likewise people often look more fractureless at home where they are alone and not affecting much anything, while they look strained in work or in public places where they maybe most affect things.

163. People who make an enermous amount of not needed malicious attacks in a short while, for example a thousand or much more, often are reaching for points like achievements or professional position in women's traditional skills and want to show that they have soldier like and men's work like skills, strenght or the like so well that they could be accepted as having some such men like qualities. But since what they do gets classified as evil, they do not get feedback advicing them about what a soldier is like, what is the point in having soldiers and soldier like strenghtor what kind of characteristics real working life demands. The mAIN POINT IN HAVING SOLDIERS IS THAT THEY ARE NEEDED FOR DEFENCE: DEFENDING THE GOOD NEEDED USEFUL THINGS IN LIFE.  And for that one needs soldier like abilities since defence is in a sense more vulnerable tahn just maliciously attacking something and then fleeing into the shelter of not being recognized. But the usefulness of soldiers comes from the nation being so able to support it's well functioning. And from soldier like skills and soldier like attitude also the individual gets strenght to protect it's own life, living environment etc. From the use of soldiers to defence one sees that a soldier needs an understanding of the life around, a soldier needs to be an ok part of the society and works better if one can solve or guide situations peacefully to more beneficaö results for the nation and less harm caused.
The main point in working life in getting work is whether you are fitted to such work, do you have the endurancy and motivation for it or better for something else. Often those who do not tend to get work try to apply for work that they are not personally interested in but which is often valued by others, while they neglect the maybe more far fetched working options of their distant dreams, which people very used to guiding young workers see as the real place for that individual and so refure to hire to work that the person is not inclined toward. Often also studies place weight on different qualities than working life which may be very repetitive, based on liking such activity.

164. Some people without tendency to objectivity and with a tendency to lies and acting often suppose that one can describe how a situation has usually been and then in someoccasion just kind of guess who was who and how things really were, as if that guess wouldbecome objective fact of how things are. Such is not objective, it is just a disguise for lies and acting. Even if one would not have any tendency to lies, aóne cannot recognize past things from the present situation. From the present situation one can recugnise only things presently in that situation, not any longer chain of events. Also if one has not lived oneself those things in the past so strongly, so near that one is well familiar with the people and things in them, one cannot recognise as another person that some familiar thing contues, since it may be just pretended to the person giving an opinion. Typically all things handling position, treatments, reputation, judgements etc are such that some people want to act them toproduce unjustice.

165. Some think that all should get the same feedback, but that is not so, since feedback isn't groundless but usually depends on what the other person has done, what was it's quality, what we his/her intentions, how trustworthy he/she is, what profession, nationality, age and sex she/he is, how did she/he behave compared to others, to her/his characterm group, moral, the values needed for cultivation the thing in question, what is the situation, did they do or prepare for doing something else at the same time and what, etc. So feedback to a person about a deed is determined by many factors and not by some random looks

166. Often people do not behave right if they get a partial classification or momentarily classified as if some other group or person, like if a boy complains that this is like women, which leads easily him to trying out women's position, women's rights, results of women's skills level, feedback for women's typical character, etc, like he terms them women's role but they are in fact things that women need to work for in each occasion, in each deed, they are a skill level and a diligency and responsibility about what the total effects are. So such rights are meant for the group only and not for momentarily trying out, much less for long time stealing. Likewise if birds are valued,someone thinks that singing is birds thing so that one oneself sometimes singing would allow one for birds' rights. But that is not so, since each song is different, reflects a different level of wisdomand wisdom of life of the singer, and so gains a different position. Likewise with other rights and obligations of groups: they are meant to be fairly given according to justice for all but the group tells who are similar in that respect and who so typically deserve roughly the same rights all, which is of course not a right but an estimate of fairly gained rights.

167. People often corrent things to higher level of skill if they are given a somewhat stupidly thought of starting point. But they often do not reacy in any way or correct anything if they are given a false starting point in socvial matters that handle others, especially if the error is somehow explained away, like if a mother gets position over an adult child without it being a normal hierargy according to justice and wiuthout it being her own life and without it being a consequence of them being close. People tend to suppose that such have more complex explanations and not just wrongdoing. So descriptions of social relations, positions of different people ina group or who is like what have often or in the hands of some types of people enermous errors,and should be diligently checked, like "That is ill. They (nurses) do not have any skills." or the like often harms the wrong person (healthy patient/ patient) as if she/he would have been faulty and the ones (nurses) who do so much wrong, deservig position - which of course is the opposite of how things should be.

168. Letting open-mindedly all or many participate in a discussion is different from obeying thise views. Often the point in discussion is to learn something of how things are, and so discussion often include correcting thought errors, and so they may allow view whose starting points with proper objectivity and responsible behaviour lead tomorally ok results, but of course those view should not be followed before they have been fully corrected. Likewise some have less skill or are less responsible, and so they ought not decide about things and certainly not above other more skilled and responsibleones, and that is so even if they claim to be the best, since often he best is not enough for deciding about things, and since they in reality are not the best, others shoudl be allowed a fair chance too and then estimated the worth of each view and only then decided if the best view is good enough for deciding or roughly deciding or partly deciding the thing or none of thiose views.

169. Sometimes foreigners pay overly much attention to the associatrions of people's names etc. They seem to think that it is a basic thing to start from. But in Finland Finnish culture, civilized ways and basic rationality are such things instead ofg name associations. So if foreigners start talking about such wrong subject, one should spend at least three times as much time teaching things that need to be always followedin Finland (Finnish culture, basic civilized ways), civilized ways and how basic rationality goes. But the foreigners may have a motivation of their own, so it is worth paying attention what is the civilized wise version of such interest, like an interest in capitals at large, of things that are important in the world and university towns.

170. When people from different age groups, educations levels, countries and/or continents interact, the differencies in the levels of skill are typically enermous, even astronomically big. Yet the people may appear to be taking part in an ok way and even the stupid views may sound somewhat edicated enough, but often such are just repeating, not understanding, so that one cannot take them as a starting point but must instead rely on the civilized wisdom it refers to. Likewise with very oldarrangements, historical ones especially: the people then were very different in skills. Likewise people from far away and people who are very different in character and/or skills often guess wrong how things are.

171. In sexual relations it is not by chance which qualities each date or sexual interest brings forth in the person. Instead it depends on what the other one is like and what he/she values. So it often is that what suits one date is not the same as what suits another, and so one needs to understand that the likings, characteristics, habits and values of them are different. So even if there are babies to be in questoion, those propably would not be the products of the same side of you, but instead somehow different by their nature, and so each such dream belongs to the relationship with a certain date or the like. Often for example people of different age tahn you who like you are kind of such: tehy are interested and bring forth just certains sides of you that they like.

172. If some major factor like which country's culture ought to be followed in the area goes wrong, some taking part in discussion may not know the language thoroughly well but use some foreign version of it or some version following foreign culture like African Finnsh language following only African ways, valus, ways of thinking etc. So at least in such cases the major terms ought to be used in a widely understood language, like countries' names in English. And people not knowing some langauge very well indeed should not decide anything about what words the langauge uses for what, like Finland is called "Suomi" in Finnish language and Sweden is called "Ruotsi" in Finnish language , and not the opposite like some foreigners maybe guess.

173. Theory perspectives that childrenstudy in school and young adults in their studies describe some area of life but do not teach much about a wider picture of the world, so the things taught are usually marked as some knowledge inside edges from square lines. But already young people may have other skills, wider knowledge and wisdom of life that brings understanding of a wider world. People who are not at all so skilled but rely on education often refer to memorised knowledge by boxes in which a quite vague thought is placed. Putting square edges to the picture of school knowledge does not mean that such inskilled schooled pople or unskilled uneducated pople trying to copy educated ways to think, these pople are not referred to by the edges of square lines. Also some countries may have a very low level of education and often a lack of thinking skills, which leads yto them competing in looks: making images of square lines and boxes, trying to overrule the understanding of younger ones by them, especially if someone from such country originally but with some thinking skills supports their view by lies or erroneous estimates.
Position should begiven according to the level of understanding and what one has enough moral for, i.e. for each task separately and at each occasion separately, taking according to moral into account all who are affected, so for example the same skilled responsible person may have a lower position when she/he is in a flu and cannot function with a full capacity and then again when she/he has recovered she/he propably has her/his full rights in the subject.. It is not based on age or nationaly or professions, even though different groups often have very different skill level and different amount of different type of moral.

174. Foreigners often say that are Finns social at all, do they have close relationships with their nearest, idols, etc, and they seem to suppose that others have closer relationships than Finns and learn more from idols. But as I have learned more about foreign cultures, it seems that they are not at all as close to each other as Finns are, instead they keep company to each other overly much just about all the time, but they observe so little of each other that they are to people they know quite well as distant as Finns to just about totally non-interetsting persons, kind of just roles: papa, adult child, elderly man etc. Finns on the other hand typically just about read the thoughts and feelings of the people they know in those respects that they have typically talked about, Finns understand the ways of doing, typical results and situations of each person they know well. All of course do not understand equally well, like some for example notice typical characteristics but do not know why the other person is always like that, and all do not remember the thinsg they notice, but they are often so close that they become like each other at least for a half an hour or so, and they share views, ideals etc, but of course not all always with everyone. Finns think that the best social distance for getting well along, having enough room for one's own decisions in life,for one's own life, own hobbies etc is civilized distance, not so close as to irratiuonally copy.

175. Sometimes people make estimates of too far away things, which is an error that should not be allowed or at least should be checked that there is no possibility for errors, since such are often only guesses or the person does not understand so different cultures amnd life circumstancies,different types of social relationships and interests, and so often such guesses drop away all different cultural skills, different skills, different religions, all different things, and so mostly just about nothing in those guesses goes right, which is a reason to stop pretending that they describe some far away place or a wide group of people, and does not allow such guesses replaced by food, heat, personal view of social life , etc since suhc things too are local circumstancies.

176. Often when people are equal in skill and share the same interestm it is easy to discuss about it and for them to arrange happenings etc in that hobby of theirs, if they are parts ofsomer hobby group. But if the differencies in skill are enermous, even astronomical, like often happens when there is some subject but no information about to whom it is intended, or if the information refers only to some basic skill level which varies enermously fromcounry to country and from age group to age group, then there may happen that someone makes a lousy arrangement but is very dominant and does not correct it, like for example an elderly person with foreign cultural background and low level education tehre commanding young people. Then one needs intermnediate skill levels: for someone somewhat more skilled than him/her to discuss with basic rationality what is the point, what is the rationality in the arrangements, which level of skills are they, are there other areas that are not arranged, something lacking, something to make more accurate or correct with teacher level skills, and so on from one skill level to higher and higher, preferably with elderly persons discussing with the elderly. And so correct the whole arrangement and see what is it'splace in the whole.

177. Often when someone has somerights over others or someone else as if he/she were skilled and with insight,but does wrong and does not stop when opposed, is like a wagon inclined to go to a ditch and does not change direction easily even if strongly opposed. Then it is often that that person is encouraged by someone else, someone else says "It goes all right. Go on!". It is often that such persons are misjudged to be older and wiser and more moral and not taking sides, when they in fact are mischievous young men doing evil or something of the kind. So it is important to know what the person encouraging the other one to do wrong is like: is he/she how old in reality, how intelligent, civilized, inclined to which professions, which values, does he/she take sides, what country originally from and what now in, how wise, how much social eye, experience of life etc, so a picture of him/her would be valuable.
178. Usually problems are born when there is some rigid arrangement, like children going to school or just some arrangement decided about, and some workers or other eople deciding about it apply to it partly muych lower level or by their validity smaller area arrangements. Like for example when teachers usually teach things in school books, but do not create new ones, asking the opinion of a teacher in general affairs of all life or wanting a teacher to arrange something outside scvhool but not taking care that it is with school quality of things in school books and not them as their freetime role since then they are not that high quality. Likewise one should not replace thinking by the blue colour. Blue is a symbol for thinking andf not a good sensory stimuli for thinking - green and orange are much better for thinking! Likewise if someone needs medical care, that is different fromneeding all things that some medical personnel might come to think of as possible care attempts in such situation. Likewise someone being depressed about some situation in life does not mean that psychological nursing would be the right option at all.

179. Often eager to take part but who in practise usually cause disasters are admirers, especially admirers of the basic skills thatyou have as minimum requirements. Likeones who were not intelligent enough for ordinary school dream of a lifetime's work as school teachers, or if you demand good thinkings skills for something as a minimum requirement, people who admire and dream of engineering type of exercise or of meeting someone academically educated but have not in practise practised those skills, for exampleschool skills, start bossing you around since such is their favourite "hobby". Likewise admirers of symbolic colours often lack the skills referred by those colours, for example blue and thinking skills.

180. High position in a hierargy of who is allowed to decide is based on good understanding, high skills and enough reponsibility about the effects of the things in question. So often high position does not go at all with poor quality, even if the person would at a younger age have had high quality. Likewise it does not go with lack of responsibility. Persons should not be compared "this one is highest" or "higher than you" but instead by describing the level of skills, understanding and responsibility of each by usually well known standards like "objective at least of the leveö demanded in school from pupils about things taught in school". So people from Africa would not qualify for high position in Finland, since African quality in objectivity and responsibility is very low compared to Finns. The rights of an individual or group to live their lives undisturbed demand that those individuals do not overly much break against the fair rights of others, but more than that and basic civilized behaviour isn't usually needed, but basic ratoionality needs to be taken into account, like Africans not fitting to Finnish climate and so not learning Finnish culture either.

181. Like one can choose hobbies and visit some hobby often and some other hobby only rarely but sometimes though and some hobby of someone else near by never and never be interested in it, likewise one can often in social life and in questions of picture of the world have some inclination that has different areas of life that are emphasized in varying amounts, like for example praying brings to the situation religion's wiser ways to solve problems, common sense solves communication gaps and free time fun brings energy with which to endure working life, school or studies, and like in different ways inclined pals all run into their type of persons.
Religion is not an exception to this: one still needs understanding, skills and responsibility. Also, giving relief in something or having filled some single criteria is not the same as carrying responsibility of all things affected and having enough skills in it.

182. In the wide world it may be that very rough

classifications, according to their shape or tone, of

somehow fine things somehow shelter the things in

question, propably because then a beginner can think

"Oh that! Something like that I would like, but I do

not know exactly what it is." So for example happiness

can shelter an interest in food & vice versa, people

ally with a larger group in their quest for nice things

in the wolrd. But of course those things are meant to

be separate: "If you like just that type, that can be

found there and there, not here." But that does not give any right to replace one of those things with another, even if they tried to somehiow ally or argue.

183. Somepeople stop following rules of acceptable behaviour if they think that someone else does not follow them or produces nonsense. Of people not following rules it should be marked that they do not follow rules, even if that is momentarily only so, and for that time their position in the hierargy should be low as a result of such violations. If the others follow rules, they may keep their fair positions.

184. Quite often try older women or young men aquiantages cursorily (that means like the arrow on a computer screen moves over text and pictures) go  through what some woman or some other person does, kind of to show thatthey too know such things and they claim that they would have been at least as skilled. But they are not drowning in the experience, they are not themselves doing the thing, they are just kind of playing with the idea in their imagination, so they are certainly not allowed to be domiant over the person actually doing those things.

185. Sometimes when there are people messing around, not following any rules, just too far away people, they are in fact not even beginners of the same hobby (or whatever subject area it is) but instead poeple who have come asking a question like "What is a homo sapiens like?" so that they are not participants but instead people getting the first glimpse of your natuonality or whatever it is, maybe "What is objective thinking like?".

186. What is fair compares to what the person, hos/her deeds adnvalues are like. It is not meant to counteract personal choices, like if one is a school teacher, one typically does not classfy as one of these adults in whose life school is on an overly big emphazis (without their own doing). Such errors in estimates cause an overly bigburden on others in these things, since they hel to carry extreme choices as if those would have been eased on all which is not the case.

187. Both jobs with position,media and single individuals, roughly all I mean meet different demands, expectations of what to be like, what to offer to others. Meeting those needs and demands wisely inside an objective picture of the whole (like a bureaucrats' view) is what transforms maybe disastrous mess of demands to a high position and freedom to do what one wants. Sometimes such may be quite absurd sounding, like Finns needing to be Christmas gnome like (joulutonttujen tapaan eläviä) instead of ordinary working life, but Finland is famous for the home of Santa Claus in Finnish Lappland.

188. If something tends to break immediately when you think of starting it or have just begun, as if it were robbed away by others in seconds. Then maybe there is some quite large or even very large group which would need something of the kind very much, which lacks it totally. And meeting that need would solve the problem.

189. Often stuck situations arise when someone or even quite many not-at-all skilled have claimed to be the best or better than others who do have common sense and basic education. So rights should not be gives according to if one is better than someone else but instead according to skills and responsibility like is fair. So people should be classified according to their skill level on a scale that is easy to understand like referring to understanding school level things well or having some other education (what edication).

190. Usually roblems arise when someone arrages things to a group of different types of persons, thinking that these want this and those what that, but the people themselves do not think of their choices in the same words and do not come to their end result so quickly at all, so they pick somebody else's choices, and when they are shown their own likely choices and their amounts they say something like "No, I don't want that, I want all the benefits and no drawbacks, at least notmany drawbacks. Of this is this, then I want it but this one I ought to replace with that, oh but that one is like that, then I ought to..." and so they finally arrive at the same conclusion that they were offered but did it in many parts with some extra information needed and some other type of vocabulary than what they understood to begin with. So such arrangements should always have well explained grounds (via their own viewpoint and civilized wisdom &common sense) for all the ones affected, like what is for young men and what for young women.

191. Often when some man is unable to handle some social or teaching kind of thing, he refers it to some woman who is of older generation than the persons in question, but the woman is not prepared to the task but does it only somehow, kind of absentmindedly just something and so things go much ashtray. Rights have to be based on how much skill and responsibility one has in the questions affected, and not in some clishee of older people knowing better - maybe they know a lot more than as younger, but there are different types of persons with different skills and also all are not always art their best. So better without such messing with the lives of others.

192. Usually when people have different professions as their dream job or are interested in different cultures, they have large differencies in some skills and goals, and so when things are discussed and some clonclusion reached, also the not-at-all skilled in it want to say their opinion, as if it would not have been handled at all but instead were the best thought in such subject, and so all things claimed aloud are not according to how things should be arranged, even if they claim so,....

193. Both pets and wild animals resemble the human culture which they live in close contact with. So Finnish animals resemble Finns and for example African animals resemble African humans. So what people say about animals, often applies only to the animals living in close contact with their own human culture. Animals may though have similar task relative to the culture they live in contact with, so in a way they still are like other animals.

194. Usually when people come up with weird ideas of how things happen or are arranged, they have taken some quite common sense like phenomenom in their own life and claimed or guessed that exactly the same happen to some other persons, for example to their kids and kids' generation, and of course it typically goes wrong.
So maybe people often need explanations why something happens to just them, kind of common sense view on a very general level, instead of explanations why soimething else happens to someone else.

195. Often when arrangements go ashtray, wrong groups are in power, wrong kind of persons in power, etc,someone has checked how things go but done it too absentmindedly, in too trusting way and practical details have not been described in an ok way. Like if there was some problem and some evil person took it away, did they ask what he/she then caused by doing so or with the help of that deed: was it much worse, what are the practical dimensions of each side of the thing? Persons checking things should know that some cheat and cunn tocause harm. Or if there is some arrangement, like some want computer like government and such square ways cause problems, then one should check who anted such and why is such view in power, did they want to support something widely valued like objective rationality, and if they are too dominant, did they lack some skills, for example generalized wrong the thought that they as older would not have much skills or insight, and mistakenly thought that all types of persons lack insight and true rationality when they are elderly, and so like many professions they thought that they themselves were best and ought to decide.

196. Basic common sense in sizes and areas of influence and in what kind of thing it it´was/is a question of, should always be checked and not left trusted upon the word of the person who so gaisn power, since otherwise if they are entitled to some small part, say 1%, of some minor part, they tend to enlargen it (by negligience?) to such percentage of the whole, which may be an astronomical difference, like when someone says "You said that in a style as if you were a president" and the other one answers "Well, maybe I am.", even though usually such errors happen silently, just make power balances wrong.

197. If the behaviour of some goes very much ashtray, maybe they got some big classification all wrong, for example thought that the subject was social when it in fact was objective fact discussions.

198. If some person causes trouble but one does not seem to get rid of him/her, maybe he/she is present for some other reason than in what area of life the wrongdoing was, or his/her role there and style.

199. Very much interfering too personal social style often is not social but instead the behaviour of someone who in his/her opinion is communicating that he/she does not want to be social at all with these kinds of people but is just forced by them(? or by some friend of hers/his) to it.

200. Some people want to take a much higher position than what is fair, than what they have the moral and skills for, and so they so doing cause lots of trouble and opposition, which they often send to someone who knows how to handle such large areas well. But those skilled others are not repairers of the errors of others, but just do their part in some way for a better world, and so one should not send one's problems to them, but just let them live undisturbed and one oneself ought to take a position that is according to justice, since that is best: respect the skills of others, do your part, let the biggest matters of the world and of others be left in peace. The position that others wish for you to take isn't always good: either too low or too much without grounds.
If one wants to classify people according to what they are like, it is how much position they have according to justice, and not forwhatever reason, that tells what they are like and how do they affect the world, what their situation of life is like and what are the best choices for them.

201. All nationalities do not care for the world at large, so Finns may be considered helpful, even though "responsibility" is the word Finns use for that characteristic.

202. Some cultures use memorized schooled civilized erspective without backing it up by one's own understanding and experience of life. So such is not any very sure thinking. Especially it does not quarantee the thinking skills and moral of the individuals and groups. Some cultures connect the theory perspective with guesses, cunning and grasping advantageous sounding tricks, so such is not civilized and ought not to be trusted even if it is backed up by large masses of people. So even one single individual with agood understanding may be more trustworthy, and several individual individuals with a good understanding and ciuvilized ways is oftne even much more trustworthy.

203. Generally peoplewant to grasp all advanteges they can have. So they easily grasp also the rights of others for themselves instead of being far. But then they want to make some adjustments for the things to suit themselves. And in so doing they typically throw away the good sides of the choices of others and tune to their own likings like usual.
So even if people have very different rights and different situations of life, they typically do not want the choices of others even if they claim they do. A higher position mean more obligations, more work, higher quality requirements without being praised for such quality and wrork and less individual freedom in work choices. So it often isn't advantageous, even though many want to misuse such position of others.

204. That pictures of the world should govern, does not mean unsure, unobjective parts of pictures of the world but instead sure wise information, like sensory perceptions. So pictures of the world usually ought not govern far away countries and cultures almost at all, but near by things of one's own familiar culture and climate, which one knows well in practise, those things one's picture of the world could help to govern. So things in one's picture of the world without ground and things with false grounds ought not govern, while things with good objective grounds applied with good quality ibjectivity and responsibility could govern even far away things, but only inside the classifications & area of validity of the grounds, so as to make a dfference between different areas of life as far as tyhose are separate. Likewise information about other is only with certain observation ability and only about certain occasions, not a rule to obey, instead one ought to obey moral and good quality rationality.

205. Often lots of trouble especially to young adults I guess is caused by someone getting too large rights, usually because she/he has education and is quite responsible in appearance in it and someone giving the rights thinks that she/he has wisdom of life too, but the person herself/himself does not consider oneself a person who would follow educated wisdom all the time or who would have so much wisdom of life that somebody else would trust her/him in it. So quite often such women make lots of small attacks like sending some stick figures to attack, and the men make false claims like some engineer might like and cause things going very much ashtray for the others. They both say the reason is that the others ought not trust them, but the problem is that either the others were given wrong information or then someone else, usually of older generation, makes the judgement on behalf of them and does niot have much wisdom or good will in it.

206. All cultures are not of the same kind. Finnish culture does not copy from forefigures or habits. Instead Finnish culture is consists of objective thoughts recommending values that are widely respected, good practices and pieces of wisdom. Eeven Finnish pieces of art like songs are judged by the quality of the world, by how essential such wisdom is in the world and by one's personal likings, instead of copying forefigures like one very much inferior in skills. So to some extend Finnish culture and Finnish ways are independent of who are in positions of power, as far as they follow Finnish culture diligently, especially in spirit too and in moral in everything. Finnsih democracy aims at objective things ruling by the free cooperation of citizens instead of someone commanding because of having some position or some work.

207. What affects alot in life, is whether one believes in life ending to death or believes in life after death being very much like ordinary life before death, since one who believes in life ending avoids such fates a lot and invests in good strategies of life and often in high capacity, healtyhy ways of living and society running well, but at the same time one sees wounds etc inevitable, not so easy to overcome just by dozing or so, and so there is a big burden from diseases, bad luck etc. ON the other hand one believing in ordinary life continuing after quite peacefully happening death does not so much avoid illnesses etc and kind of dozes them through, so that one loses quite many skills from life and falls ill much more easily but on the other hand seems to go quite easily through illnesses and even death, since the direction is toward positive without emphazis on illness deciding or bad fate. But life after death of course typically demands the support of religion, so it demands some skills.

208. As one is younger and goes to school and then maybe to studies, one learns things in a course like way, but one's understanding often does not develop that way but only knowledge. Instead one's understanding develops like one on an adventure trip to some place with differentr fascinating things and adventures, like what is central in one's mind or social life, which things one is fascinated by or spends one's time with, such give rise to skill level or lower it according to how wise and higly skilled or not at all wise those areas of life are. So obe learns new things or is left stuck in the same. But all do not learn from the same things, even though liking music can help, since liking opens one's ability to adopt new thinsg into one's life , make new observations, learm wisdom of life that lifts one's skill level, but all do not like the same kinds of things, they do not need the same kinds of stimuli so much but instead something else.

209. Each person has one's own skill level, comfortable ways and values, also situation of life and goals. So what is realistical differs from person to person: different skills and likings just produce a different result and that is the reality like for that person. So one should not add "realism" to others, since such usually means failures, clumsy ways and even catastrophes since if they happen to the other person one does not notice them so strongly and so one typically demands more of them, especially if the starting point was the opposite, i.e. high in skills and successes. All do not notice the skills of others but instead think that they have things too easy, succeed without doing anything of good quality, and so they often bind skilled successfull people to be subordinates ofpeople with rough style and stiff style, lots of failures, etc, which is just a crime..

210. Often when things go very much ashtray, people have mixed persons and/or they have mixed different types of things. One reason for that are lies and cunning plans used for misleading, and another reason is that things are described too shortly by one characteristic only and someone did not listen the whole story or did not believe all and so they guessed how it might be and it went all wrong. Things should be described with at least school level picture of the wrold, for example different people living in different places and working in different jobs in different locations, and so they are quite easy to get right in a landscape like picture of the area with persons and other things belonging to the subject marked clearly, so as to avoid wrong interpretations. Likewise of course basic information like man or woman, age, nationality, profession, picture etc.

211. People learn all their age about the things they are interested in, so one cannot fix their goals to what they were last year or a few years ago, or when they started adult life or when they as kids dreamed f something of the kind, since they are likely to have already reached some such level of skill and quality of life and now they dream higher or of some other combination of things, even their daily life may be higher than what they first dreamed of as high.

212. If some people have rights that they use wrong but manage to keep even after correction attempts, they maybe have them because of their profession or because they in someone's opinion do have some skills in the subject but the amount of skills needed is estimated wrong. So it would maybe solve the situation if one would describe which skills they have and how they use the rights, even if that would be some lower lever version of the thing, like looking like a person suited for the job and arranging more work for oneself instead of doing the job like it is supposed to be done. So one could discuss what amount of rights and which tasks would be suited for such level of skills and responsibility.

213. Many people are poor at making social estimates but eager for social position and rights. So when they meet someone, they often try out the other person's rights as if those were their own, and kind of pick up parts of the perspective of the other one so that their own ordinary level, profession etc seem unfamiliar - maybe those are the other one's? This often ends up them claiming to own rights that are typical for the skills and professional strenghts of the other person and his/her profession, of course without grounds, and the other one losing rights without proper reason.
Since they do not have the skills of the other one and do not understand about such, they often suppose that the other pne just makes claimes like they themselves do, without checking things widely and with good quality, and so they suppose for themselves rights to affect widely as if all such were ordinarily too based just in imagination and things really concern just a very small group, say the other one himself/herself only, and so they act completely without responsibility in sch effects, uses and grounds for them.

214. Often when people with not so much skills or intelligence learn or get as social influence for a short while quite much more skills, they term themselves the best or ones with high skills in it andf assume rights over others and things to decide without regard for how much skills and responsibility such rights would really demand and what the skills of others are. Instead they should estimate their new skills on some ordinary scale like what level compared to school or which profession's education and what type and level of skills on that scale, what additional skills they have like common sense and likewise how good common sense, etc.

215. Some people do not understand the differencies between places that have different climates and maybe between different cultures too, but suppose that if something was arranged in some spirit or way in their original climate, the best choices in the new climate or culture would be the same in style and spirit, like for example all hot day lazying like available out of wish instead of demanding going to cources, satisfying certain requirements of the thing and position in question and available only via certain routes of application and the requirements not vanishing after being accepted.

216. Some who raise young dog puppies think that dog puppies are interested in life in a concretical level that includes murders, criminals etc, like they think that African humans have, so that they think that dog puppies or dogs resemble African humans, but with more wisdom that seems unlikely, since pets and wild animals resemble the human culture they live with and wild animals, which are important also for pets' identity, have to very much take into account the climate they live in, and in such respects African humans are extremely far from Finnish culture, climate and Finnish animals, both pets and wild animals. As far as I know African humans have a very poor eyesight because of the heat and heavy food, while Finnish animals have a very good eyesight, at least mostly, amd Finnish culture and Finnish climate skills build very much on good eyesight and the contact it brings with the surrounding landscape and the world, and also on the ways of thinking it makes easy. So Finnish animalös often have a high intelligence and high wisdom of life, but tend to vcpy ways of the humans they meet and so their level of rationality varies: they teach animals' wisdom which often is connected to following feelings.

217. Healthy ways of living, keen eyesight and looking at nature landscapes plus weather skills bring a bigger capacity also for objective thinking and usually bring satisfaction with life which brings a more civiliced attitude. At least for this reason wild animals are often in Finland classified high in who might be intelligent and wise, with wisdom of life.
But some people have been raised in a farm with cows, pigs or the like but would themselves want a job in town or withcars and motors. So they would like to classify machines higher in hierargy and so often in intelligence too than animals at large, but others term it unlikely that machines would be accepted to such unlikely role for so stupid and mechanical. So someone suggestes them that for example psychologists might be higher than animals, but it is just a guess, all wrong. Position means high skills and responsibility. So one good choice typically is to pick school educated civilizedly behaving people to be high in hierargy and to bring civilized wisdom with which to arrange the whole. But psychologists appear as if they had avoided going to school via lies, social excuses and manipulation. So they lack skills and responsibility for such a high position, don't bring civilized freedom.
If animals' high position still disturbs much, one can term their position a question mark, allow them often take part in discussions and listen to them but not necessarily always, and follow civilized vehaviour instead. Taking part in a discussion isn't so high position if one behaves ok.

218. Many people with poor observational skills, especially stupid or nonexistent educated thinking with poor eyesight, I guess mainly people from Africa, tend to confuse all things with roughly the same general shape and tend to guess that if they themselves have one of them they would be entitled to all the others as if perfect for them, like a quite big round general outline like a holistic view, having eaten, being from a warm tropical country, friendly, loved, ideal, religious, the world, skilled, the best, etc - just nonsense but it means that all cannot be trusted in a discussion even if they seem to not to be lying. So poor quality people cannot take part in ordinary matters without ruining things badly. Overal reliance on the guidance of others (of not higher skill than usual) compared to your own normal, is often a sign that the person in your company is relying on the wisdom of others and not on one's own skills.

210. Whenpeople study in their own land some other culture, they often get marked to know already some of it, while in the country itself or in some other culture their knowledge would not be so good. Also in other things it matters that if one has some skill or quality in something, it should be clearly marked where it is from, at least if it is not from the culture in question or from the culture one nowadays lives in and now associates with.

211. Some think that on the one hand babies and children ought to be allowed to trust their own understanding to develop in understanding as they age, but on the other hand that such would create a mess when the baby isn't so correct or when the kid is lied to or is not responsible in one's endeavours. But one can place the understanding of babies and kids in the same objective picture of the world that discussion like exlains what adults understand about the world. Babies learn skills for life. In where they touch the ages old human nature, they may be very correct, and in many other places searching for skills in observation, doing and in living. So they are just persons with certain age, culture, amount of experiuence and general skill level, so and so old persons with certain kinds of character and accuracy. Kids have basic picture of the world more like adults, but are mostly not so much in touch with learning basic skills, have certain skill level, certain thigs right and some others practised and certain culture, age, gender, professions aimed at, professions and skill levels of parents, etc, quite like adults in thinking but with less experience.

212. Finnish speaking Finns use a wide landscape like civilized thinking perspective that is positive for happy life to guide life, while Swedish speaking Finns (who culturally copy from Sweden and not the spirit of Finnish culture) and Swedes have a narrow square perspective like the views of young men about working life that is commanding and not so rational and not positive for happy life, for guiding lives. These two groups often get badly mixed.

213. When soneone has lots of skills, she/he has a basic perspective that solves quite many or many problems in that area of life, oftne also society level problems connected with that profession. That is usually no burden for the individual and since she/he has great skills, she/he may have a high position as her/hisjob and it works out nicely, partly because she/he has enough skills for the job and to back it up socially, and partly because usually very good solutions get work done well, so such is quite usual with high skills. But f soneone who does not have at all as much skills, takes a look and thinks that it is a nice job/position, and manages to steal the job to him/her, then he/she is without skills for that job but meets to begin with roughly the same amount of as difficult problems in it and does not manage to solve them, so he/she maybe thinks that he/she is unfairly or criminally attacked unsuaully much, but it isn't, it is just awhat is the difference between knowing the skills for the job and taking well care of the job compared to not having the skills and not taking care of such. Usually such errors occur when there is a difference of cultures or other big difference of viewpoints and skill levels.

214. Civilized wisdom together with objective thinking has great value because in it are many best answers that have beenfound to arranging things. But problems arise when it gets replaced by very low level rationality or with just lines, square forms or the like or by food pause atmosphere replacing thinking and observations. Such is typical when school is valued but adults overrule the position of kids by referring to some education like thinking with quite straight lines and square forms replacing thoughts to large extend. So the whole fine thing goes ashtray. The position of school, civilized ways or objective thinking ought not be transferred to these lines, claimes and commanding ways.

215. Some do not understand that theory perspectives and theoretical things like information, rules and commands are not meant to be kept up all the time like keeping company keeps up the sense of having company, but instead they are told once or sometimes several times or observed for a certain period of time and are for inofrmation only or to be followed in one's own ways but according to rules. Especially chidren's rights are often overrun this way: rights to personal ways of doing, free time and right to follow one's own understanding at the same time as following parents'advices, schooled wisdom etc.

216. Many people copy all wrong things that others do and claimed that the others have rights the others use in those things and that they themselves should have the same rights, but since they copy all wrong what the things are a question of, they end up doing lots of harm every time, for example some organized way of checking things through in thinking they may copy as a right to boss others around, which it of course is not a question of. So when people mess a lot causing harm they ought to be checked if they have the basic classifications aboiut what kinds of things it is a question of right, since for example foreigners from distant cultures, very stupid but active, persons valuing different sides of life and different skills typically do such errors nearly every time.

217. Sometimes things go ashtray because there isn't any more demand for something that used to be asked for, like if you take part in a beginners' course but try to continue and there isn't any place for such, or for people with such hobby without it's theory perspective, or for people of your age in it, or if you liked something but it's possibility was partly a question of your social relationships supporting it, or whatever, so that it helps to listen to what there is a demand for from you, where there is a friendly good-willing place for you, and adopt something like that if you feel unlucky or in danger.

218. Each person typically supports certain areas of life, certain skills and skill levels in them, and has gained something like that in one's living environment. That is why all women or all men ought not get the same gender typical kind of life and living conditions, but instead an environement that depends on how they themselves live, what they cultiuvate and what not. Each area of life had it's typical ways of doing, so quite often such can be recognized. Likewise with other groups and other qualities.

219. That one carries responsibility about something typically means that one is the planner of it and takes care that one does that work with good quality. So it s the work of a boss or an expert, and that way one is the person to give credit to or to complain to if there is reason for such. Young kids often think that one can transfer blame to the one who carries responsibility about the things, but that is just a misunderstanding caused by the work of a boss demanding that one is good enough at estimating people and their skills and at giving instructions to them, so it means that one has the responsibility of a boss and not about everything people do and not instead of the people.

220. People should be judged according to what they do and what is their skill level and which values they follow in practise, what is their moral like, and not by their looks. For example usually people who have passed all the 9 years of school do not look school like anymore, while people whose school like skills are lacking often look school like.

221. Typically people go to courses when they are beginners in some subject that there are courses in, but later when they well can all those skills they no longer go to such courses and no longer look exactly like the courses. So it typically happens that people have skills that they can well but which they do not have social position to show and not looks of the education either, while people with much much less skills in the same subjects have the position of studying courses and books in he subject and looking like them. Later on the less skilled have jobs in the subject but the most skilled are interested in something else or in a wide variety of things and of higher level of skills that fewer can estimate. Yet position in deciding things and in being listened to ought to go with skills and not with lack of skills and very little skills with memorized book knowledge.

222. If there is some person who has the endurancy and good will to take care of each person's life it is the person himself or herself of course. And not for example one's mom. One oneself also knows best one's likings and other charactyer traits and is always interested in one's affairs from just one's viewpoint. And one oneself typically cultivates just the kind of wisdom of life that suits oneself, in addition to civilized wisdom of life.

223. One way to look at traditional Finnish speaking Finnish culture is to see it as wiser rebellion against Swedish speaking Finnish and Swedish cultures, but since Finnish speaking Finnish culture is wiser, such rebellion does not demand that there would be any Swedish spoeaking or Swedish culture in Finland or in one's own living environment, since the Swedish culture's theory perspective is much simpler and much more stupid and much much less responsible too, less moral that means, than the Finnish speaking Finnish understanding and civilized wisdom.

224. Each person has certain things that he/she suports very much in one's own life and behaviour, kind of what always (me: healthy ways of living, my mom: academical work),what nearly always (me: music, mom: school or university) and what would one always begin if one had the possibility (me: sports, mom: career in engineering type of work), which places one would enthusiastically go to (me: nature, mom: Asian work). It produces great errors when people with different such choices live too near each other, like mother and adult child, pals, or the like, since one person is always suggesting something to central position in life, while it on the other is almost bypassed and some other thing ought to have the central position in life: the professions best suited to those persons are of a very different kind. So such persons should be very much more distant to each other, change completely to other company that is much more inclined to the same kinds of things in life as they themselves.

225. When there is a question of can someone participate in a group or in a discussion, even with a single individual, there is typically a set of minimum requirements for participation like civiliced behaviour,good will, common sense, interest in subject, and often also some skills that one needs to learn if one wants to participate. If someone does not fill the minimum requirements but would like to invest time and effort in learning them and later getting the chance of participating, teaching that skill, like good will born of eaten well, is not a task of those who keep the group, but sometimes they refer to someone else who might teach it or even ask if there is someone who could teach such, maybe refer to some teaching material, but that does not mean that those would be connected with the group, the groupd still needs all the minimum requirements and often some extra skills that one needs to study..

226. When children are young, their parents can teach them skills for life. But then at some age their mom stops talking about such and just takes care of meals and has someone taken the trash out, etc, saying when asked that the children seem to already know just about everythng needed, there s nothing that she could teach, except her own likings she knows about but children are noty inclined to that. But so the mom's atmosphere is around meals something like a full stomach from food with too much bacteria in it, and so some stupid or crazy adults add all kinds of persons with such atmosphere to the children's teens' and young adults' life, especially mom, which just causes problems to the ypunger generation. The error maybe comes from the younger generation each one sheltering one's own life, following one's own wisdom of life, civilized wisdom etc, which some guess to be mom like, but in fact it is just a mark that the younger generattion ought to be allowed to decide by oneself about one's own life and not adviced to ask parents any advice. And parents should be urged to follow civilized wisdom and not some absurd social guesses.

227. That pictures of the world should govern how things are done, refers to them governing only as far as they are correct. For example making theater scene like arrangements to make picture of the world look like correct, does not mean that the picture of the world would be correct at all. Likewise, since social pictures of the world are very often badly mistaken, it means that social pictures of the world ought not govern how things are arranged, but instead civilized wisdom ought to govern how things are done, and inside civilized ways also personal freedom as far as one does not unfairly disturb others.

228. Often there are in people's pictures of the world different views on how things are. In such cases it is best for the sake of communication to mark clearly the most common views and how the connect and what kind of evidence backs them up. Like I feel that my texts sometimes arouse in some the reaction that "Now can all learn this. So soon will all have that skill." but someone who has more experience or is more diligient in marking things would add "But all do not have the endurancy and motivation to read long texts." and even in the case of very useful simple short texts one could add that "All do not know how to read. All haven't gone to school and do not know how to study or why to study. All do not have clear enough head for such if they live in uneducated tropics or have lived there when they were young. All cultures do not emphasize the same things, for example the value of objective thinking skills." For example a good text is usually not for a wide audience, the widest are newspaper and magazine articles, things belonging to a certain profession and certain language do not have wider audience possible than those groups, and in practise it is roughly just some part pf those in that profession or hobby who read a lot nowadays. So even though written language is used widely, it does not usually communicate to very wide groups: wider groups just aren't interested in the same subjects and not in the same ways, since climate, culture, ways of living,international relations etc matter.

229. Often especially young people whio read think that they learned from the text some insight that the writer did not have, since the basic thoughts and information in the text were on a lower level. But if the writer would have been at such level the text would have been kind of square and without insight, while now it was with a taste of life born of living and reaching higher in ways that work, which the writer also must have known from his/her experience. So what a text gives for the reader is not born from only thinking but has much to do with living the daily life, with a wide variety of skills and experience of life, with a fascination of the richness of life. So the writer lived at the time of writing a life much like what the taste of life in the text is and had insight much like the text gives possibility to. That is the type of person in question, not some error of younger age.

230. The fascination of a hobby or an interest practised only a short part of one's time is usually very different from the ways of living and doing of those who do it full time. The latter are usually bored with it and do not find life so fascinating, at least not at all as fascinating as those with such hobby as an addition to the spectrum of life. So the professionals are not suited to forefigures of those interested in such area of life, not suited to be copied diligently from, but may teach some skills for it.

231. Quite often when children are raised up they get told about the value of interests of others that are not their own interests. So many end up reaching for points in such, even choosing such as their profession and sabotaging those who are naturally inclined toward such areas of life. Part of this is that parents know how to teach about their own interests but do not know anything much about the skills needed for other areas of life that happen to interest their offspring. And part is hearing too often one's sister's or brother's virtues praised. And some part is such between cultures, climates, professions and the like. But it often happens that those who sabotage some areas of life from others often reach for points in tem themselves to appear the most skilled, talented, responsible, intelligent or whatever and to get the position of those other persons, ruining their lives.

252. Often especially children, teens and young adults study some skill that is needed for modern life as adult and then get classified as willing to specialize into that as their profession, which is an error that others who were not at all as good in school generally make about those who learn easily. So one should pay attention to the intelligence levels of the kid and of those who so mistakenly classify him/her, and to how widely one educates oneself in a variwety of areas of life, with what level of quality and skills, and what one specializes into by one's own choice.

253. At least in Finland but I guess that in many other countries too, each town or district has it's own local culture much dependent on the major professions on the area, and in addition common to all the nation is it's culture: it's traditional ways and it's civilized wisdom, ways of living and the like like taught in schools and in the media, in the organized society.

254. A text is not interpreted the same way by all readers. Instead they all have their own view about what the text says and what the subject is like. So instead of there being just one version of a text, in practise there are as many versions of the texts as there are readers of it. Usually it is best to keep these separate and to let the writer's view stay much undisturbed.

255. When school teachers or older people command kids or younger peopleor people with less social position they often assume a higher position compared to the ones they command and behave asif they were some kind of law to follow, which often is a serious error since all adults aren't equally high compared to all kids. Instead they should assume the position they fairly have according to justice, some level of skills and responsibility instead of compared to others. And likewise the others ought to each have a position according to their own level of skills and responsibility. So it is not adults or teachers above younger ones, but instead civilized wisdom valued by all.

256. People who thoroughly read or watch something through, usually say when asked about it, just dryly "Yes, I have read it." or the like, it is no longer an interesting subject for them. On the other hand people with very distant relationship to such, who rarely spend any time on anything such, may when asked take a closer look, kind of lean toward the subject, the author, the subject's place in the world, how the subject fascinates and what it is useful for.

257. Some socially oriented people (men?) mistakenly estimate that if someone urges someone that take care of that, it is an important question, as a part of fact discussion, they think that such person has such commanding right over the other one also when there is no such fact content, which of course is not the case: civlized ways also in relationships of parents and children, and freedom of individuals is the basic guideline of objectivity.

258. Miseries of life and of the world are often somebody else's personal choices that were picked because they brought perfect life or the like, but were not adapted right to the new use, if at all, and maybe are persons waiting to get back to the right company, things adjusted to just certain distance, skill level interests, social style, likings, picture of the world, etc

259. When people associate closely without being so much alike, they tend to say they cultivate the same things but in practice their skill levels, values and interests are different. They are also social in different ways, from a different distance too. So that arrangements made for one are either irrationally much too allowing and supporting for a not so skilled not so moral person or very rigidly commanding, not allowing room for living, not listening to skilled opinions if the person is much more skilled and moral than the one to whom the arrangements originally were made. Not so skilled and not so moral people often lean on others, even on the closest of some one skilled much closer than the skilled himself/herself, so that arrangements made from such person may bring a huge number of people to disturbingly close without leaving much room for one's own skilled understanding, if any.

260. Being very high in unofficial hierarchy in society means being very responsible and at least school level quality in rationality. In addition one should not do anything requiring responsibility without having enough skills for such, without being able to estimate the effects. And one should not make cunning plans or something else against moral at the same time. And one should be so moral also in one's all social contacts and in all that one does, at least in all that affects at all widely.

261. Often when some person has some strenghts and certain kind of character, others think that such is quite extreme and would not work out if they themselves did likewise, and so they mistakenly add the features of others without such skills, values and character to their idea of what happens to the person who does have such. So in a way situations quite often go as if others supposed everyone being an average of their group instead of like the person himself/herself and others on the average being like the average, often without success in such skills etc, since they do not invest in them, but invest in other areas of life instead.

262. Books and pieces of art that teach something, for example some skills in living, are typically meant to be read or listened to just once or just sometimes listent o some song,not as a hobby or future work. They are meant to teach a lot to an individual that is independent and has one's own view, insight but is largely without much experience in the subject. They are not meant to be repeated over and over again.
By readers of a text is referred to all persons who have read and understood the text (for example years ago), not primarily to those who want such subject as their hobby or work (and who typically ruin the spirit of it by repeating too much and with too little taste of life and too little quality in thinking and ways of living and doing).

263. Some people, propably from Africa, think that forbidden things are so well guarded against that doing them is completely harmless, and that one is so allowed to do them freely, even if other things are not done so freely, and in huge amounts without it being in any way negative.

264. Some people, I guess that mostly from Russia, think that if they have healthy ways of living in some areas of life,they are allowed to do astronomical amounts of malicious harm and still be kind of moral forefigures for others, for the world.

265. Some who do not like foreign cultures and do not understand why such exist, correct their views when told to visit different types of places (towns, villages etc) in the country they like: those too are very different in culture and in other features too.

266. Often advices are easy to give in a school like form, so that they are easy for all to understand and follow. That does not mean demanding school like style, which i´often is a mark of poor quality or of the person not having gone to school and just acting it or having such interest without really studying. So if one is interested in estimating style, one should estimate the level of skill and whether one follows civilized ways in practise and with wisdom, with good moral.

267. Often the highest skill level isn't enough to give psoition and rights, since it is often difficult for others to estimate, so that in practice one needs communication between skill levels, which often means needing help from civilized not so intelligent people of different skill levels. Or then one can oneself, instead of referring to one's highest skills, refer to some ordinary skill that one has, like having gone to school or the like.

268. When some group or person estimates some other kind of group or person, the end result typically is something in between, so that both parties say that it is much like the other group or person. Typically it is the one group's or person's idea of a phenomenom at the direction of the impression given by the other group or person.

269. Some people think that there are lots of rights, very varying kind, when instead there are the same rules of behaviour for all (It is ok to be selfish in ways positive for happy life but not to interfere with the lives of others except fairly. + at least school level objective rationality + carrying responsibility + healthy spirit) but in addition there are lots of forbidden things, like if you interfere with the life of someone, you may be banned from associating so closely with her/him, or if someone does not like certain kind of thing or behaviour, it may be banned to treat him/her so.

270. Other rights than the above mentioned get explained in terms of these rights or are crimes, forbidden. Sometimes some rights like rights of parents over their children are arrangements that are quite easy to make but do not work out always as wished for.

271. Some foreigners think that the name of Helsinki (from the perspective of English language) would cause a lack of energy and so a need to be overly fat, since it maybe leads some who are interested in evil to come to Helsinki. But Finland is a very rationally oriented country, which is a feature supported by the location in northern Europe, and just about all coming to Helsinki know they need to consider if they want to be interested that much in rationality. In Finland people try to find the best alternatives based on the human nature, that suit all situations, and so the Finnish answers often find solutions which suit all, are the best, and so the Finnish life is very much alive and feeling, free too, and so there isn't any lack of energy or need to be overly fat.

272. People have dominant characteristics that tend tocause that others treat them somewhat along the same lines as they themselves behave, like practical, theoretical, social, manipulative, reliable, etc These are usually characteristics that the poerson himself/herself values most and aims at both in her/his own life and in her/his social encounters and relkationship to the society very much more than anybody else in her/his social environment. So it is just fair that they get treated likewise. If one would like some other feature too to one's social life, one should aim to cultivate that always too, and that is usually too big choise in what comes to ways of living, values and ways of doing, but many cultivate such features somewhat and are happy with such a choise.

273. Each person typically handles all one's own relations, especially in things connected to one's character, skills, position, the place of one's interests in the workld, and the like. All people are different, If someone else makes extra explanations of the person, those typically go ashtray and cause enermous problems in things that otherwise would have caused just about no problems. If someone for example is skilled, they themselves tend to bypass that without much mentioning, just telling it where it is needed, since in practise very few things get arranged by some hierarchy of skill, and instead need the complexity of life to run smoothly.

274. When people of different generations or different professions or widely different ways of living communicate, it often happens that some parts of what the other one says get classified as nonsense, so that the communication is completely missing at some parts as if those had been left totally unsaid, and some other parts of the same conversation have been listened well and understood rationally well. So the missed parts need lots of further picture of the world and clearer areas of validity of each said thing, which groups they apply, to whom it is so, how do they connect to the other things said and to the obligations of the groups of the people discussing, like army in a civilized society at poeace time, relations of women and men, etc. But be sure to support the ordinary obligations & ways of these groups or the widely different picture of the situation totally destroys the young people's civilized behaviour, their civilized pictures of the word and objective ways to think.

275. Some people suppose that if something isn't officially the profession of some person doing it, then others too ought to have exactly the same rights in that. But that is not so, since skill and responsible behaviour, sincere interest in the subject and caring everything to good state are a set of things that brings rights, while lack of skills and lack of responsibility ought to reduce rights. So such situations too ought to be looked like the profession of the skilled person carrying responsibility, even though so looking a person may have several professions.

276. Some people suppose that either people have no social eye or thatsome media they communicate via does not allow enough information for social perceptions, and so they think that they could pretend to be like some other type of person than what they are amd that pthers would be oblidged to treat them like those other type of persons, even pets or other animals. But that is not so. People do make social perceptions, They tend to like some people and not like some others. They get well along with some while some others do not fit together with them. So they do have the right to take sides in whom to associate with closely in which respects, but of course one does not need to allow them near. People have also many characteristics and typically people get treated according to several of their characyteristics also where the communication does not bring much informatiopn. So how people treat others gets adjusted in several respects and it is not at all ok to demand to treat one kind of person just like as if he/she were of some other person'stype exactly.

277. When people of different cultures, professions or inclinations discuss things, one is often higher in skills than the other, so the question often is which level one should communicate at. So often if one mentions that one ought to have school level things right, some take it to mean that one ought to use school level instead of higher levels of skill too. So it is important to mention that if something ought to be done wisely, wiser too is ok as long as it includes that basic level of skill and civilized ways that was mentioned as wisdom. That is what it usually menas, so that too is ok, even if not explicitly mentioned.

278. Often when things go all wrong in life, some kind of wrong type of arrangements wronly tuned thrown to you by others, those awful choices are the favourites of some one else or of several people. So since they do not consider those choices awful, you get better rid of the awful choices by asking if you like this kinds of things and consider them good, would you like to take these to yourself?

279. Some claim that they do not (always) understand words like her, him, hers, his, one's, own, etc but isntead replace the right person by themselves or some other person that appears to them nice so. So if there are severe errors to whom such things are applied or refer to, one should always use the names of the persons involved, and not words like she, he, etc. But of course such errors are often done on pursose, so they may want to introduce some more distant persons with the same name, or the like, which is a just a form of lying. Sometimes they claim thatthe reason for such is that the things talked about do not fit the persons discussed, so they search for more distant parsons, but then they are not at all noticing or admitting what the persons at hand are like and so they do not follow good enough quality to decide anything about them. In fact, they should be left outside when such things are talked about, since they are unable to follow such talk.

280. Some people who have only a little social eye, tend to guess their relations with others to be the opposite of what they are, like if they are block headed and the other one with wisdom of life and more intelligent, they tend to guess that they themselves are wiser and the other one block headed, which they graound on their sensations which they interprete all wrong. The unexplained instinctual sensations in a social situation are typically born from the basic view of the situation of the other one, of his/her way of life etc and are his/hers basic well explained observations of the situation, so one should not term them as describing one's own view but instead that of the person one talks with or just talked with.

281. In making arrangements some people suppose that they should refer to professionals of each subject and area of life or to their knowledge that they have memorized without understanding it. But in making arrangements one should have enough skills for them and just memorizing isn't enough, since some professions do work very detailedly according to some well proven theory perspective, while some others do practical work sloppyly, do not understand much if anything of other areas of life affected and do many choices out of habit, without good quality. So relying on them equally does not produce good quality work. Instead one should have an understanding of one's own and understand several areas of life instead of just having some skills for the practical sides of one's work. So in making arrangements one cannot choose the persons that sound best but instead needs to estimate honestly what one does, what skills one is using and with which level of skill and accuracy and how much responsibility one has.

282. Often people with only a little understanding of some subject who need to develop in skill need to pay attention to the subject detailedly and so they mistakenly estimate that they do detailedly theior wrok even though it is only roughly right and only some part of the whole since they do not have enough experience and skill for more.

283. Many foreign nationalities tend to consider themselves more social than Finns (isntead of just with a tendency to keep company like miserable people have) and so they also suppose that they understand more about social things than Finns, but that often causes just horrible errors, like: Finns want their children to grow up responsible and wise and want the children to decide about their own lives already as children, and so some foreigners guess it to be that Finnish children ought to have mother's role, which some foreigners guess to mean that children should be strictly under the rule of their mom or of some well eaten tropic's women who in their eyes look mother like, but so the end result is miserable and quite near the opposite of the Finnish wisdom that wa originally followed.

284. Often people do not understand that usually one cannot give rights to others except on a general level that applies always to all in all situations. Since if one for example wants to give a right that now that person takes care of that thing because he/she has the skills for it, one must still ckeck whether the person in practise has all the skills needed, and all the responsibility needed, all the time so, and that one does not so walk over the rights of others affected. So one would need to have enough skills for the task oneself, and one would need enough social eye and experience of life to understand the lives of the people affected, and one should understand about doing work, getting tired, making temporary arrangements, sloppy work etc and how those affect the lives of the people affected. So in practise one can give rights only on a general level, not to a certain person for certain task, except like the general rules allow.

285. If you think or even most people think that something s impossible and so must be a fake or a criminal deed outside rules of game,that is just a reason for you to not to give such rights to that person orgroup. It is not a right for youy to give a right for such deeds for someone else who for example checks the thing or is better valued by you. The same applies if the deed appears irrational: you cannot give aright to that deed to others either. But often it is that high skill looks impossible and personal choices of others irrational. Such are allowed anyway, and likewise is religion allowed, also if it can do miracles.

286. When people of different ages, cultures and/or professions and areas of interest communicate, some may handle large wholes with ease while others tend to bypass all extra information to take into account and stick to one's own interests. So for communication's quality's sake it would be important to pay attention to how much information each handles with objectivity. Like for example lazy, uneducated and over 40 years old people tend to bypass information and stick to personally interesting facts or opinions, while people interested in civilized wisdom and arts and skilled in weather skills of the four seasons typically handle large wholes with ease, even though all not at the same speed and may have a different way of handling details.

287. In paintings and other pieces of art and often also in people's work, those who are not interested in them want to look at them separately and pay attention to what is their place in the world, while those interested in them want to see what kind of life they connect with, how much life there is in that wide subject area. So for the enthusiasts they taste like lifa while to someone trying to work like go them through they feel like nothing special at all, don't have much taste of life.

288. Different people have different levels of understanding and skill and are interested in different areas of life. So what works well for one may be impossible for another. So mostly one cannot copy from others or from one's younger years views of what the real world is like (: what life tastes like, what is true, what typically happens when one does something and what kind of talk is nonsense).

289. Generally people's lives get arranged according to the skills and areas of life in use but those are not only their own but of social contacts', of personal interests and of areas of life associated with but taken socially. And then it often happens that some (older?) aquiantage does not have certain skill, so she/he relies on others in what comes to that skills, and so she/he mistakenly wants to add influences from others to that area of life also to those aquiantages who do have that skill, so that produces some need of conflicts, of more social distance I mean.

290. Some say that things have the tendency to turn to their opposite if one tries to do lot of them, but generally that is not so. Instead things have the tendency to develop toward the average, so to opposite directions at the opposite ends of the spectrum - which spectrum, that you can affect by choosing whom you associate with how closely and which groups you refer to. But it often is so that if you choose a profession, it serves to fix those with low skills in the subject but with sincere part time interest in the subject toward having the basic skills and equipment needed. So it is mostly not working with those who oppose the subject, but on the other hand it is likely to be with very beginners in the subject.

291. Some people supose that a text's audience - or song's or profession's - ought to be the level it appears to be written to, and that such level would somehow be it's goal. But that level is the lowest level in it's intended audience and the real target audience is much higher in skill, since people who by themselves can do most of the things, understand most of the things written in the text, may have weak points, which a much more detailed way of writing can correct away. Also, a text's target is to teach so well that the readers can all the things taught in the text or even mentioned, and not the starting level of the readers.

292. People rarely admit thta their choices or level of skill would be m much worse than that of some other type of person, for example their child. So if you have in your nearest environment or as the people with whom you talk / have talked about the subject lately, people whose skill level or level of wisdom of life or of fair play is much worse than yours, they maybe do not want others to see that difference and so they may be supporters with force of some problem you have, for example illness, that makes you look less skilled in the art of living (in atmosphere roughly the level of their opinions?) or the like.

293. Academically inclined people are not always skilled when they have to cancel something they said. They often in such situations make conflicting theoretical claims, instead of listening to from what perspective in which tones of voice things were said and so what kinds of situation they reflect, and repharacing their own words by dividing them to different cases, different possibilities.

294. Some people think that objectively thinking people are machine like, but that is not so: objective view of the world is just a view of what kind of world one and the others happen to live in. Instead such opinion means that the person with such opinion hasn't usually oneself thought things objectively through thoroughly, so it is quite likely that the person either has too high position or that there is so big difference in skills of objective thinking that she/he gets bored and there is huge communication gap and they are interested in different things, propably with different values. At least in nursing professions it is typical that their professionals do not take objective picture of the world thoroughly into account.

295. When a child is at the age of starting school but has a very good head,her(his parents may want to know if there is any other option for school, and so they meet some nursing/school professional who produces just nonsense, enermous thought errors (like: some boys of clearly different type  need school -> this one girl here who does not need school must be forced to school), and so the family thinks that the professional ought to go to c´school and not the child. But it may be that the professional has gone through years of school but via nursing or too much power she/he has lost her/his ability or will to think objectively. And it may be that the pa' of the family thinks that social things are unobjective and so does not demand rationality from the professional, and so the child is forced to school against the better judgement of the family. But of course one can have objective skills that others in the rgoup do not have, those are taken into account just like skills at large.

296. Often people if they are of a different group or culture, are so eager to be best or to get a dominant role that they just grap the highest position there is available and never mind what happens to the others who are of a different age, sex or culture. In such cases one should aim at giving each one the position and rights that she/he fairly has earned, and so one ought to ask each one what are her/hios good sides via which she/he has earned position and rights ofr herself/himself, and so re-estimate the rights to that right size, of course taking into account how responsibe and fair each of the persons is.

297. Babies may have lots of potential, with lots of individualvariation too, and so they may want their type's of person's position already at a very young age, which though is largely at the level of insight, of thoughts etc and not in the level of practical skills and experience of life like on adults and elderly. So even though it makes sense to estimate the inclination and insight of someone at a young age, it stil is different from actually having those skills in a form that can be used in adult life. Grouping them all to the same group produces a too theoretical view like a wish rather than that of those areas of life in practice.

298. Often people compare those with high skill to finely tuned instrument, and so some think: easily broken. But it isn't quite so either. If you have for example skills of living the weathers well, that is a strenght, makes your life better and isn't a burden, while someone with only little skills in living the weathers is like ill most of the time. Yet the challenge is the same ti both, the situation the same. So the one with less skills is more easily broken.
But on the other hand people with high skills are usually given the burden of caring for important work to do, and so they are often preoccupied, part of their energy and freedom goes to caring for the demanding work. While the not at all skilled get just some work that they can do even if they are somewhat clumsy like ill, and so their work does not suffer from the amount of misfortune their lack of skill tends to bring. So if both were given the same misfortune, the skilled one's work would easily suffer and so the skilled one would be harmed, without work, while the not at all skilled would just continue in one's work and get pay etc.
It is also so that some tasks in the society have to be done by the skilled and demand dedication even if they are not work, not paid for.

299. One who is in trouble, especially if one is in big trouble, usually has the right to ask others for help but do so only in fair ways that are ok according to what fits well to be part of the society.

300. Often when people overrun the rights of others, they behave as if they were just making additions to the picture of the situation, concerning only their own life and their own rights as members of a civilized society, and not affecting the rights of others, I mean they seem to suppose that others too have their personal space in which they take care of their own personal needs via the rights of a memeber of a civlilized society, and only at the level of the society and of the group there would be the need to take others into account. But typically older people mistakenly mark all to the same picture so that pne caring for oneself disturbs others very much, especially if one is commanding, as if the older people would be unable to think what justice and carrying responsibility say about the rights and amount of obligations of each individual.

301. Is it that people nowadays are more intelligent than past generations or what but it seems to often happen that the rights of all go only to those who are least skilled but keep noice about the things in question as if they were still in school. It may be also that people learned to recognise school's style but most people live in a different style when they already can the school things, learned them years ago and continued to learning other things but have still that knowledge and skills.

302. It quite often happens to young men that some woman they are pals with suggests that they could be a pair with some young woman who looks very different in style, and so the man does not like her but just attacks her nastily. It is not so that opposites would attract. The kind of life and characteristics that one oneself has as dreams attract. Often pals are the ones who get best along and so they tend tp think that their pal is ok and would easily find a spouse. But typical spouse candidate is someone you like and she/he likes you very much and so is very much alike and her/his personal style does not look peculiar or the like but instead looks understandable, a fine person. Such is a mark that you are tuned to the same kind of life - it is not the same characteristics to all.

303. Some think that when a baby in the beginning gets one cell from mother and one from father, it would be 50% and 50% deal regardless of what the father is like or what their relationship is like, but isn't it more likelily so that the baby gets good characteristics from both parents and that those should combine in a good way and it is a possibility that the relationship of the parents in their love affair affects this somehow, for example how they dream of getting a child or are they doing things in a way that is a good for learning new things if the child inherits it. So it may be like a picture of two trees: one may be bigger than the other and they may be different looking, their characteristics affect the whole.

304. Ofetn when arrangements go ashtray as if it were some people's opinion that things ought to go so, it is some minor part of the picture of the whole needed that they have confused to be someone with the right to boss the whole. So some people helping in making the arrangements are with much too little understanding or much too little good will.

305. Most people long for social contacts, but animals too are social, so some people may have animals as friends and so they do not at all so much long for human relatiosnhips. Animals may be more intelligent than humans and have more virtues of character, and so some humans enjoy also concversations with animals. Even not all educated humans follow civilized ways in their daily life, so it may often happen that an animal isn't in practise any worse in what comes to it's civilizedf ways.

306. Often when something is of much too poor quality but people are stuck with that straight line or square looking arrangement as if there were an enermous power in it, it is done by someone who is supposed much more skilled, but he/she wants others to get stuck with his/her choise, and so he/she puts a too low quality arrangement for them, which his/her feelings and understanding support at the leveö of common sense and maybe art, wisdom of life, etc.

307. A typical source of a rigid unwise rule in young adult's or teenager's life is his/her mom (or dad too) trying to figure out how a boy thinks, and so she tries the boy's point of view and way of thinking and somewhat practises it and it is very stupid and does not understandother people's views and grounds for them, not what they decide to do in their lives, and so it refuses to use such influencies but always only uses a boys' view, and so those who tried it end up very stupid, yet in the position they earlier had, or in the positions of others since they are older. Sometimes some guess also that a caring attitude a person has toward one's own life and feelings, is instead the effect of a mom.

308. Some think that if some people are more stupid or not so skilled as some others, there would be the right to do whatever on so low level of skill, also cunning palns planned with much more intelligence. But it isnä't so: If someone behaves according to civilized wisdom according to one's best understanding, that corresponds to others doing the same on their own skill level, but of course rights are different: according to level of skill, responsibility, values, etc.

309. Sometimes young or not-so-skilled people guess at the rules of the game in the world and make them kind of new games, their rights. In a way such part of thinking is needed, but since it is not trustworthy or does not handle all sides of the whole, it, like other opinions too, ought to be marked according to it's level of skill, trustworthiuness, values etc, and so people with trustworthy thinking could correct such view. Just guesses do not give rights but sure thinking can often give some rights. Especially typical to guesses is that they ought to be applied only to the person's life who made the guesses.

310. Often rights that people use to crimes are given by the much less experienced or much more stupid than the victims of the crimes on teh grounds that those deeds do not affect anythings, so it is in their eyes ok to do what one pleases. But when some think that such deeds affect, those should not be used to crimes, even if others think that such does not affect anything. The more skilled are typically more sensitive since their arrangements are more fine-tuned and often also their perception ability is more natural, more sensitive and understands better natural kinds of sides of life.

311. Often people who have too much rights to decide over others, are in some context classified as civilized but they are not civilized on all areas of life and often not civilized with high skill, at least not widely. They just use sloppy thinking and widen their rights so to very large, and bypass the amount others are civilized, which may be a consequence of them lacking such skills themselves so that they just do not observe such with certainty or do not feel that they would belong to the same group and want to be loyal.

312. Generally rights demand that one would behave responsibly in a civilized way and having enough skills, for example a minimum of school level objectuve rationality. Such is typical for many professions but not for nursing. Such is also typical for many kids, teenagers and young adults. So nursing ought not overrule their rights at all.

313. Some people claim that if some person is ill or illusioned or out of one's mind or stupidified or the like, then some others may be nearer the true self of that person than that person then, but that is a lie, devil's deed, since each person is always the one nearest one's own true self, which may need different things in different situations. If you want to help someone, you can yourself take care of the things that person needs if such is moral thing to do, but you must not interfere with the life of that person, and so it often happens that also afterwards the person does not want the things you cultivated and so you have to take them to yourself: just you liked those choices, not the other person.

314. People who have gotten some skilled influence, for example on some course, may be much more skilled than they or their environment usually is. Also people who have gotten influences from some with very low levelö of skills, are usually themselves for some time (longer time because the stupid mostly live slower) on a low level of skill, but may remember something they knew earlier. Also the ones momentarily with higher skills may remember their ordinary level of skill, not anything of so very high quality.

315. Often when people are under 40 years old they just learn new skills on top of the old ones, so that they tend to have as older at least as big rights in each thing as they themselves had as younger. But over 40 years old often tend to survive via bypassing things and by not trying so hard, and so their skills may deteriorate and especially as older they may be momentarily skilled and at some other moment not at all skilled, since such happens when you have years of experience and have gotten bored or are not at all interested in something. So often the over 40 years old and the elderly ought not have the same rights as younger but instead varying rights according to how skilled, responsible and wise they are in each thing at each occasion.

316. Mom and dad are usually not at all skilled at estimating their adult child. For example they may still wonder why he/she chose the profession she/he has, and suggest some other profession that they tehmselves like but which the adult child says clearly No. Likewise they may themselves like some person and so misjudge that person to be a good spouce candidate for their adult child, without realizing that they listen to their own feelings and not how their adult child thinks about that person.
On the other hand all same generation aquiantages of the adult child know well what profession she/he is in and take that into account. Likewise they usually are able to discern between their own likings and the opinions of the adult child. Mom and dad are also used to their child following their own ways and values, and so they often cannot adapt to adult child's own viewpoint as an adult.

317. In care professions the workers often get most influence from those who are most ill or lack very much skills for life, since they liked being nursed. Also, those who are much ill or lack skills may at their younger years like being nursed, so they kind of naturally choose such professions for themselves, also then getting a feeling that they are more skilled than others. And so in care profession it often isn't true at all that the workers would be more healthy or wiser than the patients.

318. Also for cultures and other influences the factors which do not seem to fit at all but are difficult to get rid of, are typically wished for characteristics of some other cultures or persons. So if the factor is for example awfully nasty, one should check who claims our wished for features in that factor as too easy, too sugary or the like, and then re-estimate whether we want such influence from that social relationship, person or greoup.

319. One can see if the nature of someything is artificial or natural, from what routes it works well, naturally, with good spirit, and whether it consists of natural things functioning according to their nature, which often is things with good spirit, and if the other option produces nasty malfunctions.

320. Higher levels of skill include all basci skills as their part all the time in everything. But they do not have the same style or looks in them, but instead do them in a more natural way that is quick, often with the help of the ordinary sense of sight. So position and rights connected to high level of skills ought not be given if the basic level is lacking, like is typical to many who pretend wiser than they are or do just something or have lately lacked basic exercise in life's basic things like watching and doing practical things, discussing or reading objective thoughts with a good understanding. So the basic level ought to be checked always, but recognizing one's own skill level too, and in a fair way. A person has the right to affect one's own life also without skills,but not those of others. So insightful thinking too ought to contain good grounds at the basic levels of skill, and not be like a theater scene.

321. People get referred to in different ways that mean different things and that should not be used to the same meaning. Like I am the writer of my texts and that is different from me as a person, which both are different from what someone maybe is interested in the writer of my texts, which may be a way of in practice referring to some other kinds of people that are like the virtues the person is interested in, which is different from misunderstandings and wrong estimates of people. For example someone referring to some writer may be referring to her/him as years younger, or to other people whose insight is of the wished for type. Academical skills of objective thinking and of objective choise of expressions and classifications help in talking about this kind of differencies.

322. If the ones helping are less skilled than the one who needs to be helped, the helpers ought to concentrate on behaving in a way that is well suited to living in a society, moral enough. And they ought not command the one to be helped at all, instead they ought to explain their knowledge if such is lacking from the one to be helped, i.e. if it for example hasn't been taken into account.

323. Often when people and groups who do not have so good moral, are given rights that suppose that they are something that they term overly responsible, overly well behaving and/or overly soft compared to what they themselves are like or wqhen they get such rights toward someone outside the group they are fair with, they tend to misuse those rights to evil deeds like ruining the persons' lives whom they were supposed to help with their advice. That is why rights ought not be given to certain task, especially not again, without checking what they are used to by that person in practice in that occasion and not without taking the safety measures needed for upkeeping moral in the society. That is why one needs to tell aloud also about evil deeds done by the same person, about what they used the rights to, in that occasion and not only about the grounds for the rights given to that person.

324. Some support evil persons, thinking that so small things ought not to be punished about or even avoided, while those evil deeds disturb some others' lives a lot. So the ones supporting evil ought to be subjects, victims of evil deeds at least with as much strenght as the others, instead of being a favourite and thinking that evil is for the as evil as themselves soft and easy, and maybe even pleasant life.

325. In care or the like it is not ok to interfere with other person's personal things. If there sometimes because of illness or accident wounds or strain wounds is a need to cure, the cure ought to interfere that person's personal life only a little and have an immediate strong curing effect that lasts and there should be no harm caused at all. That means that the healer should be much wiser than the person to be cured on the person's personal matters, which often is not at all the case. Even if someone is ill and more stupid than usually, the person has memories of past good choices, habits that suit just that person and experience of life as a person with such likings, skills etc.

326. Often people with a harsh tactic in life are well cared in some ordinary respects like being favourites of older people who have money and/or being classified as civilizedly behaving and deserving the be treated in civilized ways. So often such harsh choices are not so harsh life for the person in question but only to some women or the like who have a different style that others do not understand or want to get rid of.

327. Oftenreaching for good quality demands that one adopts a humble attitude, setting goals high. While someone not caring about quality tends to try to boss things around in such subkects. So position ought to not to go with whether one initially lowers or lifts one's position, but with quality, values, etc, which often means the opposite of what the initial movement was.

328. Skilled people often tend to have trouble because the much less skilled, like for example people who did not survive of scholl pupil level tasks at all, tend to assume a dominant position and either require the much more skilled person to copy closely from them as if the much more skilled were an admirer of theirs, and/or they tend to boss the much more skilled both in his/her life and in his/her skilled work or the like. On the other hand the skilled usually are skilled because they invest lots of time and effort on developing and maintaining such skills, on having such skills high in their hierargy of values. And when they have a psoition as skilled, they tend to teach those skills to others or use them otherwise for the good of others too, and that is not bossing in any way. Neither is it forcing others to the position of an admirer. So it is not at all fair to boss them at all and not to force them to copy from the less skilled at all. Is it so that the not at all skilled do not believe in anyone having high skills in the world and so they term such descriptions of skill level as cliaming them to be admirers of the more skilled person, which they are not, since people tend to learn via social roads talents and skills that they admire others having, but do not learn anything from those whom they despice.
A part of the problem seems to be then that the not at all skilled have been commanded much in a question that should be of one's free will, information only. At least people who have a tendency to be nasty, when they some time assume the role of a mother like person, tend to command much, force things as much as aperson with the tendency to do evil uses force when doing evil, and that looks mother like in their own eyes.

329. Often people who act to be someother person or whatever or have given wrong information on purpose, tend to react as if all critic toward their behaviour were critic toward the group they pretend to belong to or toward the person they act and not toward themselves at all. But typically all critic is about certain kind of behaviour by a person with certain amount of skills and certain values, certain level of moral, and so it concerns also persons  acting and not especially correctly identified persons.

330. Often young people fond of position over others try to cultivate a reputation of being artistic, religious, helpful, intelligent or whatever that brings position. Often such brings low quality results, either lies or somehow more narrow view of those areas of life. Besides, the society is for all and it requires that one behaves in a way well suited to living in a society. A civilized society is not a hierachy of some deciding over others. Instead it seeks to offer freedom and good life to all skill level without allowing irresponsible or unfair behaviour. For exampl if you do not have the skills for something, you ought not decide about it any wider than what affects only your own life and not anybody else.

331. "A picture of the whole" means an objective picture of all the things in the whole, and not just it's overal shape, edge or the like.

332. Some people suppose that in the society there are some vague hierarchies, like the engineering oriented like space stations because then an engineer is highest in some sense and that allows technicaö tricks. One oguht to ask: which hierarchy you mean, which things you want to take well care of in the society since that is what high position in a hierarchy means?

333. Some engineering oriented think that since they are a big group, that is a position from which they have the right to affect widely. But the right to affect things comes from being good for the society in a good quality way that is wise enough, and that the engineering oriented seldom are. So in practice engineering is a just a hobby or a job,an inclination of some, instead of it being a subject with mother like position over others.

334. Some idiots think that if there is some way to cure some problem to an ok situation, that then the problem would be allowed and causing and spreading that problem in the world would also be allowed, if there is some text or whatever way to cure it. But of course such is not allowed at all! Ways to cure problems do not always work out, and they demand time and labour and motivation and resources and before the case is fully cured there is the problem in it all the time. One is allowed to spread a good end result, not the starting situation for it! I have the impression that there is this error especially in Asia.

335. Some have it difficult discerning who was the victim and who was the evil who attacked if the evil ones lie. But usually the evil ones try to affect the life of the victim or gain someother benefit, and so they command something about the life of the victim instead of just demanding to be left in peace like justice and responsible behaviour demand. Sometimes victims too command something but it is usually only that justice should be followed and not any detailed suggestion overruling others.

336. There is no rule that all ought to be treated equally and no rule saying that all ought to have the same kind of life. But justice ought to be followed and common sense and civliced wisdom and responsibility carried.

337. When people have lived their youth in a very different environment, they typically do not understand gesture language right. For example when people are adviced to invest in healthy ways of living by referring to good posture, since healthy ways of living are best seen in connection with the type of good posture one has, some foreigners take it to mean that one should have very close relationships, as close as one's posture is to oneself.

338. Usually people turn toward each person that they happen to meet the side of themselves that is like the other one, like the side of practical life toward a practical person. And so each person thinks that in the world there is a demand fro things like themselves, and not so much demand for what others do or produce or are like. So they also think that the world is quite much the same to all, so that if they themselves would benefit from some quality, then aperson with that qualityu would have a great potential, but in practise people are not that versatile: they have their own likings, strenghts and weaknesses, their own social style, values, etc and so they tend to end up in somehow same kind of situations if they associate with the same thing, instead of rising to high potential or conquering something that others estomate possible for them, except via increased civiliced wisdom, they are of the same caliber in each area of life so that their position depends on what is needed and what is superfluous. Neither do they have the bad sides of being at the vertge of collapsing if they always do well happily with ease, even though that may look soft.

339. Sometimes some advice kids, maybe in school, that religion is connected to things having good spirit and not so much to things with not so good spirit. But if boys are largely motivated toward army and engineering, that leads to many choosing aggressive evil and feelings connected with mathematics where it should have been the place of religion and civiliced values.

340. Some main guidelines get checked by the young and unexperienced, maybe because they as beginners have an open mind, but then they would demand varying amounts of explaining the situation, often a lot, but in varying ways to provide a wider picture of the things in question and to avoid always the same errors and misunderstandings.

341. Often when people estimate the skills of others, they go very much ashtray in estimating how much some others would admire such person or how close they would be, since typically they do not value the same good or bad sides and they do not fit into the same kind of relationship with that person as the one making the guesses. So typically the person making the estimate values the other person somewhat, in a way typical in his or her life, while others would pay attention to entirely different kinds of persons as interesting.

342. Finns do not admire foreigners very much or at all, since Finns have a good skill level and understand about wiuse ways of doing and foreigners typically lack such or lack civiliced ways and civiliced wisdom. Even though Finns like music, this is the reason Finns often do not admire romans either, at least do not want to take them as forefigures in art: they have some skills but lack some healthy wisdom that Finns need.

343. It maybe often is that people are not so very much interested in others but are interested in forefigures and the like: in interesting people in different but often distant areas of life so that they are more like peculiar examples of something of which others want to form a picture of the world, instead of being pals and talking to just the person as himself or herself. So often people are not described by their characteristics and not by any advice for life for them (civiliced wisdom is such, for example library's books about wisdom of life), but instead they are referred by "interesting in such and such context", like "Do you want to learn that are of life / that role? This person has skills for that!".

344. When it is a question of a kid or a young person, "your level" in skills about an older person usually means "your caliber" or "like you in character and abilities", which means that if the person compared with is an adult, he/she typically is much more skilled and able in many things and also as a character has developed a lot since childhood when she/he was like the younger person compared with. So it does NOT mean "has studied the same courses as you but nothing much more". So for example if a kid or young person would like know what kind of wife or husband would be well suited for him/her, it means for the adult person that was like him/her as a child and just grew up like such characters typically do.

345. All living in the same world and the same things happening to all is a clishee that seldom seems to apply. If I for example am interested in music, and have been for a long time, my life has good sides learned from music, from loving music, but all do not have such sides since they are not interestyed in music. Also some people tend to admire certain types of criminals thinking them strong and modern, and so such ways have influence on their own lives but not on the most of the others since they do not lift the same persons so high in their views, do not get so much influence from them and their views, their type of social spheres. Besides, people have different likings, different skills and different tactics and so they end up in a different kind of life in the same kind of situations too, so they always live in a different world much influenced by what they themselves are like and what they are interested in, what subjects they follow diligently.

346. Some think that many not so skilled deeds or quite stupid persons would be the same as one skilled deed or one skilled person, but that is not so. Firstly, it is clearly a different thing if it is one or a few or more. And secondly typically there are quality criterions that a skilled deed and a skilled person fill but which a bunch of not so skilled deeds or quite stupid persons does not fill at all, and so the bunch does not gain the same rights since it isn't good for the same purposes, it is not so useful or even harmful. Besides, a group is by nature different from an individual.

347. Some people who value cunning, if they are given the right to choose for themselves, often choose for themselves things valued by others, like the favourite professions of others, instead of things they themselves cultivate respecting their values and skills, instead of theor own favourite things. So such isn't any mark of them not having chosen themselves what they ought to have, quite the oppisite, since they have had the freedom to rob the favourites of others away from them who like and value such things in life.
Likewise, if someone is highly skilled, others may copy his/her choces in life and his/her favourite things to be their own choices, and such is no mark of the skilled one to have chosen for himself or herself and much less for others too.

348.Some think erraneously that if they produce some kind of result, ideas or the like on some area of life, they may take part in that area of life. Maybe things were so for them when they were kids in family circles. But that is not so. You have to produce good quality results in that area of life to take part in that area of life. Like if you produce good result only mathematically looking, you may take part in math but not in any other kinds of things, since they all require their own skills and values and behaviour fit into a society, responsible enough.

349. All people and especially some foreigners do not understand what an animal freind is. That is why animals should be classified more detailedly: according to climate, species, country, race, age, gender and maybe somethinge lse too, since such differencies need to be taken into account. Then it is maybe clear that one cannot replace an animal by whoever human. If some humans are in some sense like some animals, that is just those humans and just in their own climate and their own original country.

350. Some people were skilled in some younger age but not anymore, since others for example want them to quieten down and so there isn't much left of their skills. In such case they ought not command over others as if they had lots of skills.And since they may be very stupid and negliguient, for example because they tend to have a not-at-all-good day, it is the task of others to not to take them to positions above their skills, even though it may be that others too lack skills enermously and they too ought not command over others, not make arrangements over others and not superwise things.

351 People with a good understanding in some area of life can often understand such things in other cultures too if they have familiar features but often not if the workings are very different, poutside their experience of life. One can also understand things with only a little experience in them if one has a good understanding in them. So Finns can understand some features of the Swedish society and of other countries because Finns have typically a good understanding on ageneral level about how individuals build a society and about wisdom of life. It does not mean that Finland would be like that almost at all.

352. Some want to make sure that all survive as well as others regardless of how they are inclined or what skills they have. And so they hinder a lot the skilled and motivated and help a lot the not at all skilled and the sabotage motivated. So it then happens that if the skilled or very motivated get influence from the not at all skilled or from the opposing ones, the skilled an motivated fail since they cannot survive with so little skills and so little cooperation, while the not at all skilled an sabotaging kind win since they excel with even a little influence from the skilled or motivated. And so these areas of life are bound to low level of skill and often their values are neglected as if they belong to times past. This way Swedish influence is harmful to Finns and Finnish culture.

353. If children and even babies take part in something, they may have good ideas but not own experience of everything. So if they for example mark a straight line, it may be a way they have been told that such things as they refer to, like things well, or good quality trhinking, or only this subject discussed here, are marked with.

354. Often problems do not arise from who is allowed to participate, since it is allowed in certain ways only. But problems do arise from who makes the arrangements, who superwises and in which ways do people follow rules, what was the idea in things, etc, since somejust aren't up to the task, some sleep things through without really checking things,some believe too much in others, some believe too much in arrangements being really good and some want to sabotage, steal etc.

355. Often if one does not get enough rights or get treated accordingto how well behaved one is in the society, it means that you have marked yourself on some scale that you are so and so good but some others, often adults, foreigners, somehow famous people and the like have been marked in it but all wrong, higher than you even if they have not so high skills and/or are not so responsible. So they too should be marked again according to their own abilities and their amount of responsibility, and not according to some group clishee.

356. If rules do not seem to affect when the subject is said with different words, there is propably some young person without much experience of life or someone of similar skill level taking part and saying that such is a different thing and so does not affect this. So such claims should not overrule the opinions of the more experienced, since they are just a question of lacks in one's picture of the world and in one's understanding.

357. There is no exact one type of being social for all Finns. Instead all Finns are social in their own ways, which may be partly learned, partly a question of skill level, of climate, of interest in cultures, of some profession, hobby, values, etc. So one cannot reach somebody's way of being social by adding all features of their family members or aquiantages.

358. Some (Russian?) men,maybe also some women, do not understand what it means that somebody else would like to do something, like whether it is 3 seconds or two months, whether it is now and then or all the time, whether it is 100% concentration or just so that one gets it done or does an attempt at doing it while caring for the rest of one's life, and that they would like to do it themselves in their own ways.

359. Sometimes when someone has experience of some group being rational, they suppose those people to be always at least that rational, and if someone says that someone of them has behaved irrationally, they suppose that it has been irrational from some point of view but at least as rational as usual, which often is wrong, since people have different sides, some of them rational and some not and some take certain social situations unobjectuvely, like for example treatung some types of women unoibjectively. So if someone claims someone to be unobjectuve in a certain situation and one thinks that the person is at least somewhat bjectiuve, one should mention aloud such prejudice, and repeat it when needed, and try to open one's eyes to people having differents ides.

360. Parents when their child has grown up, teachers when their former pupil already knows the things taught and nurses etc when the person is healthy mostly do not feel oblidged by their work ethics but instead may lie a lot and attack unmorally. They should all notice that they are still oblidged to honesty and to behaving in ways fit into the society, even if the other one is not so close and/or not so unskilled anymore.

361. That pictures of the world ought to govern does not mean one common picture of the world, to which you could make markings or someone else to your thoughts. Instead you can make markings to your own picture of the world only, and you can make estimates of the trustworthiness of others and they can estimate yours. So it is an enormous number of pictures of the world together like in some philosophical conversation and life in the society, with masses of claims not affecting because they are not good enough quality are lies or are not moral enough.

362. Of each person it does not matter if one is better than someone else, but instead what is one's skill level and how responsible one is.

363. Kind of round style on the elderly often connects with having arts and religion as hobbies alwasy along, since they demand a landscape like insightful view and wisdom of life. Young people being kind of hoarse, some think tough looking, connects often with them having only a little experience of life and dropping things away because of wanting to be sure things are of good quality objectivity, and of them wanting to do better in life than other people they know.

364. An atmosphere is not enough to tell what thing something is. Instead one needs a good seen and thought of objective picture of the situation. A basic form of such is what boys often reach for.
One's right to try to form a picture of the world for oneself is different from taking part in an objective discussion and that too is different from having the right to decide things in the lives of others.

365. Usually accusations, harm etc are very harmful to those who do not have any tendency to such but are instead very different themselves, since if they get such harm, all think that it is some major error in how things are in the world, something like a sign of the end of the world or of the old ways&values in the society, and so they think that they cannot cure such a big thing. While if such is accused or harm done to a person who has a quite big tendency to such faults herself/himself, then she/he and all her/his aquiantages are ready for such, they have well working ways to cure the situation to wise ways and their pictures of the world and their social eye stay unharmed.

366. If one writes in public, sings or the like, what one dies tpically supports some view of how one ought to live, what skills to invest in, etc. So if that is ok in the wosicety and in the world, the writer, singer, etc should herself/himself try to live that way as her/his own version, and ought to be given room for that, especially if the text, song or the like has a wide audience. That is the basic feedback from the text, song or the like. Somewhat so also if the text, song or the like isn't moral, but one ought to try to fit it to the society and to the world in moral ways, and that is the challenge meeting the writer/singer or the like.

367. Some command things they cannot thibnk objectively about, cannot handle in a good quality way, while others often can make sure observations about them and handle them in a good quality way. Sp it is important to always mark how sure your thoughts and deeds are and what is the level of quality in them, so as to let good quality and wise ways rule.
Some also try things out if thse are new or unfamiliar or too difficult, and so they tend to mess the lives of others, which too should be observed to be less right than the other people themselves deciding about their lives.

368. Some mistakenly think that if their own deeds seem to cause big happenings to others or to the world, those are just some odd phracing in their own personal world and not cause in the world at large. But such are mentioned just because they are big things in the world, like "But so doing you will cause the end of the world several times. - Yes, it may be, but anyway I will..."

369. Often if freedom seem far away, it may be that others live in different ways, some with different cultures too, so the virtues needed for freedom may need to be well cultivated, like world wide moral, good objectivity, healthy spirit, kind heartedness, civilized ways, wisdom of life and good will.

370. Some think that if they invest their time, effort and values in something else than basci living and ways fit into a society, they ought anyway gain the benefits of being fit into a society and basic life running well. But that is not so. Most people need to invest a lot into basic living and ways fit into a society, and that means that they cannot at all invest in something else, and so they gain at least some of the benefits of being fit into a society and basic life running well. But if one does not invest to basic life but does something else instead, it often happens that basic life does not work out well, and that is the fault of the individual in question and not some trouble that others should help to survive in. A person who does not cultivate these basic things often attacks others unfairly and badly, and so such criminal has not gained the support of others.

371. Often when someone wants more emphazis to one's opinions, he/she picks some large group and claims to be it's voice, claims that the position of the whole group, of everything it does, would belong to one's single opinion. Like mom and dad assuming the position of all people in the society who are in age (a year or more) older than the person talked to. Or mom expressing an opinion about fashion and supposing that it ought to have as much emphazis as all thing connected with fashion together in her child's picture of the world and experience. Or like a foreigner pretending to be all foreign countries together.

372. Often when people behave ashtray and cause lots of harm, they have been given rights that suppose that their skills and dedication is much above what it really is, and so they want to get rid of such nonsense and such trusting attitude, maybe also of the supposition that anybody could have so high skills and responsibility. Often such happens when people ask someone to help such a person, and so they give them rights, but instead the person doing harm is likely to have wrong basic skills and ought to be helped in them like someone in early teens who ought to have such skills but who on the first time needs to be told about how such things go. For example their own characteristics, theiur own position, what are the things talked about, how to associate with such at a basic level, etc.

373. Often people of different culture, age or different interest deciding whom you ought to associate with produces just nonsense and crime, like someone of your age group liking mischievous behaviour bringing to them devil like company, which they or others then spread to others too, when you instead should have company from your own interests, hobbies and the like. Devils may mean something like tale figures which may mean something that all are not sure about but which you tend to associate with like animals for example or feelings.

374. The word "role" is something that some use to cause lots of big misunderstandings and wrongdoings. They often use it as if it meant nothing but was something that one needed to use. But instead the word has a strong effect on the sentence. A role can be an actors role,so it changes the situation between ordinary people to something in which someone maybe gets replaced by acting him or her. Or then it is young person's way of learning about one's dream job and adult life by copying from forefigures, and then it is quite sincere but unexperienced, maybe trusting. Or then someone thinks that others are too much of a certain type, and so in their company he/she tends to act to be much more of that type than he/she really is, and his/her real effect is to the opposite direction, so the role is a big lie, and the world "role" in this sense changes the meaning of the expression to it's opposite. Some say that often actors also are of the last type, quite opposite of whart they act to be like and that is the reason why they act.

375. Some mistake very active behaviour to be behaviour of a pal of their aquiantage. But isn't it so that if a young person's pal takes part in the same hobby course, they are timid, kind of listening alone and active only together. While if some enemy of theirs meets some close social relationship of theirs, the enemy catches the change and bursts into boasting activity, neglecting the person's attempts to milden the behaviour, to cool it down. So such is not a pal's typical behaviour and not other person's date's either.

376. Often if you have some hobby that you like and mention it somewhere and later some want to sabotage it away, it often is that some others too took that as a hobby but did not cultivate it as well and so they did not succeed in it as well and they also did not like it so much, and so they claimed that it was somehow in unfavorable circumstances for them and wanted to steal some of thesuccess of someone who liked such hobby, and so they managed to get some social favour and you in turn lost the natural place of a hobby that you like, since you were grouped together with them in people's minds and they did not do it in so nice ways and did not like it so much, were not as skilled in it and did not respect the values which upkeep good quality in it and favourable circumstancies for it in ther society.

377. Old tales about some of the Japanese martial arts masters having been seemingly unharmed when shot, raised questions had the Japanese somehow sabotaged the basic structure of reality so as to stay unwounded when shot. But such seems unlikely. I have read Japanese books about zen buddhism which is their old tradition and that of the samurais too, and those teach among other things miracle curing skills that fit together fit sports and somehow with war too. So it seems that a martial arts master was very religious, understood religious things well and was in spirit a person who gets cured in seconds or minutes, so that from a bullet they just got a hole and it did not get worse but isntead was cured in minutes. But that is not as good as staying unharmed, since being wounded is of course a danger, and it can be worse if one for example is wounded in a bone or in something vital, instead of to the side muscles for example. If the masters were in harmony with others, like their philosophy teaches one to be, maybe they also did not get harmed so badly but instead kind of understood the ordinary dynamics around them.

378. If the world is of spirit, some may live a life after death quite the same way we live the life before death, kind of everyday life, and so also in war like things likewho died and who did not may depend on the person isnetad of being the same tio all.

379. Some (for example Chinese?) use the word "role" when they do not know what something is, how to classify it, especially of social observations and impressions. So it is typical for people who either usually or just then do not observe almost anything at all, do not undersatnd the impressions, sensations etc that they manage to have, and so such influence makes others too socially stupid, idiot level.

380. If the skilled have problems of not being listened to by the organized society and criminals and not skilled gaining position in official matters, I guess that it often is a result of the criminals and not skilled keeping lots of noise of the importance of school level objectivity and basic dea´mands of being fit to a society while they in fact do not follow such in practice, and while the skilled follow such diligently but do not look like that. I guess that the answer is to talk about school level things and young adult level in thje ways of people discussing with others of those ages. I guess that the politicians have this skill but not all the other skilled ones.

381. If some person, group or for example weather of theirs classifies as certain kind, that is no right to send to them more things that classify roughly or even exactly the same, for example "nasty", since people like different things, rarely they consider their own choices nasty and so they are not in tune with somebody else's nasty things at large even if they like for example more rainy climate, since rain too can be shiny, mild etc. Likewise each culture is of it's own kind and makes it's own choices. You have no right to send them your own trash or your own versions of their choices, much less other things classifying in nyour culture as something similar. Instead they have to be allowed to make their own choices themselves.

382. Like each profession creates for the people in it a social classification as such type of person, living such life, also big deeds and the like for which you are remembered create for you life like the way of remembering, like for example for the elderly quite slow life in which it is good for the yopung to think deeply how an elderly person would do the same things and live one's life.

383. An athlete leading a sports group, nurse's touch and music's effect do not have special methods of affecting the body and life of another. They just understand about life and about good ways of doing things, and via the social eye of the other one the other one catches some of the benefical effect they communicate: an athlete by showing example, by communicating with tones of voice and rythm communicates good ways of running etc, the nurse understands about good benefical muscle tension or relaxedness and of the effects of attitude to how one gets cured, and a musician communicates wisdom of life and good ways of doing.

384. Many people use the word "role" just about anything, just adding it. And the social ways and social eye of people differ, likewise differ situations and ways of doing. And so one has no right to take away roles or anythings else from others, if there isn't some common sense and moral commanding to do so. Likewise one must not interfere with the lives of others against what is fit behaviuour in the society.

385. People who demand very detailed copying of others, typically neglect badly the importance of a good eyesight.

386. If someone has the right to influence things because he/she has certain profession, it should be marked up how he/she uses those rights, since all do not use such with the professional quality and moral their work ought to have.

387. People's skills and moral vary from situation to situation and from subject to another, and sometimes in important jobs or tempting occasions someone may have been replaced by an actor or by someone who wanted to take that person's place. So what a person does may depend strongly on the situation, and so people should mark up and pay attention to if someone invests in some occasion in some tactic or feature that belongs to some entirely different level of skills and/or moral.

388. If one has lots of skills but something that one does does not work out as it should, then maybe trying via the basic skill level and basic ways of doing such in the society solves some social problems away, people suppose that one ought to do such things that way, so it may work even if more skilled ways of doing do not work out.

389. Some say that many of the big leaders all around the world are extremely short, which in their life caused that they needed to find good ways of communicating so that they can get bigger people to listen, and that means that often such grounds can be used to get big groups to agree about the same views, and so their shortness caused themt o be better leaders. So if it is said that power in the world belongs to the small, it in the political and official sense and in the adults' world means to the leaders of whom many happen to be small sized. But of course kids are loved and valued and people want to listent o kids too, even though that is a different thing from power in the world.

390. My impression is that in Finland and maybe in many other countries too the culture is very wise and very moral, with healthy spirit and lots of common sense, while the individuals often are evil and often without good quality civilized rationality in their effect on others and in the socioety.

391. In Finland the official figure is that just about all in Finland are Finns, while the behaviour of people gets often explained only via supposing that they are originally foreigners and often from some very different kind of country, for example 90% foreigners in Finland, ut I am not sure of that since when I was younger I was taught otherwise. For example some, quite many get angry because if cold and cool and mess with the lives of others, instead separating themselves from the cold air around and being separate also socially, not messing with the lives of others.

392. If elderly people in Finland are ill so that they cannot live at their home, they are taken care of by offering a place to live in, food, medicines and warm indoors & company. That is in someone's opinion much like how people in the tropics want to live. But it is not the choice of the Finnish elderly, since it is just what happens when they are ill. So the oldestm wisest people do not choose the ways of Africa etc, Africa isn't the wisest, it is just some care professionl's view of how they are forced to live. Africa's ways being similar to those of the ill would suggest that Africans live in a similar situation ordinarily and not a wise life as an example to others.

393. Some think that if something isn't forbidden, then such addition is allowed to anything, widening the area of what is allowed. But that isn't so. If for example very unsure quality isn't forbidden, there still is the demand of fitting into the society and that one must do with good quality. If something isn't forbidden in itself, it does not mean at all that such would be always allowed in everything.

394. Some people and cultures (like Finns for example) have still a contact with nature and can understand at least somewhat how animals communicate, for example learn healthy emotionality and other wisdom of life from birdsong and from the looks and gesture language of birds, and discuss with their pet things in the pet's life, maybe something more philosophical or wisdom of life too. But animals are often very social and so their style and ways of thinking etc vary according to whom they communicate with, and so all do not understand animals' wisdom. Some even think that animals do not have any wisdom, and so they term wisdom human likedness and some of them think that people who claim tyo communicate with animals ought to have human like animals to communicate with, for example apes, or even better some humans who maybe are somewhat animal like or just social or elementary in some sense, which of course is wrong: people who claim to communicate with local singing birds deserve company from just such birds in just such ways and not of apes or some humans instead..

395. No-one oguht to replace anyone else, not even animals. Instead all ought to have position and right according to what they themselves are like, not according to what rights others have.

396. It aren't animals' view that the fattest would be the wisest and most dominant. It is instead some humans' view of animals. In the spring when some birds ask still for seeds, some other bird individuals of the same or similar species say that they do not want to be in the summer time as fat as those individuals, and that it is the bird feeder's fault if they are fat in the summer time and suffer from the heat. Similarly in the winter time each bird individual has their own view of how fat to be to live happily and survive the weathers well.

397. All people and animals, even insects, have personal likings and other choices they tend to make so much that it is a burden to most in their environment. That is why those things ought to come to be their own environment, even if they are young, and not a part of their parents' lives, like one for example understands about toys and personal likings, and such starts at an early age, maybe even before the mom knows that she is pregnant.

398. It appears that even if one lives in a democracy where rights are in principle according to justice, also there some follow rules and some don't, some do big crimes and some take care of the world to a good state, and often when there is big unjustice these groups have been mixed, so for practical purposes it would be good to describe each person and their rights, and just check if it is so also this time, and not start from a picture allowing the same rights tyo all, since all do behave in different ways, often always quite same amount of moral on the same person, and for example different professions having different type of moral different behaviour.

399. It is not always so that those who need less food would be wiser than those who eat more, even much more. If things go light, that often causes one to need less food. I once read from somewhere that politicians when they do well in elections often don't need any food for days. I guess that it is support and feeling satisfied and having power and enough skills to overrule many obstacles. Also wisdom can overcome many obstacles and make life happy, but such is not the only reason for needing less food. Some may eat very little if at all when they eat some medicine that contain fat supplement or alters the body in some way that causes one to need less food. If one on the other hand has tough life or is without support when one would need such or helps people deep in trouble or is not wise, one needs more food and often would live healthier and happier if one were fat. Also people who produce much lower quality than they well can when they have eaten well, manage to survive with less food or as thin.

400. All people have social likings. They get along with some people and not with others. That often has a lot to do with how the others behave and what they are like, what areas of life they cultivate and in which ways. These likings and dislikings are typically communicated in expressions and social style. If someone looks angry and not interested, that person propably don't like you adding people you like to one's life, pretending that one is lonely or the like or always so angry looking wihtout a reason right then.

401. In ordinary language Japanese area would be some area abroad with Japanese culture there, with lots of Japanese and/or Japanese influence there, like Chinatown is a Chinese area. An area in japan would not be called Japanese area but said where it is in Japan. Similöarly of other clumsy expressions: often they refer to something entirely different because someone failed to mention being a foreigner.

402. People who are associated strongly with somne thing, who have it is their own place in the world, usually do not use absurd or crazy versions of it and do not usually suppose overly big position in it for themselves, but do have basic skills in it with good quality and values right. But in their social environment people who do not like them so much but who tend to talk about their things, may figure out wild versions of the thing and suppose to have overly big position in it, maybe even that they could lure with sex someone in position in it who does not know what their deeds are about, and have ridicule versions of the thing and make faces etc, so that in the eyes of quite many that is their idea of who has such hobby, value or job.

403. If some problem that looks like caused by someone, persists even though one has put restrictions on that person, one ought to check if it is some "joke"(?) of his/her environment, of many people, check who did what, what is the name of each person doiung such, year of birth, sex,nationality as young, professional inclination, what is their role in the situation, and find out if it really is one person only or like often happens some group or types of people messing around.

404. Often when someone with high skills gets overrun by people with much lower skills, for example even by a single person with low skills, it is a question of many thinking that such low skills are skills anyway and worth a praise, while the very skilled just  looks so different in style that they do not believe him/her having any skills in that area of life and propably not any life skills of everyday life on one's own either, and so they judge that the very skilled fails often and badly, while the one with low skills does well, succeeds and wins typically, almost always, and that then they try to put to practise via the force of the society.

405. For a country to be fit into the modern world, it may be that it should be prepared at least in extreme cases to use nuclear weapons. So it's ways and views are much easier to use by the big nations, etc, too. The same applies to individuals in discussions, for their views and rights to exist in practice. So even though Finland does not have nuclear weapons and is more skilled in peace negotiations than inclined to warfare.

406. Some people and some animals etc make so wished for impact to the world or to the life around that there is a wish for them to live a hundred years or more, or the like. For example my paradise theory made cyclic time possible, and such valuable input may interest or be wished for just in case for even thousands of years or more. Neglecting such wish may cause lack of luck to those whose input plus ordinary life is very much wished for.
On pets this often does not work out, since when one wishes for one's pet to live hundred years, someone takes it to be equivalent to human hundred years which on dogs is some 14 years, so if one wishes for long life, one ought to mention the year, for example untill the year 2100 or longer.

407. Many people who are not so skilled, talented, happy, moral or successful, anyway try to invest effort in appearing fine in such qualities. And so if some influence that ought to have been good by subject, looks, credit, style or the like, anyway leaves you yourself in tropuble, unskilled and with misfortune or lack of luck, it maybe is the influence of the realself of the same persons in that subject and not some misfortune of yours. Often people who invest lots of effort in one or few things manage to do well in them in what comes to points, but the audience with common sense and a fresh interest may have much more talent,m general skill level and happiness, since a fresh touch is good for such.

408. Usually from each person's view their own interests and their own life seems important and dominant in how things ought to be arranged. So for people to get along they have to be kept somewhat separate, so that for example the work of one and the sex affair of another do not get mixed but instead have separate space and time.

409. Some animals are wise, but animals think in different way/style from humans, so that copying ways of thinking from animals often does not produce good quality thinking since the lives and teh ways of discussing and the type of experience of life are different.

410. If it is warm and someone just passed by or was a moment earlier where you are now, there is some smell of how they live there, and some can get from the bacteria or dirt there the same message: for example in what way they sat there, what way they then lived, and kind of come along with them for a short distance. Some who are maybe from the tropics, think of such as a good way to communicate even thoughts: by seeing the perspective and ways of doing of the other one one can maybe think through some of their thought. But usually it isn't much that oen can think through that way, but it may be that if sometimes communication is slow andcomes to a halt every now and then, they the one communicating maybe thinks that one ought to sense these messages from the bacteria about the ways of living of others and consider them thought. It maybe happens especially if the person needs to tune to a new clomate where people havce good skills. But ordinarily people observe more such information by seeing the other one walk past them than by the messages of the bacteria. But people from the tropic or from some countries in the tropics do not have good enough eyesight for that as far as I know.

411. Each culture's style, kind of character is tuned to it's weathers, to it's climate. If one is unprepared to so tough, such toughness, whether it is in weather or in some side of the life there, interrupts normal life, kind of makes an end to it. That is one reason why one ought not copy habits etc from very different climates. If the weather some day in Finland is tough for some Finn, it is kind of "Oh hoh, how tough! But it seems that I could anyway live it in some quite ordinary way." While if someone is tuned to eskimo style in Finalnd, that often makes one just wonder why do they want to destroy everything, this isn't eskimo land, mostly eskimo ways do not fit here.

412. Typically people associating a lot with some subject do not want extra relations about it, but people who do not associate with it but who are very interested in it and ask for such contacts for themselves would like such contacts very much. Let people choose by themselves what they want, do not classify them more to a group that they somehow belong to, if they do not ask more of it from you, and in just such sense more. If you yourself are interested init, keep that interest to yourself, and share it with others wit such a liking, and not with the professionals etc.

413. Finns value the original Finnish Kalevala, not knowing much about the translations.

414. If one seeks to conversate with all kinds of beings, also animals. Then the attempt to conversate with bacteria or wit those who use a lot bacterias' viuew, means that those bacteria tend to come to your body and affect your state of mind, ways of living etc toward the one of thesource of the bacteria. So one ought not seek to conversate with the bacteria so big part of the time.

415. In conversation each participant says his/her own opinion of how things are. Such ius meant to be good for one's thinking ability and for individual freedom. Such opinions are not meant to be followed rule like or like boss's command, except if something is done to a certain person, that person's own wish is listened to diligently anfd with good will. Instead of following opinions people follow civiliced wisdom if something is done, a kind of liberal minded version of it that takes into account different possibilities that people have mentioned.

416. Quite many people mistakenly suppose that people who associate with each other would be alike, but often that us not so. Also, if someone thinks that be associating with someone one gets automatically that kind of position at least somewhatm it is for some a reason to go to the oppisite to the extreme or at least quite much.

417. If a younger or less skilled person has the tendency to lean on others, such affects a lot the person leaning and not the other one, or so it ought to be.

418. It is possible and happens quite often for many that they are concentrated to more than one thing at a time and yet can say of them separately that "This thing that I am now doing." or "This person that I am concentrated to in practice right now.", like for example talking with someone at the same time as reading a short text and paying attention to the viewpoint of the writer.

419. Finnish speaking Finns as a group do not admire other nationalities above Finns. Finns value Finnish summer cottage life more than Finns value American indians. The respect foreigenrs get in Finland is a result of Finnish speaking Finns valuing Finnish speaking finnish culture and not knowing so much about other cultures, which often are a disappointment after the Finnish speaking Finnish culture.

420. How much one enjoys food, decreases if one's wisdom of life increases and one had an ok way of eating to beging with, since when the rest of one's life is better, happier, one does not need so much food and so one is not so hungry and also the food isn't so much better than other things anymore.

421. Disappeared persons high in the hierargy, like the pope, presidents, etc, are often travelling in Finland, since high in the hierargy means carrying responsibility about a wide area in a good quality way and many Finns carry responsiubility about the whole world and do it with good quality objective thinking with a picture of the whole, and so very many Finns may be marked higher than some high officials abroad, and so many people lose sight of them if they travel in Finland, since they used to recognice them by their position high in the hierargy.
As far as I know I am/used to be the highest or among the highest in such a hierargy in the human kind. Some Buddha may be higher. I am a skilled objective thinker and my paradise theory (see ) makes cyclic view on time possible in the present day world. I have always tried to be quite ordinary since so there are good possibilities ofr life and my answers work for many kinds of people.
Such position is a question of responsibility and of talents and skills that are results of insight and diligent practise of tens of years, and so they do not spread to the environment, especially not in full amount and as good quality, even though some such appearance spreads at least for a short while to the social environment.

422. Being ill makes one's attention poorer, one has lower capacity and may be more stupid than usually. If one is partly ill but takes part in life quite much as usual, one typically has poorer attention as usually and tends to bypass things without paying proper attention or noticing at all. Such is typical to some persons and some professions, who then tend to think that good quality often demands slowing down and pausing to think and to concentrate.

423. "Woman role" is as far as I know a term that boys use of themselves when somethiung they do is too woman like for them or very woman like in their eyes. They try to form a picture of each kind of persons and so they also try to learn some skills of women in order to understand that side of life and oif the world and in order to have good variety of skills for life. Girls and women instead just are women, not some role in that but just live and sometimes or very roguhly quite often that may be somewhat like clishee like women, but often it just is something like their life,v iews and values and skills are and so that typical women's feature is called woman like, and anyway they are women even if they are in some way unusual.

424. If someone wrote a text or made a song or the like and someone is interested in it, they typically first want to hear some reader's or listener's opinion of it, and not of the author's. If they want a better opinion, they maybe want some professional to evaluate and tella botu it.So public relations jobs in such go to quite beginners and professionals, far away from influencing the author, and very seldom there is the author as one participant.

425. The nursing professions ought not have special rights to affect people's or animals' lives on the virtual side, or at least such rights ought to be demanded good quality and fair play and allowed fairly to others too. The nursing professions often have very low quality which is not enough for rights, likeiwse work ethic should be demanded, real moral in what one does and not just lies.
In my experience have evil deeds, very many even devil like, been the most common in them, so ordinary level is not enough, please use common sense!

426. Some foreigners want to be better than Finns in Finnish tyoe of skills and values, but since they have different background they aren't even interested in learning such skills in the Finnish amount. So instead of using Finnsísh scales and Finnish values in such they ought to use the values and scales of their original homecountry, since propably they are good in that way and win and on the other hand Finns can stay Finnish and have the same skills as before and values too.

427. It quite often happens that those who claim to be sexual overrun the rights of those who are not sexual, but such happens also if the latter are sexual and the former not, so can it be instead a question of who has eaten Chinese(?)/Asian noodles or the like?

428. People sometimes express spontaneous liking or disliking toward different people and things too. Such needs extra information about what was the thing liked or disliked, what is it's correct place in the world, what it ought to decide and how and what not, hoiw widely it ought to affect, in which ways and inside which rules of game. Otherwise food and comfortable ways get too much position compared to widely good choices in life and in the world.

429. Some people are so ill or so much in trouble that they just want warm and comofrtable life without much to do and without much chances to affect things. Such people if thye are from such country and climate too, seldom understand the value of full health and the joy of active healthy kind of life, freedom of individuals, responsibility, etc.

430. It seems that in practice people, and animals too, maybe other things too, get classified somehow and live roughly the same kind of lives via some psiritual or mental connection that has gone ashtray in a varied amount.

431. One must not choose influencies,social contacts etc for oneself and then just tranfer some of them to others, since others have different favourite songs, different skill level different social ways, different interests, different relationships to groups and individuals, different other influencies, different position in the society and social life, etc

432. Some people tend to mark people attacking to be bigger,stronger, higher in position thanb the person they attack, but that of course is not typically so. All people ought to be judged by their own charactyeristics and their own deeds, values etc. It is typical that some minor person wants to attck some famous person to gain publicity or position, so positions too must be estimated separately for each individual and group.

433. In making a peice of art or individual writing work to the public, there is much need for individualityy and not for company. Keeping company is different from doing together. Alsao in doing together one needs persoinal space, room for individual ways of doing, interestsm values etc. Especially when one gets older or is unusually skilled, one  does not need to lean on others so much anuýmore, and instead one needs room for one's own ways of doing, especially since others tend to term them kind of public, models for others and so try to transform them to a rigid form that does not allow individual ways of doing atht are the ground for skills and happiness.

434. Some people, maybe foreigners, think that it would be good if all had someone higher than them who supports them and kind of commands, even if the person were so skilled and/or so high in hierarchy that the so called supporter would have just lied position and very low quality, just nonsense and crime. But such is not good at all. If support is needed, civiliced culture gives it to civiliced behaviour of also those who are the most skilled or highest in some hierarchy, and the people following civiliced culture give support in civiliced ways for civiliced behaviour. No need for highest rights for nonsense.

435. High in a hierarchy according to justice isn't a thing toi oppose since it means that that thing is highly benefical to a wide area. Much too high compared to justice means criminally high and is a thing to oppose since such is harmful to a wide area. Such harmfulness is typical to crimes, so crimes ought to be opposed the way high position of others often is opposed.

436. There is some kind of clishee of a maybe young person observing a group that he/she is a member of and noticing that someone is bypassed and so supposing that that poerson is weak and will soon die or lose or move away. But usually that is not so, but instead the bypassed person is attacked by some cunning and is in fact strong or quite strong but not social at all in the way others suppose, and so she/he does not react the way others expect, but instead react some other way, for example waiting. And so it is more like losing a communication connection and changing group because of that.

437. In countries with ahigh level of education uneducated foreigners may often come to think "I did not come to think anything else, only this came to my mind, so I did it." and so since that is just an association or a guess, it is a crime or does not work out and so doiung it is also a crime, and so the wish for foreigners too to think and work may end up many of them doing many evil deeds. One ought to know that in educatiuon one just reads and memorizes and that's it, no own ideas included, and that is largeluy the custom in highly educated countries with an emphazis on working life.

438. In countries with high level of education foreigners who move to live there are often inclined toward studies, because they feel that such would make the situation more even and more like what they wish for themselves, but typically they are older than the usual school age and so it often happens that they cause masses of forcing toward years of studies but who gets forced to study goes wrong and it is the kids of that country and teenagers and young adults of that country who are forced to study. Generally it is so that if someone is skilledm he/she does not feel a need to study a loyt of the ordinary things but instead is already skilled in them. While those who have problems in such feel that studies and important and that one ought to study a lot, but such sounds so good behaviour that no-one checks whether they study at all or not, and so they force the skilled to study a loty since they think that studies are for skills. Likewise at least 40 years old people tend to need some extra training for good quality, and so they are for some kind of sacvhool but not the ordinary amount, and so ordinary school goes once again easily in socialö situations to those younger generation people who have it already too much in their lives, are kind of clishee like school pupils an dstudents.

439. Influencies that come against your wish and persons that associate with you against your wish may be things and persons that some others think are your hobbies or interesting subjects for you, subjects that you wish to think about and associate with for the time being.

440. If you meet some person and are social with him/her, maybe discuss something, you get via social ways influences from that person's way of thinking, picture of the world, values, viewpoint, mood, etc and so you start to behave somewhat like him/her and feel somewhat like he/she now feels, and that influence stays with you a while until that encounter no longer is the last thing in your mind or so. So if you for example notice that you feel bold as if you understood much, keep it as a possibility that the person you meet understands much. Or if you feel that other persons appear to have some characteristic, keep it as a guess that from the viewpoint of the person you now discuss with they really are such, for example because the person has opposite characteristics in that respect, for example opposite values or a different level of skill.

441. Some people suppose that it would be somehow benefical for them to rob the best versions of everything to thmeselves, even if they are of a different type than the robbed and even if they had themselves chosen different options. But that is not so. Each person and a group have their own skill levels and own values and own likings, things suited to themnselves. One can learn from the teacher level persons  but not from anyone with high skiulls and especially the personal choices of the highly skilled suit just their own needs and not everybody. Likewise when it is a question of cultures. 

442. When someone dies, those who do not know she/he died but who liked the person or need her/him, may try to sea´rch if that person is there or there or where, and so others tend to get more influences from that person, kind of be recognized to be that person, if they do not in such occasions tell that they are not at all that person and do not want to take that person's tasks, characteristics and virtues to themseölves.

443. In objective thibnking and often in skills, the one who is more skilled, observes more, in a landscaoe like way with lots of things noticed and taken into account, while th unskilled observe only some things and do not have skills to take much into account. If one aims for fair play, the skilled and responsible ought to have rights to do much while the not at all skilled and not at all responsible ought not have any rights to do anything much. So the usual guess of the latter that they would be allowed to attack at least as many times more the other one as they have smalled understanding, is not at all right, but insteaf fair play demands quite the opposite: the skilled and responsible ought to be allowed to do many more deeds than the unresponsible.

444. If someone is said to be in skills, values and/or behaviour like a FInn, that means the average of adult Finns of one's own gender and mostly of one's own age too. If one is at the skill level of some Finnish children or teenagers, one does not say one to be at the level of Finns but instead at the level of Finns so and so many years old. Likewise if one is at the level of Finns of a different age, one must mention the age difference, like how many years younger are at the same skill level. And being at the same skill level as some Finnish individual or group means that one must mention just that individual or group instead of just Finns. Also if one isn't like the average, one ought to mention what one is like, for example one's best successes being like some Finns at their worst times.

445. People who tend to interfere a lot on other people's affairs or who demand more laborous life from others, propably often think that some part of their own life, for example some minutes of their own free time or what it is in practice like in their work, are too lazy or too alone without others interfering, and so they long for more such qualities to their own life, maybe constantly, also when resting, and would stop being such a burden of others if they themselves would not be left in peace at all.

446. Sometimes, especially young, people without social eye to such things, may want to consider them nonsense, superfluous and to be opposed if they are told about such observations, about such things, like religion for example. So they ought not be told about so complex and so finely tuned things compared to what they can themselves observe and believe in.

447. If people think you are more widely religious than what you are, they may consider just about all your human contacts religious even if they obviously are not, and so they get some extra support even if they behacve badly. So you ought to redetermine your amount of religiousness.

448. Some think that if they cannot understand something, they themselves would have the right to produce nonsense and affect others so even much and even enemy like. But of course tne not understanding something does not change the rules in a society.

449. Some think erroneously that all should be allowed to affect in as wide questions and in as important questions as others, regardless of who is moral in them and who has skills for them and who is good willing in them. But such of course causes lots of crime and unjustice, since civiliced wisdom says how one ought to behave in such things, and so the wise do only so, while the unwise and criminal cause lots of harm. The same happens if one looks at people and thinks that they all ought to have looks of affecting as much and in as important questions as the others have some opinion and room to affect. Instead one ought to respect justice. If you do not carryu responsibility about all the consequences of what you do or if you do not have enough skills, you ought not be allowed to affect such questions at all. While if you are responsible enough and have enough skills, you ought to be allowed to affect.

450. As far as I know, demanding in Finland "a role like Sweden" does not refer to Sweden at all, but instead to saying aloud as a theory perspective like taught to kids at school, what are Finnish values, Finnish culture like, Finnish ways of thinking, basic Finnish skills and the like - so it isn't just common sense and the personal wisdom of each like Finns often value, but instead a theory perspective of a certain skill level but of good quality so that all ought to follow it, with healthy spiurit of course.

451. When arrangements are made, they ought to be made according to objective view of the world, at least as objective as is the idea in school, and not based on sensations, feelings,social things etc,except objectively, noty in guessesbut just on proper picture of the world and an objective picture of the siotuation as a whole and as a part of one's picture of the world.

452. Quite often if one is very skilled,m the not at all skilled do not understand  such style to cantain any skill, and so they behave as if the very skilled were just neglecting all basic level truths and basci skills, obligations etc. So it would be needed that shool level and under school level persons would be kept somewhat in control of the more skilled yet quite ordinarty level persons, so that they would not attack the very skilled. For example a well working sopution is typically atmosheric, kind of musical, and so music like style that is not acted is oftne connected with great skill that is of the type of good ways of doing and wisdom of life plus a well working society and good moral in the world.

453. Carrying responsibility is a character trait like a value. It means that one cares important things morally to well when one associates with such things. But it does not tell whether one associates with such things or not. And it does not mean any priviledges or rights, such is a different thing, and neither does it mean such a person having such a job.

454. Usually when someone says something using the word "role", it is either like seeking for words or like very personal communication tied to the occasion and to the person talked to. So it is not a rule to apply any more widely and especially not to other persons.

455. People who understand gesture language, tones of voice and atmospheres, typically use lots of markings coveying some kinds of social information, and so they often are placed near each other which is no reason to consider them the same subject. For example if some one says "Yes, go on, you can well do so." there often comes a style of the one talking with the words, but it is just encouragement and the person talked to ought to use one's own way of doing, like is pleasant and works well for that person. Similarly of people do something together: social eye tells how others do,a dn that informatioon is often received via one's own body, via it's gesture language, while one ought to do things independently in one's own ways anyway,m and it is poleasant so. Also in the same things done there are many sides, like for example mood affects how one looks at things, yet the sharpness of eyesgiht is largely  a separate thing from it.

456. Often, especially at a quite ypung age, people believeif someone tells them about something one has read or about a song they are about to listen, that those told things would be information from the author of the text or song, but that is not so. Only the words of the text and the way of singing, maybe the melody are from the authors, but the interpretation, the extra social and other information given, the wider picture of the world and the told things about the meanings and intentions in the text or song or the like are from the supposed minor person fully, ffully from the familiar persons close by and not from the authors at all, and so the near byu persons give most of the information, most of the views are their own and only some general knowledge from reading from the authors.

457.   Sometimes,maybe more often than what one would guess, there are animals along. It is quite possible to teach animals a good thinking ability and some well behaving ways:

"monday 14. september 2020

Easy quick school for animals, especially pets and birds

 Animals which associate closely with humans, especially pets, ofr example dogs, sometimes ask if there could be a school for animals too. I have written advices about learning common sense like objective thinking and about fitting into the society, so here is my version of a kind of school for animals:

1) Thinking: use a landscape like view that observes structures. Good practise for this is looking at familiar scenes and landscapes with trees and some life in them. Trees and nature make observation ability better and join the sense of sight topgether with the sense of atmospheres, which is also good for thinking.

For teaching this to a dog that is interested in learning it, go outdoors to some peaceful enough place where there are trees but not overly amess. Do not strand face to face by your pet but instead side by sode so that it looks at the same landscape as you, and so you can look at it so that it sees it the same way and then you can walk to a bush, tree, street's side lawn etc like observed firstm, and that's it.

2) Fitting into the society: The advice "Live and let others live!" is good for this. Think of each person and each group sovereign as the trunk and branches of a tree in a park. It does not mess with the branches of other trees and those too leave it alone, to freely and happily live it's own life. Good will toward others is a good advice here.

 Another piece of advice is for all to work for better life in a better living environment, like work, hobbies, friends, caring for the environment, making the society good to live in.

3) Wisdom of life and healthy ways of living you can partly learn from how tree branmches curve topward light and what is their atmosphere, the mood it seems to refer to and the kind of life, and partly from sport and healthy kind of life on all areas of life.

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There are also some other things that have often come to my mind when thinking of a school for animals, especially for pets and birds, maybe for mice too.

4) About teaching an animal to read there is a video about reading Finnish language at , but for it one must first understand spoken language, which often goes by associating with humans and paying attention to the situations and tones of voice, and later by remembering also the atmospheres of the spoken language. Finnish language is written like it is pronouced, but there are some differencies between literature's language and the words of spoken language.

5) The square looks of houses etc are a consequence of it being so easy to place two or more parts next to each other tightly and so that one can choose from nay options, what to place so. So one can build shelter from weathers and from dangers and use materials economically. Such houses also offer fiar chances for different types i´of individuals and a possibility for privacy. The square looks of houses are not good for intelligence and quality of life. For them it is good to look at trees outside the window. If life indoors feels tough, do not attach yourself to build things but instead only to the nature outside the window and to outdoors at large.
